Does Seth have a boss or at least some vague framework to which he and colleagues adhere to? Seth mentions (somewhere) that this is his most challenging occupation (?) yet. He does describe another role where he helped people transition through physical death. So are there beings that assign jobs and training and are there even departments within which you might work...has anyone gleaned anything more on this from the material?
I don't think there is anything in terms of "boss" and "employee / subordinate", but in terms of more and less evolved, teachers / guides and pupils, the whole framework being one of an infinite learning toward individual value fulfillment, at all levels.
This is a quote from ECS#2, May 5, 1970:
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Thanks inavalan very interesting extract. Endless eons... How much we have ahead of us and what we will become is impossible for us to conceive now.
I was reading Ram Dass the other day and I was thinking if you are at such a high vibration of love for ATI as he is or other the gurus, is there a 'danager' that you might go straight to the Godhead after this life and that's it for you, you just become one with everything and miss all the self development. Or is Ram Dass and the other gurus only slightly more developed than us and they also have far far to go.
My belief is that those gurus, talking only about the honest ones, are deluded. They have experiences that lead them to their beliefs (many caused by what they heard and read). Then those beliefs, in turn, create experiences that confirm back those beliefs. Those (honest) gurus' error is an error of lack of humility, and that is caused by their level of development as personalities and entities. They distort and fabulate, don't know that, and aren't open to correct that.
The purpose of our development isn't to love, even less to love a God (or "all that is"), and we don't approach a union with a God or such. These are distortions.
Our purpose for being here is to learn to consciously create reality (even Jane's "responsibly" qualifier is a distortion). We can't do that because we are dominated by emotions, have not enough intelligence, and we aren't able to use our inner-senses (Seth said that even he doesn't yet master all his inner-senses). Surely, the degree of individual development varies widely among the human population, as it varies among animals, plants, everything.
Some of us just joined the school, others are ready to graduate. Humanity isn't homogeneous, and doesn't march together as one. Most (honest) gurus and preachers are among the first-graders, but most aren't aware of that. Youthful and ignorant folly.
I think that all I wrote here can be gleaned from the Seth material.
I believe that we are all our own boss and our own subordinate.
I do believe Seth states that all of our reincarnations are here now.
Now, according to Seth; Now is all there is.
Time is an illusion.
There is no difference between 3003 BCE and 3003 CE. There is only now.
From what I've read of Seth: Before we are born there is a framework set up for our current-time-life-cycle. I say it that way, to differentiate it from the other reincarnations that are here now.
We Define our reality before we are born, while we are living, and after we have so-called died.
Most people define their current reality based on what they believe, or have accepted, of thier past and how it is driving them into the future. --- However, one way you can change all of your beliefs, therefore your reality, is with self affirmations and self talk. You actually do this all the time. Seth speaks on this in a number of different ways.
We are part of a community of ourself. To not give love to the community is to slow the growth and the well-being of the entire community, of which you are a major part. Giving love is not the same as feeling love. (Traditionally there are considered to be 8 to 10 different types of love.) And learning to give love is a major element of growth.
But I will self contradict here: time is not of the essence. We are not in a race. Remember there is only now. And we each individually define it for ourselves.
For you, yourself, you are the boss: and therefore, you are also your own subordinate.
(Joy and) Happiness,
I would like to add something.
Everyone is on their own path.
Everyone is at a specific set of points within that path.
All of our reincarnations have different tasks to accomplish, different lessons to learn, in their/(your) lives.
Within each life, some of the lessons being learned will be more sophisticated and some more basic.
Reiterating, for each (life), they have their own path, needs, lessons.
For thought . . . remembering that time is an illusion: will a hunter-gatherer in 6003 BCE, have the same learning opportunities as a PhD in physics in 2067? . . . For the really important things, who knows? Maybe yes.
Learn from everything you encounter or are exposed to. (As an element of learning, also doubt everything, decide for yourself.)
Learn from everything.
(Joy and) Happiness,