Mark H quotes from this section I quote below in this thread,2625.0.html and it got me thinking it could do with it's own topic.
I was intrigued as to what Seth is saying about how we use the powers he has taught us to get what we want. I was also surprised that Seth writes - 'you cannot force reality to give you what you want' and how going after the 'wrong' thing, the thing often that the ego desires may lead us to get a traffic ticket. What form do these tickets take? Seth goes on to say quite clearly that we are on a path that will teach us everything we need is already inside us. That which is external to us cannot add to our value. If we seek external things that will not lead us to enlightenment so in those cases we could get a ticket. I'm thinking a ticket then maybe is the external thing you have obtained going wrong in someway.
"You are not sure enough of your own abilities or of your own worth. You cannot drive through physical life in the same way that you drive your car down the highway. You shall indeed, get traffic tickets and of a different kind, only you yourself give yourself tickets. You cannot force reality to give you what you want. You cannot manipulate events for egotistical purposes. You can manipulate events and you can manipulate them for your own egotistical purposes; but when you do so, you give yourself a traffic ticket. You must want what is best for your own development and the development of others rather than specifically determining what you think consciously is better for you and then trying to force or coerce fate to get this for you. If you want what is best for your own development and what is best for the development of others, then you shall attain it. It shall come to you effortlessly. I am leading up to certain issues here. You are not always aware of what is best for you on a conscious level. Often the person that you think you want or need is not the person you want or need on other levels. When you drive your car you often attempt to speed through reality as quickly as you can, and you are pleased with yourself as the driver of the vehicle. You like driving because you feel that it gets you where you want to go and quickly, and you do not mind breaking a few small rules of the road in the process. Now the small rules that you break, are indeed, minute ones. It is not that you break a specific rule; it is the attitude that allows you to break the rule; and this applies to other roads beside the physical highway. You want to get to your destination too quickly. The destination is within you. You do not have to go any place to get that destination; and it is only when you think that that destination lies elsewhere that you allow yourself to go astray. Your identity is within you and do not look for it in others. This is perhaps the strongest point of my message to you this evening, the one I would have you take to heart. When you realize that your own identity is within you will not spend energy seeking to find yourself in others. Others cannot give you a sense of worth; this is your own. Any lack is your own lack. I may perhaps deal with more specific issues this evening. But I will not discuss them until these points have been made."
• "Now you have indeed been doing well. And I do congratulate you. You are too impatient both with your own development and the development of others. You want your destination now and you want to get to that destination as quickly as possible, 85-95 miles a minute, you see. You have given yourself several traffic tickets. Now, you have learned a good deal, and I know that you have tried. It does no good to understand issues intellectually, however, or even to understand them intuitively unless you understand them so thoroughly that they become a part of your daily life. Much that you know you have made a part of your life, but you still wish to use your knowledge for your own conscious purposes. You are still not willing to say let me develop as I should develop. You are still saying let me develop as I think I should develop. The I being a highly egotistical I. You are still saying, let me develop as I want to develop. You are still saying I want this person or I want that person or that thing. Therefore shall I use this ability and this knowledge to gain it. And that is why you have given yourself a traffic ticket now and then, What you are learning is a technique for self-development. You cannot use it, therefore, to attain those things that do not pertain to your own self-development and the techniques will not help you get something that you were not meant to have nor that you have before decided as an entity that you should not have. I will leave specifics for later. Nevertheless, the facts remain that your own inner self and your own entity have given you challenges that you have accepted. Now you know these challenges; subconsciously you are aware of them. Consciously you do not want to accept them and this is one reason why you have had difficulty with the pendulum. This is not out of the ordinary. This happens to many personalities. It is nothing to blame yourself for. You are certainly in the midst of a certain line of development. You cannot blame yourself for not being further along the line. The very fact that you are here this evening, the very fact that you are trying as hard as you have been shows that you are indeed developing and that you are indeed learning. There must be an open-minded, an openhearted attitude here. You must not try to use what you have learned in a narrow, limiting way. This hampers your own development. It closes your eyes to many possibilities that will be important to you. It is natural, perhaps, to want to use what you have learned, this information, as a technique to achieve what you at any particular time think desirable, a particular person, a particular thing. But what is important is the inner development. If this is taken care of, it will automatically lead you to the person that is best for you and to the circumstances that will help you develop. To insist that a specific individual or a specific goal be attained through these methods is limiting. There must always be the acknowledgement that you do not consciously as yet realize the depths of yourself, the goals you have set and the challenges, and this material should be used to open up your inner horizons and to lead you in those directions toward which your inner self has already set you. If you then egotistically, say—No—this particular situation is what I want, then you may be blocking the inner direction which has been meant for you. I said I would discuss some particular material and so I shall shortly. But the inner attitude is far more important."
