~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Other Speakers/Teachers => Topic started by: Bora137 on March 11, 2022, 04:52:48 PM

Title: Death is absolutely safe
Post by: Bora137 on March 11, 2022, 04:52:48 PM
Death is absolutely safe, it's like slipping off a tight shoe - Ram Dass

I think we all know this, however for me still crossing the threshold will be a mix of great expectation and extreme fear, if I'm conscious ofc. But Dass's quote made me laugh because death is generally accepted as being terrifying but at the same time the logic is undeniable; death is utterly safe - I think even someone of a conventional mindset can see the logic in this. It also reminded me of the warning sign 'caution - danger of death' which also amused me but before I wasn't sure why it did.

Seth - 'You're as dead now as you'll ever be' a great line.
Title: Re: Death is absolutely safe
Post by: strangerthings on March 11, 2022, 06:45:34 PM
Neville would agree with Seth 100% lol
Title: Re: Death is absolutely safe
Post by: Sena on March 12, 2022, 05:19:11 AM
Quote from: Bora137 on March 11, 2022, 04:52:48 PMI think we all know this, however for me still crossing the threshold will be a mix of great expectation and extreme fear, if I'm conscious ofc.

Bora, thanks for introducing this important topic. Seth was aware that for most of us the fear of death is unconscious:

"Ruburt had to know what he was afraid of, and his dream interpretation gave him that knowledge so that he could deal with it. It was the fear of death — not chosen, of course — the fear that if he did not deliver, work hard, and pay his mother back for a life magically given, grudgingly given, then in a magical equation she, the mother, could take it back. But the mother did not give the life. The life came from All That Is, from the spirit of life itself, and was freely given — to be taken away by no one, or threatened by no one or no force, until that life fulfills its own purposes and decides to travel on. (As Seth, Jane delivered all of the above most forcefully.) Ruburt did feel that it was not safe to let go, lest relaxation mean death. Life is expression. It comes to be out of the force of itself, and no force stands against it or threatens it. Death in your terms certainly seems an end, but it is instead a translation of life into another form. " (from "The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression (A Seth Book)", Session 796, by Jane Roberts, Robert F. Butts)

Kindle edition: https://amzn.eu/8QrYhDH
Title: Re: Death is absolutely safe
Post by: Deb on March 12, 2022, 10:41:06 AM
Yep, I loved that "you're as dead now as you'll ever be" quip from Seth, it says a lot.

I don't think I fear death as much as I fear dying "badly," i.e. intense fear (such as being in a crash of some sort), prolonged pain and suffering.

Survival instincts are very strong and natural in the physical real, from plants on up to humans.
Title: Re: Death is absolutely safe
Post by: inavalan on March 12, 2022, 05:07:46 PM
From my regression experiences, death feels like waking up from a dream.

You are about the same, just seemingly a little more lucid, less confused, and look at the life that just ended (and its characters) like at just another dream / experience. Sometimes you "wake up" a little slower; you realize that your "dream ended", a little slower.

The "dream" analogy is quite good, because as we don't fully take advantage of our dreams (because of our hypnotic ignorance), most of our personalities don't fully take advantage of our physical-lives, and we realize that, or not, function of our entity's level of evolvement.

As here, we all wake up from sleep every day, but we aren't all equal in knowledge, skills, capabilities. The same applies to each one of us over the course of their life, from birth, through childhood, adulthood, old age.

Death is a change of your personality's primary focus.

I don't think that RamD ass' shoe metaphor has any merit.
Title: Re: Death is absolutely safe
Post by: strangerthings on March 12, 2022, 06:43:56 PM
Quote from: inavalan on March 12, 2022, 05:07:46 PMFrom my regression experiences, death feels like waking up from a dream.

You are about the same, just seemingly a little more lucid, less confused, and look at the life that just ended (and its characters) like at just another dream / experience. Sometimes you "wake up" a little slower; you realize that your "dream ended", a little slower.

The "dream" analogy is quite good, because as we don't fully take advantage of our dreams (because of our hypnotic ignorance), most of our personalities don't fully take advantage of our physical-lives, and we realize that, or not, function of our entity's level of evolvement.

