~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: inavalan on August 25, 2022, 01:47:01 AM

Title: You do not consider a dream as a success or a failure
Post by: inavalan on August 25, 2022, 01:47:01 AM

Quote from: TES9 #499You do not consider a dream as a success or a failure. If the dream ends in a moment of destruction you do not consider the dream a failure. In the overall then, when I told you that the planet was dispensable, I meant it somewhat in those terms, for while in your reality you are vulnerable, and agony is real, still it is not the whole reality, and success and failure have no meaning in those(underlined) terms.
The consciousnesses that have made up your race gain valuable experience. You must not forget that the analogy between your physical reality and the dream state does have a basic truth.
Even the physical planet, having vanished, basically would continue to exist. Those responsible for such a destruction would have destroyed only reality as they knew it, in the probable system. Other probable earths and other probable races of mankind coexist, and you are apart of these also. You would be dispensing with an experiment you were not able to handle.
At the same time, again, the experiences would be used. From a larger viewpoint you would know that nothing had been destroyed. Now you should underline the last sentence. Think about it, and then I will answer questions that I believe you will have.
We have been speaking of projections and experiments in them, and if you want to, know what other experiments are being conducted by yourself and others this is one way that you can at least briefly glimpse them.
Any event that you would consider disastrous to your race, brought about by the race itself, would be used in another probable system to avoid the same sort of error. There are disasters and dead end roads that your race has avoided completely, because in other systems of reality the lessons were learned and learned well.
Your own instinct for survival, so-called, is the result, so to speak, of experience in other systems. The original problem was far different. A way was needed to teach these personalities to focus long enough, in your terms, intensely enough, within any given reality.
When the lessons are learned there is no need for physical reality. The survival instinct, strongly connected with the physical self, keeps it anchored in focus within your system. Without it consciousness would tend to float free. It is your anchor.
Now. In conscious projections you allow yourself some freedom. In many cases you do consciously what you do unconsciously in any case. You are able with practice to journey through other systems. You are able to see for yourself not only the experiments that are being tried, but often to come into contact with other portions of yourself, who are involved in those experiments.
Title: Re: You do not consider a dream as a success or a failure
Post by: inavalan on August 25, 2022, 03:13:40 AM

Quote from: TES9 #499Do you have any questions of the material as given this evening?
("How about that mass transfer of consciousness?"
(This question refers to a discussion the four of us had at first break, after Seth had given us data on any possible destruction of our earth, the various probable systems involving other earths, etc. We had wondered what course the entities would take who had manifested on our particular probability-earth, in the event of its literal destruction.)

Now. I told you that the knowledge gained would be retained. Not only this, but it is retained not only by the individual selves as you think of them. It becomes part of the knowledge of all the probable selves in other realities also.
There would indeed be a mass transference of consciousness, but not necessarily at all to one particular reality. The individual consciousnesses involved would not for example necessarily choose to start anew, in the same kind of reality, agreeing to form more or less identical conditions.
They would however definitely go where their experience could be best utilized, and where their intimate knowledge of destruction be best used as a tool. To some degree such a destruction would be felt in all realities. Some probable selves would have shattering dreams of disaster. Other worlds would quake with the psychic reflections.
Give us a moment here.(Jane paused. As she did so our cat Willy jumped up in her lap; he has done this several times lately. But as before Jane's trance wasn't broken. I put Willy down.)

I am speaking theoretically, but those in the probable system, according to their own knowledge and capabilities, could also help your own system to avert disaster under certain conditions. This is rather an involved subject; and it would also be highly dependent upon your willingness to be helped. The race has called out before for help, and received it.
It can only accept certain kinds of help, and the help in one way or another must be initiated at least from its own pool of energy, and its own bank of personality gestalts.
I have answered your question simply enough. There will be more to come.
Title: Re: You do not consider a dream as a success or a failure
Post by: inavalan on August 25, 2022, 03:28:13 AM

Quote from: TES9 #499("I have one question. How is the entity that is about to manifest part of itself through Sue [who is due to give birth in a few weeks], preparing for the event and experience?")

Now.(Pause.)You are intensely focused within physical reality.
As you know, other portions of the self are intensely focused elsewhere. Before physical birth, you have already made the decision to choose this probable reality, and to probe its potentials. The entity is therefore learning to realign its methods of perception.
It is learning the methods of physical perception, as within you it experiences your reactions and becomes familiar with the ways in which you use physical senses to obtain information. It is forming its body in more or less faithful replica to what is required.(Pause.)It is using many of your own expectations as a model, and many of its father's.
(This is the type of data my question had intended Seth to give—information of a more general application to many. Seth has also given Sue and Carl some reincarnational personal data in an ESP-class session.)

