~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: inavalan on August 30, 2022, 11:44:11 PM

Title: Contradictory statements about Seth's teaching only through Jane
Post by: inavalan on August 30, 2022, 11:44:11 PM

Quote"(Some of the material obtained is verbatim, some is not because of Seth's rapid delivery. I made no attempts, seriously, to slow him down. The very beginning of the session is not recorded because I was working in the studio in the back of the apartment when Seth came through as Jane, Eve and Tam sat in the living room.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

My friend here, Ruburt, is my mouth, and speaks for me. You may at some time be in communication with others. I will never speak through anyone other than Ruburt, simply because there must never be any doubt of the origin of the Seth material.

[... 22 paragraphs ...]

Now. I would simply visit with you now ... for friendly purposes ... I am a teacher and I have this work. It must come only from one source.

That has been done before. All of this has been done before. Through many ages, in one way or another, I have spoken. (Humorously:) I never shut up. And others have spoken ... And there is always the difficulty in maintaining the integrity of the material and keeping it free of distortion... I have worked very hard to help Ruburt condition himself to provide for the material's integrity and cut down on distortions (Smile:) I would be appalled at going through that all over again.

[... 35 paragraphs ...]"

—TES9 Session 454 December 7, 1968
Title: Re: Contradictory statements about Seth's teaching only through Jane
Post by: inavalan on August 30, 2022, 11:45:47 PM
Used @Christopher 's search engine: ("distort material"~5 OR "material distort"~5) AND integrity (https://nowdictation.com/q/('distort+material'~5+OR+'material+distort'~5)+AND+integrity/)

It seems that the Seth Material's future integrity was more Jane's and Rob's concern that Seth's. It is understandable, but it also indicates a human perspective, not an evolved non-physical entity's perspective.

It is likely that, because of her emotional involvement, Jane might've honestly distorted to some degree Seth's input on the subject of the integrity of her channeled material.
Title: Re: Contradictory statements about Seth's teaching only through Jane
Post by: inavalan on August 30, 2022, 11:50:36 PM
The way I see it, Seth (being a teacher) teaches some of those who ask to be taught, not only the people from Jane's class. It seems incredible for a non-physical teacher to teach only a few people over the eons. What else would Seth do as a teacher than teach?

I believe that everything that Seth teaches is "Seth material", even if it isn't part of Jane & Rob's "Seth Material". The accuracy of his message depends on the pupil (his development, his beliefs, his commitment), as it was the case with Jane, Rob, and the others too.

This doesn't mean that everybody who honestly believes that they were in contact with Jane's Seth is right. There must be an infinite number of teachers, each teaching in their own specific manner same kind of truths, some of those teachers being more or less successful, more or less knowledgeable than Jane's Seth (Seth mentioned other teachers with whom he compares notes, who have somewhat different teaching methods).

People who honestly believe to be in touch with Jane's Seth may or may not be so; neither they nor we can know which is which. Anyway, I believe that it is a mistake to follow others' interpretations of the Seth Material, as it is a mistake to follow any guru or dogma. The only way, I believe, is for yourself to contact your own inner source of knowledge and guidance. Why assimilate other people's distortions?

I am sure that there must've been, and that there'll be other people to get knowledge from a non-physical teacher, everyone filtering it through their own beliefs and abilities. That non-physical teacher in some case has to be Jane's Seth.

People inherently involuntarily distort the non-physical knowledge they access, and unfortunately they aren't aware of that possibility. (People even trust the media's talking heads.)

On the other hand, considering the "present point of power" and the "inverted time" concepts (as introduced by Jane's Seth) it is probable that we here-now, participating in this discussion, created and create our past memories differently, so they don't match, and don't even match our personalities' actual experiences. I think that's a good reason to not continue arguing about what happened 50 years ago, and I think that it doesn't even matter.

We all read the same Seth books, but understand the material differently. What we can be sure of, is that none of us gets Seth's intended message 100% accurately. We all distort it, and Jane distorted it too (as Seth repeatedly mentioned).
Title: Re: Contradictory statements about Seth's teaching only through Jane
Post by: LarryH on August 31, 2022, 08:14:09 AM
Quote from: inavalan on August 30, 2022, 11:44:11 PM
Quote"(Some of the material obtained is verbatim, some is not because of Seth's rapid delivery. I made no attempts, seriously, to slow him down. The very beginning of the session is not recorded because I was working in the studio in the back of the apartment when Seth came through as Jane, Eve and Tam sat in the living room.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

My friend here, Ruburt, is my mouth, and speaks for me. You may at some time be in communication with others.  I will never speak through anyone other than Ruburt, simply because there must never be any doubt of the origin of the Seth material.