—TES8 Session 403 March 16, 1968
I'd like a Rivian R1T but I think it will earn me both forms of traffic ticket 🤔
Is there a pdf download of TES8 anyone knows of?
I believe that the traffic ticket is "pain & suffering".
My interpretation is that Seth uses in that quote "egotistical" with the meaning of "related to ego, a.k.a. outer-self", no with the meaning of "selfish, or such".
Also, I believe that "what is best for your own development and what is best for the development of others" may be misleading, and reflects Jane's, or Rob's thinking, rather than Seth's intention.
I think that it gives the erroneous impression that you can directly, consciously help other inner-selves' development from your outer-self (ego) level. The way I see "you create your own reality" that is impossible, so the formulation is misleading.
I believe that Seth meant that we are all connected with everything at non-physical level (subconscious level), and that what each one is doing is perceived by all the others, and that may influence their development but only inasmuch, and not that we could do something at ego level that will help their inner-selves development.
Such phrases sound nice, so people adopt them, then become goals that will bring them traffic tickets.
PS: I sent you a PM.
@Bora137 I absolutely love this.
I want to find my previous posts about this and add this quote!
You bring there.... here.
If your entity isnt moving in that direction neither are you.
We were talking about ... why do we not get what we try to manifest...what are we doing wrong etc
I say 2 things prominently stand out:
1) invisible beliefs running in conflict parallel to your desire
2) entity wont permit it
Either way you still learn a lot along the way
Sometimes we learn what not to do lol
Quote from: inavalan on March 06, 2022, 04:06:04 PMI believe that the traffic ticket is "pain & suffering".
My interpretation is that Seth uses in that quote "egotistical" with the meaning of "related to ego, a.k.a. outer-self", no with the meaning of "selfish, or such".
Also, I believe that "what is best for your own development and what is best for the development of others" may be misleading, and reflects Jane's, or Rob's thinking, rather than Seth's intention.
I think that it gives the erroneous impression that you can directly, consciously help other inner-selves' development from your outer-self (ego) level. The way I see "you create your own reality" that is impossible, so the formulation is misleading.
I believe that Seth meant that we are all connected with everything at non-physical level (subconscious level), and that what each one is doing is perceived by all the others, and that may influence their development but only inasmuch, and not that we could do something at ego level that will help their inner-selves development.
Such phrases sound nice, so people adopt them, then become goals that will bring them traffic tickets.
PS: I sent you a PM.
I dont agree.
This subject "what is best for your own development and what is best for the development of others"
Is allllllll throughout the Seth material.
And many other spiritual foundations.
Neville Goddard for one. NLP, Byron Katie for 2 more.
The cross you bear are your tickets. It is your life learning in physical reality.
The eighth eye of God.
Unconscious competence. Crossing the river / abyss between conscious competence and unconscious competence.
Using your creative power lovingly.
Quote from: strangerthings on March 06, 2022, 05:12:38 PMQuote from: inavalan on March 06, 2022, 04:06:04 PMI believe that the traffic ticket is "pain & suffering".
My interpretation is that Seth uses in that quote "egotistical" with the meaning of "related to ego, a.k.a. outer-self", no with the meaning of "selfish, or such".
Also, I believe that "what is best for your own development and what is best for the development of others" may be misleading, and reflects Jane's, or Rob's thinking, rather than Seth's intention.
I think that it gives the erroneous impression that you can directly, consciously help other inner-selves' development from your outer-self (ego) level. The way I see "you create your own reality" that is impossible, so the formulation is misleading.
I believe that Seth meant that we are all connected with everything at non-physical level (subconscious level), and that what each one is doing is perceived by all the others, and that may influence their development but only inasmuch, and not that we could do something at ego level that will help their inner-selves development.
Such phrases sound nice, so people adopt them, then become goals that will bring them traffic tickets.
