Lately, it happened that I noticed, quite often, a lot of overweight people ... in parking lots, stores, tv adds (politics, activism, stuff), offices, the street, ...
I felt sorry for them, thinking about their health problems in their past-present-future. Most of them aren't aware of those, and don't know what to do about it. The establishment (medical, political, education, media, ...) failed them.
It is relatively simple to control your weight, and many people know how. It is just that there is, again, another synergistic manifestation of incompetence and corruption.
Today I browsed an article describing an argument about what the health implications of being overweight are. One side talked about relatives who were overweight and died young, and about that being "science"; the other side talked about she being overweight and being healthy, and asking for her right to be treated with respect and not to be pressured.
I believe that our health is determined, as everything we experience, by our thoughts, beliefs, expectations.
So, I agree that being overweight shouldn't determine your health ... But that is true only as long as you
consciously "create your reality'. If you don't, hence you let others' (telepathic, subconscious) suggestions and influences affect your reality, then being overweight will make you suffer and shorten your life.
Quote from: No PR I: Ch 5: #623"... except for some conditions which will be mentioned later, you can become healthy if you are ill, slim if you are overweight, gain weight if you prefer, or alter your physical image in profound fashion through the use of your ideas and beliefs."
"You constantly give yourself suggestions about your body, your health or ill health. You think about your body often, then. You send a barrage of beliefs and instructions to the inner self that affect your physical image."
—NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 623, October 25, 1972
The No PR's Chapter 5 is titled: THE CONSTANT CREATION OF THE PHYSICAL BODY, and it is quite informative.
EDIT: This is the article
This is another good example of how a scientist thinks, even when his life is on the line, and has proof that goes against his convictions: his convictions win.
The problem isn't that he doesn't know better, nor that others are corrupt and push their interest ignoring the negative effects, but that we're at the point when the rules supposed to protect the masses are bent and ignored (supposedly for the good of the people), and the organisms supposed to enforce those rules don't do their job.
A lifelong promoter of vaccines suspects he might be the rare, unfortunate exception.
By Roxanne Khamsi
"... And as a longtime immunologist and medical innovator, he's still considering the question of whether a vaccine that is saving tens of millions of lives each year might have put his own in jeopardy. He remains adamant that COVID-19 vaccines are necessary and useful for the vast majority of people. But he wants the discussion about vaccines to be transparent.
Around the time of his February follow-up, Michel received a message from a doctor who had read his self-referential case report. The doctor's mother had been diagnosed with the same subtype of lymphoma that Michel has following a COVID booster shot. More recently, he got an email from a woman whose sister had been vaccinated and received that diagnosis the following month. Again, these could be coincidences. Or maybe they are the second and third data points in a growing set. The possible connection between Michel's lymphoma flare and his COVID-19 vaccination occupies much of his thinking these days. "If it exists, it must be very rare," he said. But he doesn't regret going public with his case. "I'm still convinced it was the right thing to do."
I remember the first time I read this, it's stuck with me:
"(Pause, in another fast delivery.) Let us take another example, a very simple one. You are overweight. It is a physical fact. It grieves you, but you believe it completely. You begin a round of diets, all based on the idea that you are overweight because you eat too much. Instead, you eat too much because you believe that you are overweight. The physical picture always fits because your belief in being overweight conditions your body to behave in just such a manner.
In the oddest fashion, then, your diets simply reinforce the condition — since you diet because you believe so deeply in your overweight condition.
Until you change your belief, you will continue to utilize your food in the same fashion — and to overeat. Momentary gains will not last. Your entire behavior pattern operates according to the strong hypnotic suggestions given, and then of course your appearance and experience always reinforce your belief."
—NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 660, May 2, 1973
As far as the doctor with cancer, I've been hearing a lot of different adverse reactions to the covid shots. Being a Seth reader, I have to wonder why so many adverse reactions. I assume that anyone getting the shot voluntarily believes it is safe and effective and will protect them from covid. Safe. But then there are people dropping dead in their tracks from, say, myocarditis. Blood clots. All the miscarriages. Since the shots have become a mass event (as covid itself was), I have to wonder why these people have "volunteered" in F2 to be injured in order to make a statement. And what the statement might be. Is it that we need to learn to live with nature rather than constantly messing with it? Humans can be so arrogant in the belief that we know best.
"In your terms, with time, historically, he began to lose this identification, so that an emotional separation began to occur between man and the elements, between man and the other manifestations of nature. He still sensed nature's grandeur—(louder:) but that grandeur was no longer his own, and he felt less and less a part of it. Nature became an exterior power, more of an adversary, even though man has a love for the earth, the fields, and the grain that they yielded."
—TPS4 Deleted Session January 21, 1978
There's this:
"Taken directly from the executive order: 'For biotechnology and biomanufacturing to help us achieve our societal goals, the United States needs to invest in foundational scientific capabilities. We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers.'"
Good lord.
Quote from: Deb on October 09, 2022, 08:46:16 AM... Being a Seth reader, I have to wonder why so many adverse reactions. I assume that anyone getting the shot voluntarily believes it is safe and effective and will protect them from covid. Safe. But then there are people dropping dead in their tracks from, say, myocarditis. Blood clots. All the miscarriages. Since the shots have become a mass event (as covid itself was), I have to wonder why these people have "volunteered" in F2 to be injured in order to make a statement. And what the statement might be. Is it that we need to learn to live with nature rather than constantly messing with it? Humans can be so arrogant in the belief that we know best...