As here, we all wake up from sleep every day, but we aren't all equal in knowledge, skills, capabilities. The same applies to each one of us over the course of their life, from birth, through childhood, adulthood, old age.

Death is a change of your personality's primary focus.

I don't think that RamD ass' shoe metaphor has any merit.


Every experience ive ever had that was a HUGE psychological experience for me, within physical reality and not a dream state or meditative state, ive always felt like im waking from a dream and if left this way i could not function

Half in half out lol

No idea how else to describe it

But my point is that I am growing more suspect that that is like death lol

I know once i thought I was dead lollzzzz I had no idea what was happening to me  but I now know it is an expansion of consciousness for me.

Trippy shit!

Title: Re: Death is absolutely safe
Post by: Bora137 on March 13, 2022, 03:39:04 AM
Quote from: inavalan on March 12, 2022, 05:07:46 PMFrom my regression experiences, death feels like waking up from a dream.

You are about the same, just seemingly a little more lucid, less confused, and look at the life that just ended (and its characters) like at just another dream / experience. Sometimes you "wake up" a little slower; you realize that your "dream ended", a little slower.

The "dream" analogy is quite good, because as we don't fully take advantage of our dreams (because of our hypnotic ignorance), most of our personalities don't fully take advantage of our physical-lives, and we realize that, or not, function of our entity's level of evolvement.

As here, we all wake up from sleep every day, but we aren't all equal in knowledge, skills, capabilities. The same applies to each one of us over the course of their life, from birth, through childhood, adulthood, old age.

Death is a change of your personality's primary focus.

I don't think that RamD ass' shoe metaphor has any merit.

Amazing to have such experiences. I've tried to regress myself but got nowhere maybe I need an expert to help.

I think the shoe metaphor is like we are squeezed down here into our bodies which I have heard people say coming back from NDEs are too small and tight to contain the expandedness they were feeling.

Also this is a dream so us using Seth's methods to control the dream is just the same as lucid dreaming in our nightly dreams?

And I think the ideal would be to absolutely no fear of death. Really it is just the soul (me) retracting a 'sensor' from a particular environment. I wonder if the life is ever missed and pined over once it is over.
Title: Re: Death is absolutely safe
Post by: inavalan on March 13, 2022, 09:05:15 PM
Quote from: Bora137 on March 13, 2022, 03:39:04 AM
Quote from: inavalan on March 12, 2022, 05:07:46 PMFrom my regression experiences, death feels like waking up from a dream.

You are about the same, just seemingly a little more lucid, less confused, and look at the life that just ended (and its characters) like at just another dream / experience. Sometimes you "wake up" a little slower; you realize that your "dream ended", a little slower.

The "dream" analogy is quite good, because as we don't fully take advantage of our dreams (because of our hypnotic ignorance), most of our personalities don't fully take advantage of our physical-lives, and we realize that, or not, function of our entity's level of evolvement.

As here, we all wake up from sleep every day, but we aren't all equal in knowledge, skills, capabilities. The same applies to each one of us over the course of their life, from birth, through childhood, adulthood, old age.

Death is a change of your personality's primary focus.

I don't think that RamD ass' shoe metaphor has any merit.

Amazing to have such experiences. I've tried to regress myself but got nowhere maybe I need an expert to help.

I think the shoe metaphor is like we are squeezed down here into our bodies which I have heard people say coming back from NDEs are too small and tight to contain the expandedness they were feeling.

Also this is a dream so us using Seth's methods to control the dream is just the same as lucid dreaming in our nightly dreams?

And I think the ideal would be to absolutely no fear of death. Really it is just the soul (me) retracting a 'sensor' from a particular environment. I wonder if the life is ever missed and pined over once it is over.

I believe that everybody can, with some practice, reach their "Seth" within. Maybe not channel it at the level that Jane did it, but well enough to establish a beneficial relationship.

I think this actually the only way to progress, and not by trying to sift through the many books and gurus. Any such connection is inherently distorted to some degree, including Jane's with Seth, and we inherently distort when we learn from others. So it would be a compounded distortion to get knowledge and guidance from a book or a guru.

All perceive the same reality, but understand and present it through their own unconscious filters.

I think that the analogy with our dreaming is quite good, but it has its limitations.