PS: I sent you a PM.
I dont agree.
This subject "what is best for your own development and what is best for the development of others"
Is allllllll throughout the Seth material.
And many other spiritual foundations.
Neville Goddard for one. NLP, Byron Katie for 2 more.
The cross you bear are your tickets. It is your life learning in physical reality.
The eighth eye of God.
Unconscious competence. Crossing the river / abyss between conscious competence and unconscious competence.
Using your creative power lovingly.
You see ... I believe there is no god. I understand that Seth says the same thing. "All that is" isn't a god, as you aren't a god of the cells of your body.
Regarding your references ... I am familiar only with Goddard, which I liked, but as everybody he distorted whatever he glimpsed, and us reading him distort even more. NLP for me is "neuro linguistic programming" and that is a tool. I don't know the other.
It is important what you understand, not what they intended to say. Your understanding results from many sources.
I just state what I believe, with no intention to convince anybody, nor to argue the merit of what I wrote.
As you recently asked something about my opinion being true ... Who decides what is true? Especially in the light of the Seth material? Your perception and your reality are only your own.
As we're painfully seeing, governments, media, corporations, landlords, school boards, every small person with a little power, all of them try to force their truths on us.
Quote from: Bora137 on March 06, 2022, 02:00:54 PMIs there a pdf download of TES8 anyone knows of?
Bora, there is an epub here:
There is a pdf here:
Quote from: Bora137 on March 06, 2022, 02:00:54 PMYou shall indeed, get traffic tickets and of a different kind, only you yourself give yourself tickets. You cannot force reality to give you what you want. You cannot manipulate events for egotistical purposes. You can manipulate events and you can manipulate them for your own egotistical purposes; but when you do so, you give yourself a traffic ticket.
How I interpret this is that the events of my life are the result of a negotiation between myself and All That Is.
Seth says "You cannot force reality to give you what you want."
My interpretation is "You cannot force
All That Is to give you what you want."
We need to keep in mind that All That Is is NOT a person. All That Is is universal consciousness, and we a part of universal consciousness.
Quote from: strangerthings on March 06, 2022, 05:05:33 PM@Bora137
I absolutely love this.
I want to find my previous posts about this and add this quote!
You bring there.... here.
If your entity isnt moving in that direction neither are you.
We were talking about ... why do we not get what we try to manifest...what are we doing wrong etc
I say 2 things prominently stand out:
1) invisible beliefs running in conflict parallel to your desire
2) entity wont permit it
Either way you still learn a lot along the way
Sometimes we learn what not to do lol
St, I agree. I think I said more or less the same thing in my previous post, although you use the Sethian term "entity" in place of universal consciousness which I referred to.
Quote from: Sena on March 06, 2022, 09:35:52 PMQuote from: strangerthings on March 06, 2022, 05:05:33 PM@Bora137
I absolutely love this.
I want to find my previous posts about this and add this quote!
You bring there.... here.
If your entity isnt moving in that direction neither are you.
We were talking about ... why do we not get what we try to manifest...what are we doing wrong etc
I say 2 things prominently stand out:
1) invisible beliefs running in conflict parallel to your desire
2) entity wont permit it
Either way you still learn a lot along the way
Sometimes we learn what not to do lol
St, I agree. I think I said more or less the same thing in my previous post, although you use the Sethian term "entity" in place of universal consciousness which I referred to.
The 'Sethian term "entity"' and 'universal consciousness'
aren't the same thing. There are an infinite number of levels (gestalts) between them, per Seth. Think only about Seth 2, as an example.
You wrote in your previous post '
All That Is is universal consciousness, and we a part of universal consciousness.'
Quote from: inavalan on March 06, 2022, 10:27:52 PMThe 'Sethian term "entity"' and 'universal consciousness' aren't the same thing.
I agree they are not the same thing, but all entities are a part of All That Is. Is it your position that All That Is is NOT universal consciousness?
Quote from: Sena on March 06, 2022, 10:38:47 PMQuote from: inavalan on March 06, 2022, 10:27:52 PMThe 'Sethian term "entity"' and 'universal consciousness' aren't the same thing.
I agree they are not the same thing, but all entities are a part of All That Is. Is it your position that All That Is is NOT universal consciousness?