[... 22 paragraphs ...]

Now. I would simply visit with you now ... for friendly purposes ... I am a teacher and I have this work. It must come only from one source.

That has been done before. All of this has been done before. Through many ages, in one way or another, I have spoken. (Humorously:) I never shut up. And others have spoken ... And there is always the difficulty in maintaining the integrity of the material and keeping it free of distortion... I have worked very hard to help Ruburt condition himself to provide for the material's integrity and cut down on distortions (Smile:) I would be appalled at going through that all over again.

[... 35 paragraphs ...]"

—TES9 Session 454 December 7, 1968

I don't think there is a contradiction here. The quote: "I will never speak through anyone other than Ruburt" was about the future and was stated multiple times throughout the material. The quote: "Through many ages, in one way or another, I have spoken." was about the past. I also think that Seth could speak through many people while taking on a different identity, which would protect the integrity of Jane's Seth material. And finally, I believe Seth has said that he visits people in their dreams, and I view this as "speaking to another", as distinguished from "speaking through another".
Title: Re: Contradictory statements about Seth's teaching only through Jane
Post by: strangerthings on August 31, 2022, 03:12:28 PM
100% absolutely. To and through are not the same thing. Just because there was a statement made that sometimes things might not be 100% accurate of Seth, Seth also let us know what this is for the most part because he would say stuff because Jane was stubborn lol
What she WAS NOT stubborn about was Seth speaking through another and she was very very very clear about what she thought about this. There would not be any withheld data on protecting the integrity of this material through Jane.

@ whoever else

There is ZERO contradiction about Jane speaking through another after Jane. Why?

"To protect the integrity of the material."

WE DISCUSSED this in other areas of the forum in great detail so please look in your forum search for these posted by longtime members. This is not a new topic discussed here as with many others.

I also happen to believe Rick Stack when he talks about this topic in depth and he as well has made it VERY CLEAR that Seth will only have spoken **through** Jane.

I felt highly reassured after he spoke on this in great detail with the material itself. Many others around at the time of Seth classes way back when also all agree to this.
Title: Re: Contradictory statements about Seth's teaching only through Jane
Post by: inavalan on September 01, 2022, 06:42:47 PM
The way I see the argument about Seth teaching other people, and giving new material ...

If you are a teacher, by vocation as Seth is, you want to teach pupils the best way for them to learn! You'd strive to improve your methods and adapt them to the pool of pupils you teach.

You don't write a set of books, are content with their editing errors, and proclaim that you'll never improve it, nor improve your teaching methods. You don't leave future generations of pupils trying to decipher your dated books forever.

No decent human teacher would do that.
Title: Re: Contradictory statements about Seth's teaching only through Jane
Post by: strangerthings on September 03, 2022, 03:36:21 PM
There is still the inner world. I have seen Jane there. Teaching us.

So no the work is never over.

There are many teachers.

We build from what we have, improving or becoming very good at what has been given to us already.

Lots of teachers teaching in the inner world. Some are alive here now on Earth and dont even realize they are teaching within.

Jane is not physical anylonger. Her work stands on its own as it is.

When the students are ready for a new teacher he or she will be there. I believe in that.

I do understand what perception you are expressing however. I get it. I also think it is up to us to improve what we have been given to learn it very well if that is our path.

And yes, we do get to write a set of books and then be done with it. How do I know this? Because Jane wrote a wonderful set of books with Rob and Seth and the rest of us and is done with it. ❤️

Maybe your path is preparing you for a change - who knows! What fantastic opportunity awaits you 🥰

Onwards we go!

Title: Re: Contradictory statements about Seth's teaching only through Jane
Post by: Deb on September 06, 2022, 06:22:14 PM
I've never had a problem with Seth saying he would only speak through Jane. I took it to mean in this particular framework/time, as the Seth we know. He's talked about there always having been teachers throughout time (using our concept of time here) re-offering the materials in a way the recipients can understand it. I have a problem with those people who try to capitalize on Jane/Rob/Seth. There are so-called mediums out there that say they are channeling Seth, and I've never read or heard anything convincing from them. There are people who want to rewrite the Seth materials. I feel the materials are still timely as they are.