It is in other words forming a spacesuit according to the information that you have both given it. It has data from its own past lives that is entirely independent of any information you have given it as parents.
It is meant therefore to go its own way. You have simply formed a bridge that helps it make the transition from one reality to another. It is bound to carry within it only those memories however of which even you are unaware (pointing to Sue and Carl), that belong to your species and to your kind.
It will manipulate those memories in its own way, and alter them, and add to the pool of energy from which it has emerged. It is quite familiar with me, now, through your experience. At this moment, in your terms, its view of reality is more pure than your own.
It is aware of you both as psychic entities, and retains strong and unclouded perceptions of your past relationship. These connections must pass from its memory as it matures. The memories can be retained, but the primary focus of activity and the intensity must deal with this personality, and with this existence as you think of it.
The entity is putting its atoms together, busily constructing the necessary equipment, and you both aid it. It weaves into the physical structure all the knowledge it knows it will need. Truths that it has learned will be built-in, so to speak. Anything that the personality knows will be written into the chromosomal structure that you have formed for it.
(Pause.)It hears my voice, but it understands what I am saying mentally. It has come so far into physical reality (Sue is eight months pregnant), that it can perceive telepathically, but it will be some time, as you know, before it will be able to interpret speech as such. It will rely upon inner communication.
To you, your body is solid. The entity can perceive the room in which you sit as if your belly were a window, but it sees with inner sight, and forms the images through the inner senses.
It reacts strongly to your ideas and to its father's telepathically, and so its inner perception of this room, say, is highly colored by your ideas of it. It then mentally perceives the room, right now, more or less as a combination of those ideas you have individually of it.(Pause.)
It is strongly aware of your feelings toward it. At times the personality traits that it had earlier color this perception. It pushes these aside impatiently. It has mental images of its own probable future, and parts of it do become frightened at times, to relinquish old adult powers for an infant's helplessness.
It is often bathed in dreams, and it drifts back to other lives and places as a release and a relief from the struggle that is involved in the new formation. This is the dilemma of creation. The inner self does all of this spontaneously, as both of your parts spontaneously—each of your selves spontaneously play their own role.

(Sue Watkins told us that before Seth began answering my question, her unborn child had been very active—kicking, etc, within her. When Seth started to consider the question, the fetus became very quiet, Sue said, almost as though listening ...)
Title: Re: You do not consider a dream as a success or a failure
Post by: Deb on August 25, 2022, 07:01:13 PM
Quote from: Seth on August 25, 2022, 01:47:01 AMYou do not consider a dream as a success or a failure.

Sorry Seth, I do from time to time. Or at the least, a disappointment. I woke from a dream this morning where I was washing dishes for someone I don't even know and scraping dried baby food off of a sort of fabric lunch bag. My plan was to tell the father it would be better to rinse off food right away, rather than letting it dry. Why do I squander the freedom of dreams on such drudgery?  ::) Self-reflection in order.

Otherwise, another valuable Seth quote. Still need to work my way through No 1 and 2.  ;D
Title: Re: You do not consider a dream as a success or a failure
Post by: inavalan on August 25, 2022, 11:46:16 PM
Quote from: Deb on August 25, 2022, 07:01:13 PM... I woke from a dream this morning where I was washing dishes for someone I don't even know and scraping dried baby food off of a sort of fabric lunch bag. My plan was to tell the father it would be better to rinse off food right away, rather than letting it dry ...

If that were my dream ... (strictly as an exercise for myself, which after some hesitation I decided to share).

Firstly: is it a true, or a symbolical dream? Symbolical; so, it needs intuitional interpretation.

Secondly: am I the main character, or an observer? Main character; so, it is a test (not just a lesson).

My first thought: it seems to be about how would I have handled that scenario as an accomplished Sethian? The way I reacted in that dream, and the way I think now that I should've reacted, are indicators of where I still have work to do.

Surely, one way of thinking about that situation is that had I realized I was dreaming, I could've become lucid, take control, and make my frustration go away. A lesson would be to use such situations, such feelings, as triggers for lucidity, both while dreaming and while awake: could give suggestions for that before going to sleep.

Looking only to how I reacted, what does it say? I was frustrated for doing something I disliked, not knowing why, and I was reacting passively to some external factors, thinking about an amelioration through making a request to others to change their ways (fat chance ...).

As a Sethian I should think in terms of creating my own reality, not of accepting external factors I dislike, nor of requesting others to do things differently for my benefit (what if they disagree, or forget, or don't care, or simply can't?).

This forces me to think pragmatically about my emotions and feelings (about the situation), concretly about what I would like to be instead, with the firm belief that it is only up to me to be that way, in the present, no matter the past, no matter any external factors. We can wish for others to change, and give them suggestions in that direction, try to influence them, but we can't change them (and we have to choose if we change what we wish for, or we drop those from our wished reality).

I can (and should) think similarly about waking life situations I don't like, and use the same approach for interpreting and for creating reality. For example: covid, ukraine, media, ... Instead of hoping, and wishing for the bad actors to be punished, and their deeds to be dealt with, better wish for a present in which there is no need to punish such bad actors (this would imply changing the past, and probably the future, as in "inverted time").