Quote"Philip, earlier, mentioned hypnosis. Existence on your plane or any other plane is merely self-hypnosis. As far as an analogy is concerned, this one is very nearly perfect. Your existence, and mine for that matter, on any particular level is predetermined by complete concentration or focus of inner selves upon the particular universe in question. And your camouflage patterns can most aptly be compared to the hallucinary effects created by the hypnotist upon his subject.
Only in this case the hallucinary effects are actual constructions upon the plane in question, and involve problems that must be worked out. The hallucinations appear more or less consistent merely because everyone on that particular level is under the effects of self-hypnosis, and because they have already constructed hallucinary senses, the outer senses, in order to perceive the hallucinary world that they have created.
This is not meant to deny the importance or the value of the particular hallucinary universe in any way. It has a definite purpose. But the analogy holds, and is more valid than you might think. Complete concentration and focus is your answer.
When this focus is finished, when the subject tells himself "Now I will come to, now I have solved the problems that I set out to solve," then what happens is the withdrawal of the self from the plane. The construction vanishes and is heir to the materials which compose the particular universe.
I will also go into this more deeply. You should be able to see now why a concept such as I refer to is difficult to achieve on your plane. You cannot focus upon it thoroughly.
There are many ramifications here. The wrong way, and I do not mean even wrong in the sense of sinful, the wrong way is never the practical way, Philip. The practical way is the only way.
The inner senses try desperately to make their knowledge plain to the individual. It is communicated through what you call hunch or intuition. It represents actual knowledge of a definite and unerasable reality."
—TES1 Session 37 March 23, 1964
Can you explain what is meant by "camouflage patterns"? Thanks!
Quote from: Debbie on August 23, 2022, 01:39:47 PMCan you explain what is meant by "camouflage patterns"? Thanks!
These are some searches I'd suggest:
- https://nowdictation.com/q/'camouflage+patterns'/h/asc/
- https://nowdictation.com/q/camouflage/h/asc/
EDIT: If you're asking about the meaning of the word "camouflage" in the context of the Seth material, my understanding is that he used it to suggest an "appearance" created by your inner-self that makes difficult to perceive, hides the true nature of reality: what you perceive isn't what it actually is.[/list]
Not sure if I have a handle on the concept... Is it simply the physical reality as we perceive it, which of course, is not true reality? And that could include a multitude of belief systems.
Yes Seth tells us that the reality that we "observe" with our senses is not real... it's a subjective construct, a camouflage. Think The Matrix movie, where the people are in a hypnotic dream state and all they see and do is imagined while they are asleep in pods, producing energy for the grid (Coppertops, lol). Then there's the scene where Neo is with Cypher in front of the computers with all the green code running down the screens. Cypher tells Neo he doesn't even see the code any more, all he sees are blonde, redhead, brunette. It's real enough to me too, I don't see code either lol. A lot of people love The Matrix because it's pretty Sethian.
"You cannot trust your physical senses to give you a true picture of reality. They are lovely liars, with such a fantastic tale to tell that you believe it without question."
—SS Part One: Chapter 1: Session 511, January 21, 1970
Per the TES1 quote at the top here, once we've shifted our focus away from this camouflage reality, the construction vanishes and we will be able to perceive true reality. While we are focused in THIS reality, our inner self, that knows better, tries to give us guidance through our inner senses--intuition, hunches, gut feelings. We've mostly been taught to ignore these intuitions, they tend to be under-appreciated in our world which values physical proof over the inner senses. But physical proof is camouflage as well. ;)
That explanation helps. Thanks!
Quote from: Debbie on August 23, 2022, 03:15:01 PMNot sure if I have a handle on the concept... Is it simply the physical reality as we perceive it, which of course, is not true reality? And that could include a multitude of belief systems.
Say you are walking down the street and pass a cafe. There are ladies sitting at the table outside and as you walk by they are laughing and happen to look at you.
What you see, hear, think, would be what? To an undisciplined mind one might assume they are laughing at you and you then conjure up all sorts of beliefs now about yourself and they are laughing at you.
You develop an insecurity about yourself. Maybe get sick after. Never enjoy that cafe or walk down that street again or maybe change your hair or any numerous assumptions and thoughts now and possibly it has ruined your day.
Thats camouflage reality as well. What appears to be, is not always what is.
The girls told a joke and had fun and simply noticed you. You had missing information and assumed other than.
What if you hear a noise and think horrible thoughts about someone with a gun when it was really a car backfiring.
What if you saw a stick and thought it was a snake?
The same could be said about creating as we do. That because my physical senses deny it, that this "stuff" doesnt work.
"There is no spoon."
Life is so much more interesting than it 'appears' to the human eyes! :) I love the reality of my dreams.
My beliefs really haven't changed that much throughout my life (I've always been a little different ;D ). In December 2020 I started taking time to meditate on a daily basis, and with that I also started reading Seth books as well as information from other teachers. Over a period of a few short months my health improved greatly. In addition, life itself is more fun!
The Seth material seems to validate many of the things that I "feel" about life and reality so I'm thrilled to have this forum as a place to discuss, ask questions, and gain deeper understandings about things that are so vital.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.