~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: inavalan on October 17, 2022, 12:51:32 AM

Title: Even the physical planet, having vanished, basically would continue to exist
Post by: inavalan on October 17, 2022, 12:51:32 AM
Quote"You do not consider a dream as a success or a failure. If the dream ends in a moment of destruction you do not consider the dream a failure. In the overall then, when I told you that the planet was dispensable, I meant it somewhat in those terms, for while in your reality you are vulnerable, and agony is real, still it is not the whole reality, and success and failure have no meaning in those (underlined) terms.

The consciousnesses that have made up your race gain valuable experience. You must not forget that the analogy between your physical reality and the dream state does have a basic truth.

Even the physical planet, having vanished, basically would continue to exist. Those responsible for such a destruction would have destroyed only reality as they knew it, in the probable system. Other probable earths and other probable races of mankind coexist, and you are apart of these also. You would be dispensing with an experiment you were not able to handle.

At the same time, again, the experiences would be used. From a larger viewpoint you would know that nothing had been destroyed. Now you should underline the last sentence. Think about it, and then I will answer questions that I believe you will have.

We have been speaking of projections and experiments in them, and if you want to, know what other experiments are being conducted by yourself and others this is one way that you can at least briefly glimpse them.

Any event that you would consider disastrous to your race, brought about by the race itself, would be used in another probable system to avoid the same sort of error. There are disasters and dead end roads that your race has avoided completely, because in other systems of reality the lessons were learned and learned well.

Your own instinct for survival, so-called, is the result, so to speak, of experience in other systems. The original problem was far different. A way was needed to teach these personalities to focus long enough, in your terms, intensely enough, within any given reality.

When the lessons are learned there is no need for physical reality. The survival instinct, strongly connected with the physical self, keeps it anchored in focus within your system. Without it consciousness would tend to float free. It is your anchor.

Now. In conscious projections you allow yourself some freedom. In many cases you do consciously what you do unconsciously in any case. You are able with practice to journey through other systems. You are able to see for yourself not only the experiments that are being tried, but often to come into contact with other portions of yourself, who are involved in those experiments."

—TES9 Session 499 August 27, 1969