~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: inavalan on August 18, 2022, 01:16:50 AM

Title: Steps which we should follow
Post by: inavalan on August 18, 2022, 01:16:50 AM

Quote from: ESP CLASS SESSION, OCTOBER 21, 1969(Brad stated his desire that Seth would more explicitly set forth the steps which we should follow. Seth interjected the following.)

First, you must understand the nature of what you call reality. To some very small extent, I have begun to explain this in the Seth material. The five hundred and some odd sessions we have, however, barely represent an outline—but they are enough to begin with.

The ideas themselves will start you thinking. Besides the outer senses that you take for granted, you have inner senses. These will enable you to perceive reality as it exists independently of the physical matter that you know. You must learn how to use, develop and recognize these inner senses. The methods are given in the material. But you cannot utilize the material until you understand it.

The material itself is cleverly — if you will forgive the term — cleverly executed so that as you grapple to understand it you are already beginning to use abilities beyond those that you take for granted.

You must first of all cease identifying yourself completely with your ego. You must not just listen to my words but realize not only that you are more than your ego, but that you can perceive more than your ego perceives. You demand more of yourself than you have ever demanded in your life.

This material is not for those who would deceive themselves with pretty, packaged, ribboned, truths—truths that are parceled out and cut apart so that you can digest them. That sort of material does serve a need, and there are many who give it and it is helpful for those who need it. This material demands more. It demands that you intellectually and intuitively expand — it demands that you use your abilities.

There are other ways — far more difficult, and you are not ready for those, but you are ready for the methods that I have given if you are willing to work. And yet by work, I mean a joyful endeavor, a spontaneous endeavor. You have simply to allow yourselves to be yourselves.

When you were children, you knew you were a part of All That Is and you allowed your perception some freedom. That is all that I ask of you now!

Someone — I forgot who — once said, "unless you become like little children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven."

And, he was not speaking symbolically.
Title: Re: Steps which we should follow
Post by: inavalan on August 18, 2022, 01:27:47 AM
Quote from: ESP CLASS SESSION, OCTOBER 21, 1969I encourage you to look within yourself and to use your abilities, both intuitional abilities and intellectual abilities.

Now you believe that you are using your intellectual abilities, but you have only begun to use them. You have not begun to use your intuitional abilities to anything like their true extent.