"The energy that was liberated has already changed your national scene [he is talking about the unrest at the 1968 Democratic convention --Mark], and will continue to do so. Such massive liberations of energy will be used, but not in your lifetime [I presume he means Jane and Rob's lifetime --Mark], to begin to unify the whole planet, in peace. This will not happen before disasters also occur, but when it does happen it will represent the first such time within the planet's history where there was peace with equality for all."
—Seth, TES 9, Session 452, December 2, 1968
Disasters, somewhere on the globe, are virtually constant, so why even mention them unless he means something "above and beyond" the usual?
I think we have entered the "age" of these disasters, sad to say.
This kind of predictions, to me, seem to be in disagreement with the idea of an infinite number of probable universes, resulting from all the possible choices that are made. This includes people from different realities meeting at some point in their lives (I think this was the case of Rob's parents).
It also contradicts the concept of inverted time, that includes changing past and future, and successive incarnations not being in physical time order.
It also contradicts Seth's assertion that some adversity is needed for the personality's development, and that a rosy life wouldn't bring much progress.
I believe this quote is an example of distortion, as it was delivered by Jane.
It is more likely that it says that there are probable physical universes having more idyllic, or more disastrous experiences.
I also don't think that we experience a more disastrous period. Media, communications, mass psychoses amplify things in the minds of some of us, especially the older we get. Let's not forget that we're fed a lot of lies and exaggerations caused by incompetence and corruption.
Here he went again:
'The more "civilized" man becomes, the more his social structures and practices separate him from intimate relationship with nature — and the more natural catastrophes there will be, because underneath he senses his great need for identification with nature; he will himself conjure it into earthquakes, tornadoes, and floods, so that he can once again feel not only their energy but his own....
'Natural catastrophes will remind you that you cannot ignore your planet or your creaturehood. At the same time such experiences themselves provide contact with the deepest energies of your being — even when they are being used "destructively."'
--Seth, NoPR, Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 665, May 23, 1973
As I understand what this physical reality is, not all of us will experience the same reality in the future, not all of us have experienced the same reality in the past, and not all of us experience exactly the same reality in the present.
Quote"Now: Often precognitive information will appear to be wrong. In some cases this is because a self has chosen a different probable event for physical materialization [than the one predicted]. I have access to the field of probabilities and you do not, egotistically.... To me, your past, present, and future merge into one.
"On the other hand, as I have told you, you change your past continually. It does not appear to change to you, for you change with it ... You alter your future in the same manner. In such cases it is necessary that the correct channel of probable events be perceived — correct meaning the channel which shall be ultimately chosen [for actualization by the subject] .
"These choices, however, are based upon your changing perception of past and present. Because I have a larger scope of perception than you, I can with greater facility predict what may happen. But this is dependent upon my prediction as to which choice [of probable events] you will make, and the choice is still your own ... Predictions, per se, do not contradict the theory of free will, though free will is dependent upon much more than any freedom of the ego alone. If the ego were allowed to make all the choices, with no veto power from other layers of the self, you would all be in a sad position indeed."
—UR1 Section 1: Session 681 February 11, 1974
So what do you think of the quote minus the part about disasters?
Planet unified in peace, equality for all?
It would seem odd to have the rest of it be valid save for that one interjection re disasters.
"The energy that was liberated has already changed your national scene [he is talking about the unrest at the 1968 Democratic convention --Mark], and will continue to do so. Such massive liberations of energy will be used, but not in your lifetime [I presume he means Jane and Rob's lifetime --Mark], to begin to unify the whole planet, in peace. This will not happen before disasters also occur, but when it does happen it will represent the first such time within the planet's history where there was peace with equality for all."
—Seth, TES 9, Session 452, December 2, 1968
Regardless, I try to bear the following in mind:
"Once again, then, ideas of the most optimistic nature are the
biologically pertinent ones."
--Seth, Session 06\27/84 for The Way Toward Health
Quote from: Mark M on October 02, 2022, 11:09:53 AMSo what do you think of the quote minus the part about disasters?
Planet unified in peace, equality for all?