There's a former ESP class student, not that well known, John Friedlander. He claims to channel Seth and has claimed so for years. This winter he came out with a book Recentering Seth (https://amazon.com/Recentering-Seth-Multidimensional-Gracefully-Skillfully/dp/1591434378). Five 5 star ratings, three written reviews, probably all by relatives. When I found out he's managed to get his book into the Library of Congress (https://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n78095557.html) and once again worm his way into Jane's territory, it really ticked me off. I don't know how these people live with themselves.

Rant over. For now. ;D
Title: Re: Contradictory statements about Seth's teaching only through Jane
Post by: Mark M on September 23, 2022, 08:42:37 PM
The acid test for those other than Jane who think they're speaking for Seth is for them to produce the Christ book.

Seth (Session 463): "Now, when you see what Ruburt can do occasionally, and the troubles I can have with distortion, then you can be sure that I WOULD NOT DOUBLE OR TRIPLE THE CHANCES FOR DISTORTION BY ATTEMPTING TO SPEAK THROUGH ANYONE ELSE."

Seth (Session 15): "Joseph, your part in these sessions is extremely important. Without your participation they could not have begun, nor could they continue. Because of our past alliances the three of us are closely bound together. However, I need the two of you in order to come through at all."

"There is no one else presently alive in your system with whom I had any great rapport in the past, except yourselves. Such a Speaker [had Jane not been available --Mark] would have received the information largely in the dream state, and written it in a series both of treatises and fictionalized narrative."

—Seth Speaks, Chapter 20: Session 584, May 3, 1971

'It is also quite noteworthy to note that BEFORE Jane's books with Seth, no one was claiming the name "Seth" for their inner guy.' --Barrie Gellis
Title: Re: Contradictory statements about Seth's teaching only through Jane
Post by: Mark M on September 23, 2022, 09:07:29 PM
Maybe some purported alternate to Jane (and Rob) can make up for this "deficiency":

"[Ruburt] has no use for women.... He would never have
 communicated with, say, any female counterpart of me."

 --Seth, deleted sess 367, 10\1/67

 "I told you once that Ruburt would not have allowed a female
 counterpart of myself to speak, but neither would you [Rob]

 --Seth, deleted sess 560
Title: Re: Contradictory statements about Seth's teaching only through Jane
Post by: inavalan on September 23, 2022, 10:42:14 PM
Quote from: Mark M on September 23, 2022, 08:42:37 PMThe acid test for those other than Jane who think they're speaking for Seth ...

"They're speaking for Seth" is an interesting formulation.

I communicate with my inner-guide telepathically. The exchange is instantaneous. I just know the answer. Most of the times, I don't even need to finish formulating my question, and I received the answer that, for my benefit and clarification, I word it out. When I misinterpret it, I immediately receive a slightly changed block of knowledge which corrects my misunderstanding. Surely, I know that some distortions must remain, in spite of my express suggestion to leave my beliefs and expectations aside, also because of my level of development.

So, it isn't about "speaking" for a non-physical entity, but about receiving a message from it.

Also, Seth can still communicate with anybody in the (physical-time) future and past, in the non-English speaking part of the world, in other probable realities.

Your post gave me the idea to browse a few sessions from TES1 (4, 5, 6, ...), where the Butts contacted first time the Seth's entity, firstly under the Frank Watts name, and found out what Seth, Joseph, Ruburt names represent.

This re-read captivated me similarly to when I read James Clavell's "Shōgun", immersed in the character's experience.
Title: Re: Contradictory statements about Seth's teaching only through Jane
Post by: Deb on September 24, 2022, 10:01:12 AM
Quote from: Mark M on September 23, 2022, 08:42:37 PMThe acid test for those other than Jane who think they're speaking for Seth is for them to produce the Christ book.


Quote from: Mark quoting Seth on September 23, 2022, 09:07:29 PM"[Ruburt] has no use for women.... He would never have
 communicated with, say, any female counterpart of me."

 --Seth, deleted sess 367, 10\1/67

What about trans women? You mean that Roxanne is really not channeling Ruburt/Jane? I'm shocked and disappointed!  ;D  ;D  ;D
