~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Bora137 on February 19, 2022, 05:05:48 AM

Title: The line between consciousness expanding and suppressing emotions
Post by: Bora137 on February 19, 2022, 05:05:48 AM
"Each of you must work from the point of your own reality. There is no other way. Period. If you feel filled with rage, then do not say, "I am filled with peace," and expect results. You will only be blanketing your feelings and inhibiting your energy and power. If you are furious, then beat a pillow and experience the rage, but without violence to another. Work it through until you are physically exhausted. If you do this honestly the reasons for the fury will come to you, and they will often be quite obvious. You simply did not want to face them."

—NoPR Chapter 17: Session 663, May 14, 1973

Quote from Quo of Law of One -
"You have been a magician each time that you have faced a situation in life and made a conscious choice to respond to catalyst that is offered you in a way which was not automatic in your responsive system. When you have chosen a higher path, when you have chosen a soft word instead of a harsh one, a kind action instead of a rude one, or an honest if hard answer instead of a hypocritical though easy one, you have acted in a magical way, choosing to lift your consciousness to a higher path."

I think the law of one advice here though certainly something to work towards could be misunderstood by some who might take to mean negative emotions should be suppressed, which of course we know is a dangerous path.

I think also we can see the point of view of the respective channels being influenced by the plane they are inhabiting and speaking from. Seth the plane of knowledge, Quo the plane of love and knowledge combined = wisdom. They are speaking from their current view point, just as Seth in the top quote says we must (work from the point of your own reality). So always I think when applying the advice of channels there is a degree to which they are speaking for themselves while at the same time attempting to give advice applicable to our human condition so we must translate it as to what works best for us instead of taking them absolutely literally. I think Seth has more understanding of the human condition so his advice I feel is easier to use.
Title: Re: The line between consciousness expanding and suppressing emotions
Post by: inavalan on February 19, 2022, 03:33:57 PM
I think this is a relevant quote, because it seems that when Seth mentions "love" he refers to something different than most of us consider this word to refer to:

Title: Re: The line between consciousness expanding and suppressing emotions
Post by: inavalan on February 19, 2022, 11:18:39 PM
Quote from: Bora137 on February 19, 2022, 05:05:48 AM"Each of you must work from the point of your own reality. There is no other way. Period. If you feel filled with rage, then do not say, "I am filled with peace," and expect results. You will only be blanketing your feelings and inhibiting your energy and power. If you are furious, then beat a pillow and experience the rage, but without violence to another. Work it through until you are physically exhausted. If you do this honestly the reasons for the fury will come to you, and they will often be quite obvious. You simply did not want to face them."

—NoPR Chapter 17: Session 663, May 14, 1973


The way I understand it, our emotions have a major role in creating our reality because of their intensities.

Rage isn't detrimental to those against whom it is directed, but it is detrimental to the enraged person, because it affects their reality by selecting for them probabilities that cause more rage: we create what we focus on.

Although this happens in the awake reality too, it is easier to observe it in your dreams: unchecked anger, rage almost always degenerate in fear, which is the most detrimental emotion from the point of view of creating reality.
Title: Re: The line between consciousness expanding and suppressing emotions
Post by: Bora137 on February 20, 2022, 09:42:07 AM
Totally agree. I love the reality is a mirror analogy. When you notice something or some thought in your day create a negative feeling in you that is place to start work, uncover the negative root belief first then use one of Seth's techniques to replace. So say your experience is that you are not popular at work, you discover a belief  such as 'people don't like me because I'm smart' ok so why do I need to go around being smart you ask yourself and you discover the underlying core belief  'all I have is my smartness otherwise I'm worthless.' Great, so now use a replace the negative belief with its positive opposite self hypnosis mantra of say 'im of complete value and have nothing to prove' or something. Then of course reality starts to mirror that new core belief. In fact the rage or anger felt are just signposts but not to something external as I certainly used to suppose, it is always internal. The sign posts are a gift really at least when you know how to change your core beliefs.
Title: Re: The line between consciousness expanding and suppressing emotions
Post by: inavalan on February 20, 2022, 02:20:40 PM
Quote from: Bora137 on February 20, 2022, 09:42:07 AMTotally agree. I love the reality is a mirror analogy. When you notice something or some thought in your day create a negative feeling in you that is place to start work, uncover the negative root belief first then use one of Seth's techniques to replace. So say your experience is that you are not popular at work, you discover a belief  such as 'people don't like me because I'm smart' ok so why do I need to go around being smart you ask yourself and you discover the underlying core belief  'all I have is my smartness otherwise I'm worthless.' Great, so now use a replace the negative belief with its positive opposite self hypnosis mantra of say 'im of complete value and have nothing to prove' or something. Then of course reality starts to mirror that new core belief. In fact the rage or anger felt are just signposts but not to something external as I certainly used to suppose, it is always internal. The sign posts are a gift really at least when you know how to change your core beliefs.
As far as I know, those of us who try to do this, in spite of some strong conscious expectations for it to work, most of the time aren't successful. Why?

