Very useful! Seth explains how Jane & Rob's beliefs about the world, hypnotized by newspapers, cause Jane's physical condition, and gives Rob advice how to help.
QuoteThe Personal Sessions: Book Four of the Deleted Seth Material: Personal Seth Sessions 8/27/77 - 8/28/78
Butts Robert, Roberts Jane
DECEMBER 3, 1977
in basic terms you form your reality, privately and en masse—through your beliefs, of course, and those beliefs cause you to organize your psychic world in certain fashions.
You use such belief organizations to concentrate upon certain data and ignore other, so that consciously and unconsciously you organize inner and outer stimuli so that it makes sense according to your beliefs, and forms therefore a more or less dependable framework in which action and response are possible.
Those ideas do not exist alone. They have an emotional effect.
To some extent, it is because you have accepted the newspapers' view of reality as real, that you have allowed yourselves to dwell upon certain attitudes about your fellows—so that for example sometimes the world does not seem to deserve great art; or that you even feel you do not want to share your work with the stupid bastards(Seth said, staring at me. I laughed again).
The newspaper world is, then, highly distorted, organized in such a manner that its data reinforce negative beliefs, and constantly give evidence only of negative patterns. These then are taken as an objective picture of the fact world.
All of the heroism, the private and even mass triumph, and the good intent, have been left out. The world is seen as a patient, sick in body, insane of mind, a thing that needs treatment, a Freudian and Darwinian monster. Even with your own changed beliefs, the two of you still see that mirror when you read a newspaper, and do not realize the invisible organizations behind the news. It makes it seem foolhardy to relax, doesn't it?(Ironically, leaning forward for emphasis.)
All of these things to some extent stand in the way of Ruburt's recovery. They point precisely to those areas in which both of you heartily agreed, though Ruburt's way of getting work done was not yours. This session must be taken into consideration with other ones, for I am making certain points here that are important, but that do not of course stand alone.
You can if you prefer forget terms like hypnosis, but between tonight's and next Saturday night's session, I strongly advise that you take a half-hour: it can be nap time. Or any time. Have Ruburt lie of the bed comfortably. You sit beside him or lie on the bed as you prefer—but verbally reassure him. Tell his body that the muscles can relax, that you are there, and it is safe for him to let go.
Use relaxation techniques, as in hypnotic techniques, if you want. I have mentioned this before. Often I do not state the reasons for such suggestions.To some extent—underlined and qualified —you hypnotized yourselves into your view of reality. You helped Ruburt form his. You have not taken my suggestion before for a very simple reason: part of you, Joseph, was not ready to reassure Ruburt in such a fashion, for you were not certain that it was safe to relax in such a world, and you did not want to lie to Ruburt because you believed the newspaper world so thoroughly—with all, now, of its implications, as Ruburt did.
Such an event represents an intent on both of your parts, you see, a joint effect, a changing of bodily response to a situation.
(11:01.)The newspapers act as hypnotic suggestion of a potent kind. There is no one present who can confirm the newspaper's evidence. You cannot ask questions of a newspaper, or of a news program. The entire pattern of these latest sessions deals with your inner reactions to your beliefs about yourselves and the world. Tonight I am dealing with a specific area. To some extent, however. These newspaper beliefs shut you off from full utilization from Framework 2's potency.
Hopefully, I am teaching you to reorganize your inner lives, so that you attract the best to yourselves from inner and outer reality. Your suggestions to Ruburt along psychic lines were excellent—that he do more energy experiments. His own intention to try out-of-body experiments again is also excellent because it shows a change of intent.
I want you to encourage his bodily relaxation in the same manner, creatively. You do not take chances, creatively or any other way, unless you allow your curiosity and exuberance some free play.
If the world seems too unsafe, you set up projections often against shadows, because you have accepted those shadows unthinkingly as facts. Those ideas, mentioned earlier, even inhibit the free creative flow of our books into the world to some extent, for you do not have as clear a channel as possible.
Never compare the sale of our books to the sale of other books. Different realities are involved—and you can then get involved with cross purposes.
I have said what I intended to say. Again, these sessions are more packed than you realize. Each suggestion I give you is not only given for a reason, but has within it potentials that of course remain latent unless the suggestion is followed.
Yep, question everything. Unfortunately Jane spent a lot of time in the hospital, and the beliefs of the trained professionals around here gave a lot of negative suggestions. Jane and Rob would also hear things that were told to other patients and comment on them being negative suggestions.
It can done—rejecting the official line of consciousness. It takes some stepping back, objective examination of what's being put forth and self-confidence. Trust in intuition. I think Seth readers have an advantage in even considering this, a lot of people are completely unaware of how distorted the news, and the OLC, are.