~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: inavalan on August 27, 2022, 05:33:39 PM

Title: You are dealing with a world of probabilities;
Post by: inavalan on August 27, 2022, 05:33:39 PM

Quote from: TES8 #356"In the attempt to use your ability, to probe into the future, you allowed yourself to take more upon yourself than you should have.

There is nothing wrong in trying to perceive tomorrow. (Pause.) It is risky however to live today in such a manner. There are too many errors that can be made when dealing with precognitive elements. You are dealing with a world of probabilities.

Now Ferd note looked into a possible future, and this was quite legitimate—as a probable future. There is much concerning time that you do not yet understand, and I cannot explain it to you, unfortunately, in an evening. This may sound contradictory, but it is not. It is possible to perceive the future as it will be; on the other hand the future itself is always changing, for you change it in the present. (Pause.) In the precise moment in which you spoke the words, there was a probability, and a good one, that the event would occur as stated.

(This material concerns a certain horse race in late August; Ferd had predicted Steve would win a bet on this race.)

Two days later, the conditions had completely changed. This is too complicated, and you do not have the background now. However, the future event predicted was bound up with a series of events that would have had to occur within that two-day period. Some of these events would have been trivial, but all would have led him toward that predicted big win. There are two men in particular he would have met. These events did not occur, and another group of probabilities now exist.

Had your abilities been developed sufficiently, you could have seen through these probable futures into the actual physical future event that would come to pass. Now there is no great loss here, and take me seriously. Both you and Stephen shall have gained, and better now than later: for you cannot live your physical life in such a fashion. The development of your character and of Stephen's would be drastically reduced."

note: Ferd is a non-physical helper.
Title: Re: You are dealing with a world of probabilities;
Post by: inavalan on August 27, 2022, 06:15:15 PM
Quote"(With many pauses:) Dictation ... The unknown reality, probable man, dreams, the spin of electrons, the blueprints for reality — all of these are intimately related.

Your daily personal lives are touched, are changed, are created from the interrelationships that exist among those phenomena. So, of course, your mass world is also affected. You do have free will, and in a certain fashion it can be said to be dependent upon the nature of probabilities and the multidimensional behavior of electrons.

Unpredictability does not mean chaos. All order rises out of the creative elements of unpredictability. In fact, the behavior of any object in your universe is "predictable" only because you concentrate upon such a small portion of its reality. Unpredictability assures uniqueness, and is the opposite of predetermined motion. The great saga of recognized physical activity arises from a vast unrecognized, unpredictable dimension in which probabilities are allowed full freedom.

The full practical implication here should be understood: No course is irrevocably set or beyond change. Within the limited framework of your usual operations, however, so-called predictions3 may be made. They will be workable to some degree. In deeper terms however no action is set beyond alteration. The unknown reality is the source for the known one. If you want to "discover" how things work, then your journey must eventually lead you into the dimensions that lie within the world you know.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now all of this certainly sounds unscientific to many people, yet most of my readers have already picked up a different version of the nature of science, or they would not be reading this book to begin with. The private oracle: What does that mean? And what does it have to do with the unknown reality? More, what does it have to do with the practical world? The private oracle is the voice of the inner multidimensional self — the part of each person not fully contained in his or her personhood, the part of the unknown self-structure out of which personhood, with its physical alliance, springs. Basically that portion of the psyche is outside of space and time, while enabling you to operate in it. It deals intimately with probabilities — (louder:) the source of all predictable action.

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

3. In Note 6 for Session 681 I quoted Seth on his own ability to predict (which he seldom indulges), and on the subject in general. He also commented on predictions in a more amused way in ESP class for January 5, 1971; see the transcript in the Appendix of Seth Speaks: "Time, in your terms, is plastic. Most predictions are made in a highly distorted fashion; they can lead the public astray. Not only that, but when the predictors fall flat on their faces it does not help 'The Cause.' Reality does not exist in that fashion. You can tune into certain probabilities and predict 'that they will occur,' but free will always operates. No god in a giant ivory tower says 'This will happen February 15 at 8:05.'; and if no god predicts, then I do not see the point of doing so myself.""

—UR1 Section 3: Session 704 June 17, 1974