This book just came across my radar today, I've added it to my wish list on Amazon:
The Science of Channeling ( Why You Should Trust Your Intuition and Embrace the Force That Connects Us All (Sept 2021) by Helané Wahbeh, director of research at IONS.
I didn't realize there was science behind channeling. ;)
Thanks, Deb.
A quote from that book seems to inidcate that the equivalent of Seth's Entity in this book is "transpersonal self":
QuoteAspects of your consciousness that go beyond the limits of your personal identity or "I" are called the transpersonal mind. Another theory is that your transpersonal selves are the source of channeled information. Some believe that what you know and experience as your "self" in your daily life is only one small part of your whole self.
Transpersonal aspects of your mind are intuitive, are creative, have purpose and meaning, and embody higher values (Hastings 1991, 180). Transpersonal experiences are inspirational or peak experiences where the Universe is perceived as harmonious and unifying and may directly contact what is described as God's consciousness or the Divine. They can occur spontaneously with meditation, prayer, natural beauty, sexuality, and other experiences.
Paul Cunningham ("Problem of Seth's Origins") uses the term transpersonal as well. He also teaches Transpersonal Psychology at Rivier University. I suppose that's the new, more scientific term for higher self/entity etc. - some of his research papers - recent textbook
His work in transpersonal psychology was inspired by Jane's writings on aspect psychology. Just another highly educated professor who respected Jane, who herself never graduated college. That says a lot about Jane. ;D
In her book, Helané Wahbeh mentioned a group of Italian researchers from whom she learned to channel through Out-of-Body-Experience.
'Hypno-Channelings: A New Tool for the Investigation of Channeling Experiences'
by Luciano Pederzoli, Elena Prati, Nadia Resti, Daniela Del Carlo, Patrizio Tressoldi
I found it interesting, and also browsed their experiment documents here:
especially 'Contents of dialogues with "Him"'. "Him" is an entity they contacted and who answered a lot of questions put by the researchers.
I recommend it.
Quote from: inavalan on April 08, 2022, 10:38:35 PMIn her book, Helané Wahbeh mentioned a group of Italian researchers from whom she learned to channel through Out-of-Body-Experience.
'Hypno-Channelings: A New Tool for the Investigation of Channeling Experiences'
by Luciano Pederzoli, Elena Prati, Nadia Resti, Daniela Del Carlo, Patrizio Tressoldi
I found it interesting, and also browsed their experiment documents here:
especially 'Contents of dialogues with "Him"'. "Him" is an entity they contacted and who answered a lot of questions put by the researchers.
I recommend it.
A quote form 'Contents of dialogues with "Him"', to get a taste of it:
QuoteLP asks if it is actually possible, as it seems from his interviews, to transfer individual consciousness from one of the three Bodies to another (Physical, Subtle, and Psychic) and "He" replies that the three Bodies are not in themselves entities, and the Subtle Body has more abilities than we use and is the one most suited to communication, because it acts as an interface and is closest to our physical and mental components. It also interfaces with the Psychic Body, which is a different and larger extension. NR's Subtle Body is what acts as a communication channel during contact with "Him", but it interfaces with a psychic part that is both NR's and LP's.
"He" says that in the 'moment' of contact with LP and NR there are only three entities: "Him", LP, and NR. As physical beings, LP and NR are end products, the most distinct. Right now LP's Psychic Body is concentrated on him, but it also consists of the identities of previous and future lives and, since time does not exist, we can therefore say it has multiple identities. Given the specific characteristics of LP's and NR's current identities, at this time their respective Psychic Bodies are dedicated only to them.
"He" says that Physical Bodies can have intense interactions among themselves and Subtle Bodies do likewise, because the Subtle Body is very connected to the Physical: if the Physical Body is in a punch-up, the Subtle Body is not giving caresses, but the Subtle Body is not just a casing for the Physical Body, it's at another level, so the opposite is also true, in that if the Subtle Body enters an elevated state, the Physical Body does too, like in an OBE. If we arrange to meet in an OBE, such as while we sleep, the meeting occurs between the Psychic Bodies. The meeting can be in an environment that appears real, such as in a room that doesn't actually exist, but with a sofa on which the two sit exactly as they would with their Physical Bodies. It is, however, just a representation - a crutch that you all need. Psychic Bodies can do many things, which depend on need: they can be very 'strong', in the usual meaning of the term, but their interaction is rather complex. Information exchange could represent a lower level rather than a simpler one. Psychic Bodies are at a very high level, almost at the energy exchange level. So it's a transmission of deeper concepts and not just information, because even at that level individuality is very blurred.
LP asks for clarification regarding the Subtle and Psychic bodies of animals, and "He" states that animals have a Subtle Body and they also have a Psychic Body, but it is such that we can neither say they have one, nor that they don't. We have spoken about minerals, which can also be voluminous (such as the Himalayas); animals could, at the extreme, have an individual Psychic Body but usually it is a group Psychic Body. It's not impossible, but difficult for a Psychic Body to be linked to a single animal, because the goal of an animal experience is not individuality, but something else. This also applies to solitary animals: it is often a life aimed at experiencing nature's elements. The group Psychic Body of animals does not necessarily represent a preparatory experience for the human one: usually it does not, and in fact not all experiences develop in a linear manner. Animal experiences are very connected to natural elements. LP remembers a regression in which the subject talked about having incarnated as an eagle to have the feeling of freedom. "He" says this is a perfect example. The incarnation experience can also involve plants. However very specific sensations do not always require incarnation in human form.
LP says that in his book titled THE THIRD EYE and in his other books, Lobsang Rampa talks about having been a Tibetan Lama and been helped to take over the physical body of an English nurse, with the nurse's authorization, due to the serious deterioration of Rampa's Physical Body and given that the nurse wanted to commit suicide. "He" confirms that it is not absolutely impossible – it can be done. LP adds that Rampa was assisted in the transfer from the outside, in particular by his deceased teacher, when the nurse jumped from a tree branch and was temporarily unconscious. Here Rampa talks about 'cutting' the 'silver cord' connecting the Physical Body with the 'Outer Body' (Rampa is unaware that there are two Outer Bodies, so he is probably referring to the Subtle Body). "He" asserts that it is a representation. Representations are fundamental because this is how the physical brain works. This transfer is not a matter of technique, even though some steps should be adhered to: there are beings who reach very advanced levels of consciousness – especially through meditation – and are able to do things that appear incredible, but are really quite 'normal'. The only unusual thing is the use of a 'pre-used' Physical Body, but it is the same as when a new person is born. If the original occupant wants to 'exit', it is like entering a newly born Physical Body, skipping conception, gestation, and other stages.
Quote from: inavalan on April 08, 2022, 10:38:35 PMIn her book, Helané Wahbeh mentioned a group of Italian researchers from whom she learned to channel through Out-of-Body-Experience.
'Hypno-Channelings: A New Tool for the Investigation of Channeling Experiences'
by Luciano Pederzoli, Elena Prati, Nadia Resti, Daniela Del Carlo, Patrizio Tressoldi
I found it interesting, and also browsed their experiment documents here:
especially 'Contents of dialogues with "Him"'. "Him" is an entity they contacted and who answered a lot of questions put by the researchers.
I recommend it.
Some mumbo-jumbo-less channeling transcripts:
Is human consciousness eternal? Let's ask those in the hereafter to tell usLuciano Pederzoli* and Patrizio Tressoldi**
*EvanLab, Firenze, Italy
**Science of Consciousness Research Group, Studium Patavinum, Padova University, Italy
pdf link (