(my underlining in the quote) I think that those injured or killed by those jabs have their experience as result of their clumsiness in creating their individual realities. It isn't about those jabs specifically, but about those people's individual beliefs, expectations, personality development level.
Personalities chose this historical period, location, probability, knowing what to expect, hoping to make correct choices. Some bit more than they were able to chew. Others got exactly what they expected.
This pandemic, and its mishandling are just an opportunity for contemporaries to practice creating reality, and they get feedback on their skill. This is similar to other tragic mass-events that happened over the history, like wars, natural catastrophes, inquisition, ...
I think that Seth talked somewhere about personalities choosing such historical periods for a quick way out. I don't think that those personalities ever intend to make a point relevant from human point of view.
Quote from: Deb on October 09, 2022, 08:46:16 AM...
There's this:
"Taken directly from the executive order: 'For biotechnology and biomanufacturing to help us achieve our societal goals, the United States needs to invest in foundational scientific capabilities. We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers.'"
Good lord.
This is like when six-year-olds or Alzheimer patients want to play with matches, and there are no responsible adults to stop them.
Quote from: inavalan on October 09, 2022, 02:48:06 PMQuote from: Deb on October 09, 2022, 08:46:16 AM...
There's this:
"Taken directly from the executive order: 'For biotechnology and biomanufacturing to help us achieve our societal goals, the United States needs to invest in foundational scientific capabilities. We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers.'"
Good lord.
This is like when six-year-olds or Alzheimer patients want to play with matches, and there are no responsible adults to stop them.
Exactly so! Sadly there is nobody to stop them. Instead they are funded
Right! This is sheer madness:
'Insane': Boston Researchers Create 'More Lethal' Strain of COVID, Prompting Calls to Shut Down Risky Gain-of-Function Research
A team of 14 scientists at a Boston University lab developed a new strain of COVID-19 that killed 80% of the mice infected with the virus in a laboratory setting, setting off a storm of criticism from experts who said the research was "akin to madness."
Quote from: Deb on October 18, 2022, 04:41:02 PMRight! This is sheer madness:
'Insane': Boston Researchers Create 'More Lethal' Strain of COVID, Prompting Calls to Shut Down Risky Gain-of-Function Research
A team of 14 scientists at a Boston University lab developed a new strain of COVID-19 that killed 80% of the mice infected with the virus in a laboratory setting, setting off a storm of criticism from experts who said the research was "akin to madness."
I thought that "gain of function" research was already illegal in US (?)
Besides the craziness and impudence of this, I keep wondering why did I accept it in my current reality, and what am I supposed to think about it. Probably I have to use Seth's "three-pronged approach", and, until it works, to apply the "serenity now"
TM (Seinfeld) approach too.
Quote"Few beliefs are intellectual alone. When you are examining the contents of your conscious mind, you must learn, or recognize, the emotional and imaginative connotations that are connected with a given idea. There are various ways of altering the belief by substituting its opposite. One particular method is three-pronged. You generate the emotion opposite the one that arises from the belief you want to change, and you turn your imagination in the opposite direction from the one dictated by the belief. At the same time you consciously assure yourself that the unsatisfactory belief is an idea about reality and not an aspect of reality itself."
—NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 619, October 9, 1972
@inavalanThat's interesting. I can't remember reading this quote and I'm happy to realize that I'm already applying it. The most of the covid news I just ignore and concentrate on my actual goals and tasks. There are ofc things I have to do like wearing a mask in official buildings and so on. And the fact that I'm living in a small village on the country is a plus too.
Also I guess that I can't really escape the mass belief that is going on around me. I can't even move to another country bc it's not possible without at least 4 shots of vaccine or all the boosters they offered.
So whatever is going on on the background, it's harder than ever to just move around. With all the other viruses (chickenpox and so on) it was always possible to leave the country or move around. Not now.
So changing my beliefs in order to change my reality is working. Only now it's limited. And this is a fact that makes me think....
You are right in keeping calm. Yes serenity is a good advice.
I'm concentrated playfully on selling our home here in Bavaria and moving up north to the sea. Maybe near Hamburg, out in the rural area where we can live away from the city, having space for us and a few animals. Well, my dream to live in Montana have to wait I guess but I'm making myself (ourselves) as comfortable as possible 😄. So I'm nurturing my imagination and hopefully lose some weight too 😉.
Quote from: Deb on October 09, 2022, 08:46:16 AMThere's this:
"Taken directly from the executive order: 'For biotechnology and biomanufacturing to help us achieve our societal goals, the United States needs to invest in foundational scientific capabilities. We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers.'"
Good lord.
Gain of function.
"Eat ze bugs!"
Quote from: Doro on October 18, 2022, 02:09:41 AMQuote from: inavalan on October 09, 2022, 02:48:06 PMQuote from: Deb on October 09, 2022, 08:46:16 AM...
There's this:
"Taken directly from the executive order: 'For biotechnology and biomanufacturing to help us achieve our societal goals, the United States needs to invest in foundational scientific capabilities. We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers.'"
Good lord.
This is like when six-year-olds or Alzheimer patients want to play with matches, and there are no responsible adults to stop them.
Exactly so! Sadly there is nobody to stop them. Instead they are funded
If this is considered tyrannical by the lot of folks in this country we have our Constitution to guide us. It is the people's job and DUTY to remove this government and replace it with a new one.
A part of me says: This pirate corporate sign language latin running a muck government that thinks we are ships at sea have gotta go!