~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: wanderer123 on June 02, 2022, 05:27:06 PM

Title: Do you believe you create your own reality?
Post by: wanderer123 on June 02, 2022, 05:27:06 PM
If we really do create our own reality, why can't we always get what we want?  And why do we get what we don't want?

For a time I just assumed it is true that we create our own reality, but I'm having a hard time explaining to someone that they create their own reality, when they've had nothing but tragedies throughout their life.  I can't find an explanation for why someone would want to create such a difficult life, but then I look at my own life, and it hasn't been easy either.  So I ask myself, I created this?  And get a question mark in response.

Do you believe you create your own reality, and can you make things happen as you want them to happen, especially when it involves only you, and is not dependent upon another's reality.

Title: Re: Do you believe you create your own reality?
Post by: strangerthings on June 02, 2022, 07:40:03 PM
I would say the number one reason is conflicting beliefs.

Say you are in a hurry to be somewhere. You end up stuck at every red light, the slowest lanes, traffic or worse an accident.

The focus is not on seeing yourself arriving at a good time it is focused on "running late". So guess what? You will be late!  :P

The best way out of this is to pay attention to what you are thinking 24/7. And to write down your beliefs about all sorts of things. Also ask for dreams to guide you or show you what to improve to get what you desire.

Also, your entity will not approve of everything if it is not in your best interest, or constructive to what you really want.

Looking at the contents of your conscious mind is the best way to go. IMHO

This question has been asked several times and I think you will find some really great info here on it and other topics.

I hope you find what you are seeking and I hope you get what you desire.

I am looking for the links here to this question others have asked. If someone beats me to it hooray if not I will try to keep looking lol
Title: Re: Do you believe you create your own reality?
Post by: LarryH on June 02, 2022, 09:20:29 PM
Welcome, wanderer123! Just a quick anecdote about how someone I know seemed to create her own reality. I was on the phone with this person the other day, and she was sharing negative thoughts about current events, how the world seemed to be turning to shit. And at that moment, she literally stepped into a pile of dog shit. She happens to be into Seth, and thus she did not see this event as a coincidence, but rather feedback on her momentary belief-based mood. With that realization, she laughed.
Title: Re: Do you believe you create your own reality?
Post by: Deb on June 02, 2022, 09:40:00 PM
Quote from: wanderer123 on June 02, 2022, 05:27:06 PMIf we really do create our own reality, why can't we always get what we want?  And why do we get what we don't want?

"You make your own reality. There is no other rule."
—NoPR Part One: Chapter 1: Session 613, September 11, 1972

Sounds pretty straight forward and simple, right?  ;D  But I have to say that is one of the hardest things to explain to people who are not Seth readers. And to trying to explain that to someone who is miserable—they will totally react with anger.

We've actually talked about this quite a bit here but  for some reason I can't find much right now. Here's one... https://speakingofseth.com/index.php/topic,1997.msg15842.html#msg15842 There's a great quote from The Early Sessions Book 8 in response #6.

I do believe I create my own reality. I'm not a "pro" at it yet but am pretty good, and surprise myself at times. It also feels comforting to me that if there's something in my life that I don't want, I have a chance to change that. Rather than being told that reality is chaos or random, or that some sort of god is handing out rewards and punishment. Or I'm paying for something I did in another life, such as with karma.

Reality creation does have some complexity in that there's a lot going on in our realm/inner self that we're not aware of on a conscious level. Such as there are goals we come into physical reality with, with each incarnation, and the goals of our entity, and so we may be denied a creation that would keep us from reaching our goals. There's more information about that in that response #6 quote. Some times I am "denied" creating something I want, and then later something MUCH better comes along and I think to myself, "Oh ok, so THAT'S why."