I really don't know what "universal consciousness" means, and for me All That Is is an irrelevant abstract notion I don't think about.
As I wrote in a recent post: I may seem a kind of "all that is" to my cells, and although obviously I want some of my cells to do well and others (viruses, cancerous cells, etc.) to not do well, I am not involved at cellular level (consciously).
You may recall that Seth 2 , who dreamed into existence this physical reality (I don't recall if alone or with others), is so far removed from this level that he has problems understanding it. Imagine how far removed would be that unique "all that is", which implicitly is infinite (it seems that we are kind of infinite too ..., per Seth 1).
As far as I believe, I don't really care about those cells even at non-physical level.
This physical reality we experience is a framework that we perceive quite distorted for multiple reasons, but useful for us to practice whatever each one of us has joined to learn.
I have a question I didn't know where to ask, so I'm posting it here:
I noticed that several posters, when replying, truncate the quoted post which deems that sub-quote "out of context", and subject to misinterpretation both of the original author's post and of the answer too.
Is it a recommendation to save forum storage? There are forums where there are such recommendations / restrictions.
Quote from: inavalan on March 07, 2022, 12:10:33 AMI have a question I didn't know where to ask, so I'm posting it here:
I noticed that several posters, when replying, truncate the quoted post which deems that sub-quote "out of context", and subject to misinterpretation both of the original author's post and of the answer too.
Is it a recommendation to save forum storage? There are forums where there are such recommendations / restrictions.
They might be highlighting only a portion they are responding to.
If you highlight someones post portion and tap quote, then it will have only that part to provide feedback with.
Idk thats my guess
Quote from: strangerthings on March 07, 2022, 08:30:56 PMQuote from: inavalan on March 07, 2022, 12:10:33 AMI have a question I didn't know where to ask, so I'm posting it here:
I noticed that several posters, when replying, truncate the quoted post which deems that sub-quote "out of context", and subject to misinterpretation both of the original author's post and of the answer too.
Is it a recommendation to save forum storage? There are forums where there are such recommendations / restrictions.
They might be highlighting only a portion they are responding to.
If you highlight someones post portion and tap quote, then it will have only that part to provide feedback with.
Idk thats my guess
Thank you.
I thought that it might be this forum's policy, to save storage.
"There should never be a word in any language that means repentance. There should only be a word that means, "I bless," for when you bless you do not need to repent. And when you accept a blessing, you do not need to repent. For when you realize how to accept a blessing, there is nothing to repent. Love of All That Is requires simply that you become open as air, for when you are open as air then the joy of All That Is flows through you indiscriminately, and there is nothing to repent. You only need repentance when you do not know joy. For within joy and within All That Is there is only glory that is only consciousness and song. There is only blessedness."
—ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 25, 1969
"That is the paradox: you come up against circumstances that disappoint you and so you express your dissatisfaction which then aggravates the situation even more. Your discontent comes back to you like a triple force boomerang. Firstly, the excess potential created by your discontent turns balanced forces against you. Secondly, your discontent serves as a channel through which a pendulum being can draw on your energy. Thirdly, radiating negative energy, you shift onto life lines of a corresponding vibration."
--- Vadim Zealand Reality Transurfing'
Quote from: inavalan on March 06, 2022, 10:53:11 PMand for me All That Is is an irrelevant abstract notion I don't think about.
I agree that Seth does not use the phrase Universal Consciouness, but he refers to All That Is many many times:
"All That Is contained within itself the knowledge of all existences, with their infinite probabilities, and "as soon as" All That Is imagined those numberless circumstances, they existed in what I will call divine fact.
All That Is knew of itself only. It was engrossed with its own subjective experiences, even divinely astonished as its own thoughts and imaginings attained their own vitality, and inherited the creativity of their subjective creator. [Those thoughts and imaginings] began to have a dialogue with their "Maker" (all very emphatically).
Thoughts of such magnificent vigor began to think their own thoughts—and their thoughts thought thoughts. As if in divine astonishment and surprise, All That Is began to listen, and began to respond to these "generations" of thoughts and dreams, for the thoughts and dreams related to each other also. There was no time, so all of this "was happening" simultaneously."
—DEaVF1 Chapter 1: Session 883, October 1, 1979
Quote from: strangerthings on March 07, 2022, 08:52:51 PMThere should never be a word in any language that means repentance.
