~Speaking of Seth~

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Please Read First => Seth Research Project => Topic started by: Deb on May 28, 2022, 10:22:20 AM

Title: Dr. George Hoben Estabrooks (Dr. Instream in the books)
Post by: Deb on May 28, 2022, 10:22:20 AM
Some information about Dr. George Hoben Estabrooks (Dr. Instream in the books).

From the Village Voice Interview Transcript, Part 1 (free download here: https://sethresearchproject.com/shop-2/)

Jane Roberts:    Yeah. The only thing that upset me, and [it] did upset me, and was a real bad year for me. It wasn't so much for Bob, except that it was for me, as it was for him, was doing all those tests with Estabrooks [Dr. George Hoben].  That really bothered me. You know, we did all these envelope tests. We did over 100 of them. And I, it was the first time that I ever felt that way. We'd have sessions and it was like, you know, just your private house. And I knew that this old guy up there in Oswego between 9:00 and such-and-such a time he said he was going to be in his office, and he was going to be––what was it? We were supposed to be picking up what he was doing, and stuff like that.

So I thought that I had to have a session every time. You know, it was twice a week, and that if I didn't, this guy would take it for granted that, you know, I didn't really care, or whatever. And a couple of times I'd get real mad, remember, and I'd want to go to the Steak Shop for a beer around the corner. And it would be this great big thing where I didn't know if I should go or not.

And then we did all this work, and it took twice as much time. It wasn't just the session. But then we were doing the envelope test, which Rob was giving Seth all these envelopes, you know, to see if he could read them and so forth. And he'd have to take notes of all that and check it out. And then the Estabrooks thing. And then Estabrooks wouldn't tell us how we were doing. You know, he said, "No. I don't believe we should..."

Robert Butts:    Jim doesn't know who Estabrooks is.

Interviewer:        No.

Jane Roberts:    Oh, I'm sorry. What did we call him in the book? Instream. Dr. Instream, in The Seth Material.

Note from Deb: Paul Cunningham told me he loved Jane's playfulness in her pseudonym creations. Brook = Stream.

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From TES8 session 420:

Seth dictated a letter for Tam Mossman and Miss Carr at Prentice Hall – See Session 420, July 1, 1968 – included is the following about George H. Estabrooks:

"Now. Dr. George Estabrooks is an upstanding and upright man, and a very cautious one. He is so cautious that he allowed Dr. Rhine to make advances in the filed of parapsychology that he could have produced himself, had he been more daring. He holds this against Rhine to this day.

Our results with him were good as far as the tests were concerned, though there was considerable distortion simply because Ruburt's abilities had not been sufficiently developed. There were direct hits, in other words, but these results could not be mathematically appraised in terms of the odds against them; and this is what Dr. Estabrooks was looking for.

(This is the first time Seth has mentioned Dr. Estabrooks to us since we halted the tests with Dr. E. The series of tests, held twice weekly, ran for one year.)

Robert and Jane operated in a vacuum, since he did not tell them anything regarding the tests, negative or favorable. No academic psychologist, including Dr. Estabrooks, will give you a statement to the effect that I am a survival personality. Dr. Estabrooks will give a statement, I believe, as to Robert and Jane's character, the quality of the Seth material itself, and the fact that no fraud of any kind is involved."

- - - -

This is a draft letter, looks like from Rob to Tam:

July 1, 1968

Dear Tam Mossman:

    As per the information you requested. It was Dr. George Estabrooks who told us, unofficially and privately, that Seth had a massive intellect. We conducted tests with him for one year twice weekly and received no reports during that time. I wrote him telling him not to "spare my feelings" if the tests were a complete failure in which case I would simply figure that my own training wasn't sufficiently up to it – and call the tests off. I could see little use in continuing, wasting session time and his time, if we were making no hits. He didn't call them off, however, just kept writing occasionally saying once that "your communications have been very interesting and frankly I do not know how to appraise them." Again, "Seth's results are impossible to appraise on a basis which would be acceptable to the academic psychologist..." Again, "You see if you proceed along the lines you are going, you will turn out work which is of great interest to the public but which the hard-nosed scientist will refuse to take seriously; too many alternatives and answers are not specific... ESP was created to obtain results which were highly specific and could be treated mathematically..." This last is indicative of Dr. Estabrooks attitude; and as you should know, extra sensory perception, to the contrary, is not mathematically predictable. Certainly some results were being obtained that Dr. Estabrooks could not appraise, as he said, or he would not have continued. Seth in one session told us that Dr. Estabrooks would move to another college for the following year, for example; and this is exactly what happened. In the end we discontinued with the tests. Estabrooks never said that Seth made no hits; but only that he could not appraise the results. In his last letter after we discontinued tests, he praised to us Boring's ESP: A Scientific Evaluation which is highly critical of ESP in general, from Rhine's work on. I have no idea what kind of statement he might give you; though certainly he knows that no fraud of any kind is involved.
Title: Re: Dr. George Hoben Estabrooks (Dr. Instream in the books)
Post by: inavalan on May 28, 2022, 10:26:30 PM
Title: Re: Dr. George Hoben Estabrooks (Dr. Instream in the books)
Post by: Mark M on May 29, 2022, 07:45:49 AM
Seth: "Dr. George Estabrooks is an upstanding and upright man..."


"I trust your integrity, and I am quite certain of my own."

It's like so which is it about this guy?
Title: Re: Dr. George Hoben Estabrooks (Dr. Instream in the books)
Post by: strangerthings on May 29, 2022, 07:24:56 PM
I am a bit baffled about this as well.

When I think of upstanding integrity this man does not come close. Not by a long shot! Unless we have been lied to about what he was doing! Tyranny loves to lie about great people. When people try to conquer, they tend to edit history to justify their atrocities.

How would Seth NOT know? Or did he do it after the fact?

I have not done my research on him.

MKultra, Naomi, manchurian, child spies,  all of it is just so abusive and intrusive and a lot of times forced or sneakily done!  Add in some psychological voodoo warfare and bang.

I remember when I was little I asked about the anthem video they showed when tv shows were over at midnight. I asked what the words on top of words were.  I remember seeing "the government is your God"  and I asked my mom, "who is Naomi?" and no one saw what I saw so I thought I was imagining it. Then not too long ago I decided to look it up because I remembered. And sure as heck I was right! And project naomi was real!

Seems like they have been worming their way in for decades and decades!

Title: Re: Dr. George Hoben Estabrooks (Dr. Instream in the books)
Post by: strangerthings on May 29, 2022, 07:42:13 PM
Quote from: inavalan on May 28, 2022, 10:26:30 PM
  • "Hypnotism is now investigated in the laboratory by the scientist. He cares very little about the popularity of his subject and insists on a thorough investigation of every question. To be sure, the facts he unearths may be unpleasant. Hypnotism may be a very dangerous thing in the hands of the unscrupulous, but so is the aeroplane, the rifle, the disease germ. Science wishes to know the facts. Once discovered, these truths are handed over to the public. If that public uses the aeroplane to drop bombs, rather than to carry passengers, the scientist is in no way to blame. So with hypnotism. The psychologist seeks to unearth the truth. That is his problem. The use to which his discoveries may be put is something different again and something for which he has no responsibility."
    --- "Hypnotism" by George Hoben Estabrooks (1957)

Sounds like he is trying to convince himself. The public and the government are not the same thing. If he is creating spies, he is creating spies.

"I made a biological weapon and give it to anyone. It is not my fault everyone is dead."

"I made a hydrogen bomb as a scientist. I gave it to the world, and it is not my fault it was used."

Weapons are not merely physical hardware or objects. Sometimes it can be a lie, or psychological.

"I told my friend his wife was cheating on him. He got divorced. It was a lie of course that I told him. The kids are motherless now.  None of that is my responsibility."

"I made an engine for a car that runs on water. I let the public have this technology as open source. It was weaponized after ten years but we do have cars now that run on a few drops of water."
Now this is different!  I can see the difference.

But yes,  in his examples he is pretty much correct. The question remains though: did he do this work for the military as human weapons for war?

Every scientist that works for the military / government / military industrial complex is PART OF THE PROBLEM. But..... I know they have at times held their familes hostage and such. Or blackmail them. What ever.

We will never get to peace with a war machine.