It would seem odd to have the rest of it be valid save for that one interjection re disasters.
My belief is that some of us will experience more satisfying "global" realities, while others less satisfying ones, depending on our individual skills in creating reality the way we want it. The outcome, as individually experienced, results
only from our individual thoughts and emotions.
The reality I experience doesn't depend on my wife, my friends, my government, organizations, viruses, climate, gods. It depends only on me, including other parts of my personality.
there is nobody else to blame! if I don't like what I experience.
I'm not to blame either, because that's why I am here: I need to develop, to learn, to practice, which occasionally means to make mistakes, to fail a test.
Everything that I experience is the result of my perceptions through my physical senses of what my subconscious creates from its "telepathic" interconnections with all the other units of consciousness, at all levels of development (not humans only).
Besides my level of evolvement, another major factor that shapes my reality are my beliefs (
conscious beliefs a.k.a assumptions, and unconscious ones a.k.a. truths). Overwhelmingly these beliefs are the result of what Seth calls "natural hypnosis", and which is the result of living in this society, and experiencing it.
Understanding the nature of these beliefs is what can make a huge difference, both in what I experience (good, bad, ugly), and in the degree in which I beneficially exploit this opportunity (this incarnation) to develop. Some of us will have gone through their physical-life experience almost "untouched" (leaving it with almost no progress in their development).
As I wrote above,
there is no goal of advancing human society for its sake, as there are already practically an infinite number of versions of reality, from idyllic ones to total destruction.
We just pick and choose which one we experience. Not all of us will pick the same reality, as not all of us pick what we believe our pasts have been.
We should immerse in and play this educational game, that physical-life is, but we have to recognize for what it is in order to beneficially use the opportunity. I believe I do, as many people believe they do about their versions, most of which are incompatible with mine.
I believe that my reality doesn't depend
at all on what others do and force on me. Believing it does depend, would prevent me from focusing on consciously creating, and from learning to create reality.
We can see the
probable reality that we experience as one of the
possible schools we choose to attend. During our lifetime we can choose to change schools or not, which means choose one probable reality or another.
We can't make others attend the school we want, as
others can't make us choose the school they want us to choose.
Nobody forced us to incarnate here and now. This is the time, place, probability that we chose to attend, or incompetently drifted into. If we wanted a blissful life we would've chosen differently. We don't even know if other parts of our personalities are happy or not with this choice that we consciously dislike to some degree.
Quote from: Mark M on October 02, 2022, 11:56:03 AMRegardless, I try to bear the following in mind:
"Once again, then, ideas of the most optimistic nature are the
biologically pertinent ones."
--Seth, Session 06\27/84 for The Way Toward Health
I believe that I understand how you interpret that quote, that "it is recommended to have a positive view on life", and I agree, with the side-notes from my previous post.
The context of the quote seems to specifically point to something else, to the Nature's view on human life as part of its reality:
Quote from: WTH June 27, 1984"Nature may not bail you out, but it will always be there, adding its own vitality and strength to the overall good and health of the planet."
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inavalan wrote: 'some of us will experience more satisfying "global" realities, while others less satisfying ones'
Isn't it more like some of one's probable selves will experience the more satisfying ones and some of one's probable selves will experience less satisfying ones?
Kind of like there's enough probable realities where we all get to say in a particular one, "I told you so"?
inavalan also mentioned: "an infinite number of probable universes"
Is it really that many? The operative word is "probable" not "possible."
"There are times when all probabilities point in one direction, and I believe there is a mathematical theorem, a theoretical one, that defines such occurrences. In which case, the future is indeed locked."
—TES 8, Session 358, August 2, 1967
Concerning the return of Paul, this century:
"All probabilities point in its direction, however, for the inner impetus is already forming the events."
—Seth Speaks, Session 588, August 2, 1971
I see both points you raised as I stated.
Interesting browse:
Quote"Because of the nature of probabilities there is also, of course, a system of reality in which the Lumanians succeeded in their experiment with nonviolence, and in which a completely different type of human being emerged."
—SS Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 565, February 1, 1971
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