St, I agree. Repentence when taken to an extreme can become "scrupulosity". When I was a teenager, I wento to see a Catholic priest, and he told me that I was suffering from scrupuloosity:
Quote from: Bora137 on March 06, 2022, 02:00:54 PMI was intrigued as to what Seth is saying about how we use the powers he has taught us to get what we want. I was also surprised that Seth writes - 'you cannot force reality to give you what you want' and how going after the 'wrong' thing, the thing often that the ego desires may lead us to get a traffic ticket. What form do these tickets take? Seth goes on to say quite clearly that we are on a path that will teach us everything we need is already inside us. That which is external to us cannot add to our value. If we seek external things that will not lead us to enlightenment so in those cases we could get a ticket. I'm thinking a ticket then maybe is the external thing you have obtained going wrong in someway.
In my mind these "traffic tickets" could be pretty basic and innocuous... such as simply failing at an attempt to reach a certain goal or fulfill a certain desire. I don't suppose our inner self guidance system would allow our ego-selves to stray too far off our path. And I don't mean necessary doing anything we'd consider "bad," but just things that would hinder our intended progress.
And Seth said in your quote that
we give ourselves traffic tickets. We are self correcting. And we are probably harder on ourselves than our entity or inner self would be. In my personal experience, I've also received a couple of what may be traffic tickets or deterrents that were big enough to leave an impression. A psychic punch in the nose. Such as things I'd taken on that would have involved long term commitments that would have robbed me of certain freedoms and therefore potential growth—with results that released me from the commitments dramatic enough for me to think, "I'll never do that again." :P
Quote from: inavalan on March 07, 2022, 12:10:33 AMI noticed that several posters, when replying, truncate the quoted post which deems that sub-quote "out of context", and subject to misinterpretation both of the original author's post and of the answer too.
Is it a recommendation to save forum storage? There are forums where there are such recommendations / restrictions.
If what you mean is that people are taking "partial quotes" from another person's post, there are a couple of reasons that would be done. For me: There are times when I am only commenting on a specific part of someone's post, not the entire thing, and so want to make it clear as to what I'm responding, without others having to dig through all the quoted material.
Another reason is that quoting an entire and often very long post, and then at times nesting entire posts within that, is tedious and redundant. I doubt many want to read through all of that over and over again. Theoretically we have topics to keep related posts together, but we never seem to completely stay on topic, and that's fine too.
If there is any out of context quoting, I'm sure the original author of the post would notice and set that straight.
There are no storage issues or restrictions here, other than to attachment size, since those can get out of control. Text takes up relatively little memory.
Quote from: Sena on March 08, 2022, 07:44:09 AMRepentence when taken to an extreme can become "scrupulosity".
Scrupulosity = Sinful Self? Jane sure seemed to be a victim of that. My mind often goes back to original sign, and Catholics being taught from the earliest possible age that they are sinners, imperfect, and will never be able to get it right.
"(I added that I'd had no idea that the idea of the Sinful Self occupied that prominent and basic a position in her life. It was beginning to look as if the Sinful Self concept occupied the central position in her beliefs. It would make a lot of sense, I said, if it were true, and would account for things like an obsession with work, giving up other life activities, etc.—all done in a disguised attempt to appease that Sinful Self that merrily carried on year after year.... "But in a funny way that may be okay," I mused, "because if that's it, we now know where we can grab hold of the Sinful Self, once we know what we're doing, not groping around in a morass of suppositions and speculations.")"
—TPS6 Deleted Session April 15, 1981
"Ruburt found great comfort in the church as a young person, for if it created within its members the image of a Sinful Self, it also of course provided a steady system of treatment—a series of rituals that gave the individual some sense of hope the Sinful Self could be redeemed, as in most of Christianity's framework through adherence to certain segments of Christian dogma."
—TPS6 Deleted Session April 15, 1981
122 hits for "sinful!"
Quote from: inavalan on March 08, 2022, 03:24:01 AM"That is the paradox: you come up against circumstances that disappoint you and so you express your dissatisfaction which then aggravates the situation even more. Your discontent comes back to you like a triple force boomerang. Firstly, the excess potential created by your discontent turns balanced forces against you. Secondly, your discontent serves as a channel through which a pendulum being can draw on your energy. Thirdly, radiating negative energy, you shift onto life lines of a corresponding vibration."