I think that the answer is, partially, in your original quote:

Another reason, I believe, is the way we look for the limiting belief that is the basis of our predicament. We try to find it by reasoning, using our intellect, so that is unlikely to unveil us the psychological reason, and we won't address it.

Title: Re: The line between consciousness expanding and suppressing emotions
Post by: Bora137 on February 20, 2022, 04:56:18 PM
I understand what you mean. The intellect as part of the ego will seek to hide beliefs that empower it. Mostly our worse aspects are hidden from us, we believe them to be not of us but a characteristic of the outer world. Empowering the intuition, asking it questions, following to where our negative emotions lead can help identify the problem root belief.

I had a problem where I realised I was giving away my power to someone else, taking on and internalising their negative view of me - I was tricked into thinking that negative view was actually me! The ego fighting against that image, so I felt the ego was protecting me, of course it was not it was just making itself seem needed. After a while of searching I found this mantra in a Louise Hay book 'i am the power and authority in my life' Saying this for ten minutes each day for a few weeks made me at times near completely ignorant of others' views of me. This did fix the problem of taking on negative views of myself from others but it made me a little blunt when interacting with people. I still use it but not too much as I need my empathy. So  for me I have found these self hypothesis techniques very worthwhile. But I take your point about the intellect definitely and the barriers to finding the root negative belief. It's a life's work really.

Title: Re: The line between consciousness expanding and suppressing emotions
Post by: inavalan on February 20, 2022, 06:35:35 PM
Quote from: Bora137 on February 20, 2022, 04:56:18 PM...

I just realized that I didn't pay attention to this thread's subject line:
I don't seem to understand what you are exactly referring to. Would you explain a little more?

Title: Re: The line between consciousness expanding and suppressing emotions
Post by: Bora137 on February 21, 2022, 07:32:25 AM
In the post I was comparing how Seth suggests we should respond to negative emotion provoking situations and how Quo of law of one suggests we do - the latter though admirable I suggested could be taken to mean negative emotions should be suppressed - which Seth tells us is dangerous. However both paths should lead to an expansion in consciousness through their suggesting of taking different approaches to the norm when encountering negative stimuli. Then I went on a bit saying how channels speak from their current view point.
Title: Re: The line between consciousness expanding and suppressing emotions
Post by: Deb on February 21, 2022, 01:30:22 PM
"Each of you must work from the point of your own reality....  If you do this honestly the reasons for the fury will come to you, and they will often be quite obvious. You simply did not want to face them."

Another great Seth quote, and it counters the "fake it till you make it" that others would tell us. Fury and rage are certainly strong emotions, kind of hard to put a bandaid on and call it good. To me they come from feeling of helplessness, a loss of power over one's own life. Thankfully we have Seth's "you make your own reality" to explain that we're also making the realities we don't appreciate... therefore have the power to change that as hard as that may be to believe at times.

The Quo quote to me was contradictory to what Seth is saying, in that choosing different words rather than impulsive ones means you're on a higher path... because it leaves out the part of looking within to see why those impulses would be there in the first place. The old "The way someone treats you says everything about them and nothing about you."

So yes, I did misunderstand the advice there. But then I haven't read much law of one writings, Seth is so much easier for me to understand. Thanks for explaining the different perspectives of Seth and LoO, I had no idea about the different planes.
Title: Re: The line between consciousness expanding and suppressing emotions
Post by: Bora137 on February 21, 2022, 04:06:12 PM
The planes are a Ra thing I don't think Seth divides things up like that or I haven't read anything in the material like that.