"Your godliness speaks through your creaturehood
It is not debased, and no entities took upon themselves the disreputable descent into matter. Your souls are not slumming! You are NOT the garbage heap of the universe. You are yourselves becoming. And you are creating, in your way, a unique reality in which, in your terms, each moment is miraculous and, in your terms, forever new - in which you own identities are forever original and unduplicated and composed of atoms and molecules that are themselves unique, original, and unduplicated. And your atoms and molecules are not slumming! you are not cosmic princesses and prince who come down here to immerse yourselves in lives of sorrow and degradation - who wear physical bodies of great weight, gross and sinful!
You are spirits who express yourselves through the miraculous joy of flesh, who create the creation unknown, in your terms, before - that is in its way, eternal. Who bring to the universe, a reality unknown, in your terms, before - that is in its way, eternal. Who wear your badge of identity a joy and exaltation through which the flesh sings.
And those who tell you that physical life is evil, do not know of what they are speaking. And those who tell you that you have original sin, do not know what original creation is. As I have told you before, those who speak to you in terms of guilt, in whatever terms - ignore them! Those who tell you that to be spiritual is not to be physical, do not understand the great spiritual, biological nature of being. They have not listened to the song that your physical organ sing. They have not dreamed in their minds, using the physical neurons. They have not sparkled within themselves like stars. And so, experiencing night, they think that existence is dark.
Open up those eyes that you have! Perceive the reality that you know, and it alone leads you into other realities that are also your own. Gods indeed couched in creaturehood - and for a reason. You have legs: use them! You have consciousness: use it! You have minds: use them! And use your joy - and smile!
Listen to the vitality of your own being, be alert to your own vitality, and let it ring through the reality of your thoughts and sensations, and it will lead you where you want to go and where you are. But forget your profundity, and do not fear shadows, and forget what you have been told of good and evil, and be your alive vital self in which the godhood of yourself dwells."
~ Excerpt from Seth Class Session 1973 (before any of the books were published.)
Just a happy reminder of who we are today, as the snow falls gently and with such natural grace, it is a wonder to behold! ...as are you!
What a magnificent reminder. I'm feeling emotionally grateful and happy these days, surrounded by these reminders every where I turn. OMG. Thank you, Dae, for posting Seth's beautiful words.
That's a wonderful quote! I think Lynda put that up at one point and I saved it in my "keepers" collection. :D
Good morning! Dae, I just read again the quote you posted--Your Godliness Speaks Through Your Creaturehood. What a really good way to continue on my day, this reminder from Seth. Thank you.
I love the short detailed quotes too. My friend David Ross posts a daily offering that is available if you like it in your mailbox. Maggie is the same those of you have 'met' and she sends out a shout-out, texas style to all. She and I met via Google Hangouts Video group, an every other week on line meeting I was invited into. We do this on Wed. and david ross is one of our hosts. If someone wants to be a part of.... I'll put his contact info below the quote.
Importance And Imaginative Use Of Intent
You are growing in consciousness; therefore using it expands its capabilities. It is not a thing, but an attribute and characteristic. That is why your understanding and desire are so important. The processes initiated are beyond your normal awareness. They occur automatically with your intent if you do not block them through fear, doubt or opposing beliefs.
Imagine yourself as a portion of an invisible universe, but one in which all the stars and planets are conscious and full of indescribable energy. You are aware of this. Think of this universe as having the form of a body. If you want to, visualize its outline brilliant against the sky. The suns and planets are your cells, each filled with energy and power but awaiting your direction.
Then see this image exploding into your own consciousness, which is unbelievably bright. Realize that it is a portion of a far greater multidimensional structure, spread out in an even richer dimension. Feel the greater self sending you energy as you send energy to your cells. Let it fill your being and then direct it physically any place within your body that you choose.
If instead there is a physical event that you strongly desire, then use that energy to imagine its actual occurrence as vividly as you can. If you follow these directions and understand the meaning for them as given, you will find the results most startling and effective.
Energy may be directed to any portion of the body, and if you do not block its actions by disbeliefs, that portion will be cured. Remember, however: If you hold the belief that you are a sickly person, then that will hinder you. In that case, then, changing that particular kind of belief should be your first concern.
– Seth, The Nature Of Personal Reality, Chapter 9
The above quote was my "guiding prayer" is some very dark times to change my frequency. So, yeah, I love this one.
David Ross <david@blindwisdom.org> Long time seth student also. <3 love to all
Quote from: daethyme on January 20, 2015, 04:39:29 PM
You are growing in consciousness; therefore using it expands its capabilities. It is not a thing, but an attribute and characteristic. That is why your understanding and desire are so important. The processes initiated are beyond your normal awareness. They occur automatically with your intent if you do not block them through fear, doubt or opposing beliefs.
I sense this happening in myself. Validation is coming faster and faster these days. I've almost felt that hint of fear/doubt that it's real, but I have decided to toss that aside and "play" with the possibilities. Lots of "wows" have been happening lately that make me laugh and shake my head in disbelief.
Quote from: daethyme on January 20, 2015, 04:39:29 PM
Imagine yourself as a portion of an invisible universe, but one in which all the stars and planets are conscious and full of indescribable energy. You are aware of this. Think of this universe as having the form of a body. If you want to, visualize its outline brilliant against the sky. The suns and planets are your cells, each filled with energy and power but awaiting your direction.
Then see this image exploding into your own consciousness, which is unbelievably bright. Realize that it is a portion of a far greater multidimensional structure, spread out in an even richer dimension. Feel the greater self sending you energy as you send energy to your cells. Let it fill your being and then direct it physically any place within your body that you choose.
Another awesome quote! I don't think Seth ever wasted a word. I can see this being a really great meditation exercise. I'm going to check out the blindwisdom site next, it sounds interesting. Thank you, as always.
Oh yeah--that passage from Seth's NOPR is a mind blower. When I picked up NOPR last year for yet another reading (spread out over the years) and got to the page about the invisible universe and the stars and planets and all that energy, I was just bowled over. SO glad to see it here on the forum!