--- Vadim Zealand Reality Transurfing'
This right here is why for me I redirect hucha and thoughts as they come up if they come up. And also to relax. Total body mind relaxing for at least 15 mins.
Move that energy for transformation! Moving hucha. I do it through dance, paint, certain exercises, belief work ( is it true etc), depends.
I confess however, its easy to do, but not always easy to do. lol
Quote from: Deb on March 08, 2022, 10:49:09 AMAnd Seth said in your quote that we give ourselves traffic tickets. We are self correcting.
This is a kind of example Deb for the way I think it works, might be wrong but this would make sense to me -
Bob comes from a small town, was something of an object of ridicule at school for poor dress sense and social skills let's say. Bob goes off to university gets a degree in maths and then a career in the city that earns him lots of money. But how he was perceived at school sits uncomfortably with him. He returns to his home town opens an expensive restaurant to show everyone he's not the loser he used to be. The restaurant although initially successful starts to become a money pit. He can't possibly let it fail, the new loss of face would compound the old. In a way he is just repeating his experience as a kid. The restaurant eats all his money and he goes bust. So here he is again back in the same town an object of ridicule. So that's his ticket for following his ego and trying to correct a perception the outside world holds of him instead of looking inside and understanding his value is eternal and nothing to do with what others might think. But Bob is not as shallow as he first might appear. He gets a job at a local bank and having learnt that money brought him only stress he volunteers much of his time to charity. Sure to some he is still the town joke, but to him this has become irrelevant, as it is irrelevant no energy goes into it and it dies.
@Bora137 "I was intrigued as to what Seth is saying about how we use the powers he has taught us to get what we want. I was also surprised that Seth writes - 'you cannot force reality to give you what you want' and how going after the 'wrong' thing, the thing often that the ego desires may lead us to get a traffic ticket. "Rereading this in a reply I am remembering this :
"There is no spoon."
It is not the world that bends to you it is you that changes your perspective.
"Be water." - Bruce Lee
Water takes the shape of what it is poured into.
"Already Happened"
If you change your perspective, you will have changed the world.
Example: If I stop believing humanity is flawed, and see them for being souls in flesh experiencing hot and cold and inbetween, just like me, I could be less stressed out, even forgive myself and them for not meeting my expectations of their own life path or shaming myself for not being better.
"Let the weak say, I am strong" is like saying -
there is no spoon.Ha cool
@Deb @Bora137 and whomever ;)
I use 2 by 4's (traffic tickets)
;D :P
Quote from: Deb on March 08, 2022, 10:58:03 AMScrupulosity = Sinful Self? Jane sure seemed to be a victim of that. My mind often goes back to original sign, and Catholics being taught from the earliest possible age that they are sinners, imperfect, and will never be able to get it right.
Deb. the Catholic Church should register "scrupulosity" as a trade mark.
We should not, however, condemn the Catholic Church. It could be that Jane's Catholic background helped her in some way to make the journey towards the Seth teachings.
Quote from: Bora137 on March 08, 2022, 03:30:46 PMSo here he is again back in the same town an object of ridicule. So that's his ticket for following his ego and trying to correct a perception the outside world holds of him instead of looking inside and understanding his value is eternal and nothing to do with what others might think
Bora, great story and illustration of the Seth teachings. We do need to consider what others think of us, but many of us are excessively dependent on external approval.
Quote from: Bora137 on March 06, 2022, 02:00:54 PMMark H quotes from this section I quote below in this thread,2625.0.html and it got me thinking it could do with it's own topic.
I was intrigued as to what Seth is saying about how we use the powers he has taught us to get what we want. I was also surprised that Seth writes - 'you cannot force reality to give you what you want' and how going after the 'wrong' thing, the thing often that the ego desires may lead us to get a traffic ticket. What form do these tickets take? Seth goes on to say quite clearly that we are on a path that will teach us everything we need is already inside us. That which is external to us cannot add to our value. If we seek external things that will not lead us to enlightenment so in those cases we could get a ticket. I'm thinking a ticket then maybe is the external thing you have obtained going wrong in someway.
"You are not sure enough of your own abilities or of your own worth. You cannot drive through physical life in the same way that you drive your car down the highway. You shall indeed, get traffic tickets and of a different kind, only you yourself give yourself tickets. You cannot force reality to give you what you want. You cannot manipulate events for egotistical purposes. You can manipulate events and you can manipulate them for your own egotistical purposes; but when you do so, you give yourself a traffic ticket. You must want what is best for your own development and the development of others rather than specifically determining what you think consciously is better for you and then trying to force or coerce fate to get this for you. If you want what is best for your own development and what is best for the development of others, then you shall attain it. It shall come to you effortlessly. I am leading up to certain issues here. You are not always aware of what is best for you on a conscious level. Often the person that you think you want or need is not the person you want or need on other levels. When you drive your car you often attempt to speed through reality as quickly as you can, and you are pleased with yourself as the driver of the vehicle. You like driving because you feel that it gets you where you want to go and quickly, and you do not mind breaking a few small rules of the road in the process. Now the small rules that you break, are indeed, minute ones. It is not that you break a specific rule; it is the attitude that allows you to break the rule; and this applies to other roads beside the physical highway. You want to get to your destination too quickly. The destination is within you. You do not have to go any place to get that destination; and it is only when you think that that destination lies elsewhere that you allow yourself to go astray. Your identity is within you and do not look for it in others. This is perhaps the strongest point of my message to you this evening, the one I would have you take to heart. When you realize that your own identity is within you will not spend energy seeking to find yourself in others. Others cannot give you a sense of worth; this is your own. Any lack is your own lack. I may perhaps deal with more specific issues this evening. But I will not discuss them until these points have been made."
• "Now you have indeed been doing well. And I do congratulate you. You are too impatient both with your own development and the development of others. You want your destination now and you want to get to that destination as quickly as possible, 85-95 miles a minute, you see. You have given yourself several traffic tickets. Now, you have learned a good deal, and I know that you have tried. It does no good to understand issues intellectually, however, or even to understand them intuitively unless you understand them so thoroughly that they become a part of your daily life. Much that you know you have made a part of your life, but you still wish to use your knowledge for your own conscious purposes. You are still not willing to say let me develop as I should develop. You are still saying let me develop as I think I should develop. The I being a highly egotistical I. You are still saying, let me develop as I want to develop. You are still saying I want this person or I want that person or that thing. Therefore shall I use this ability and this knowledge to gain it. And that is why you have given yourself a traffic ticket now and then, What you are learning is a technique for self-development. You cannot use it, therefore, to attain those things that do not pertain to your own self-development and the techniques will not help you get something that you were not meant to have nor that you have before decided as an entity that you should not have. I will leave specifics for later. Nevertheless, the facts remain that your own inner self and your own entity have given you challenges that you have accepted. Now you know these challenges; subconsciously you are aware of them. Consciously you do not want to accept them and this is one reason why you have had difficulty with the pendulum. This is not out of the ordinary. This happens to many personalities. It is nothing to blame yourself for. You are certainly in the midst of a certain line of development. You cannot blame yourself for not being further along the line. The very fact that you are here this evening, the very fact that you are trying as hard as you have been shows that you are indeed developing and that you are indeed learning. There must be an open-minded, an openhearted attitude here. You must not try to use what you have learned in a narrow, limiting way. This hampers your own development. It closes your eyes to many possibilities that will be important to you. It is natural, perhaps, to want to use what you have learned, this information, as a technique to achieve what you at any particular time think desirable, a particular person, a particular thing. But what is important is the inner development. If this is taken care of, it will automatically lead you to the person that is best for you and to the circumstances that will help you develop. To insist that a specific individual or a specific goal be attained through these methods is limiting. There must always be the acknowledgement that you do not consciously as yet realize the depths of yourself, the goals you have set and the challenges, and this material should be used to open up your inner horizons and to lead you in those directions toward which your inner self has already set you. If you then egotistically, say—No—this particular situation is what I want, then you may be blocking the inner direction which has been meant for you. I said I would discuss some particular material and so I shall shortly. But the inner attitude is far more important."
—TES8 Session 403 March 16, 1968
I'd like a Rivian R1T but I think it will earn me both forms of traffic ticket 🤔
Is there a pdf download of TES8 anyone knows of?
Well , You gotta wonder what the guy's entity development is that they seized 55 homes , 26 cars , and a yacht from , i was reading on the news.It seems the universe didn't have much trouble giving him plenty.