Quote from: TES7 #283"It is possible for the inner and outer egos to merge to some extent, and this merging when it occurs does indeed represent the formation of a new kind of consciousness."
Quote from: TES7 #283"When you carry the waking I into the dream state, this is one approach to this different consciousness. There is also an opening up that can occur in the waking condition. When this occurs the inner and outer egos merge. The outer ego recognizes its own duties, but it is aware that more is involved.
It senses realities usually closed to it. It thinks, "There is more, but beyond I cannot follow." Here with this realization the inner ego may suddenly open. Intuitive springs rush to the surface, and because the outer ego has already been alerted, it is able to accept these realities while still performing its ordinary duties.
The knowledge then available is first of all creative, intuitive knowledge which the outer ego may translate into intellectual terms when possible. But it is no longer fearful of intuitive data. It no longer fights the inner senses, nor does it fear for its own survival in the midst of intuitional onrushes.
It recognizes its position as a part of the whole self. This is indeed a released, free consciousness. It does represent a giant step forward. It opens doors otherwise closed, and it automatically brings with it a state of excellent, buoyant physical health.
Identity is no longer limited to the outer ego alone. The outer ego is now familiar with the whole self, or the entire identity, and has available to it strength of which it was not previously aware. In periods of exuberance, when you are working well, and your health is extraordinarily good, when you are able to remember and manipulate your dreams, then such periods are signs of the emergence of this new consciousness.
In the beginning you will not retain it steadily. It will grow by leaps and bounds however. It's growth has nothing to do with your physical time, but with inner value fulfillments of which you may not be consciously aware. This last is important. Contrary to usual opinion, periods of poor health are often the result of egotistic rather than subconscious manipulations. You become over concerned with the egotistical situations, and hamper the inner self.
You tie yourself in knots, so to speak. You think so rigidly of concerns that are primarily insignificant to you, as a whole self and make a fetish of them. You identify, despite your knowledge, mainly with the ego. This cuts you off from the inner self."
Quote"Full use of the inner senses is not even for me yet. There is still a long way for me to go. We progress along these lines according to our capabilities and our own strengths. The conscious ego also develops in a strange manner through all this, as I will now attempt to explain.
Through experience in the various levels of existence the inner ego and the outer ego come closer and closer together. The subconscious eventually disappears, as it is no longer needed as a necessary buffer zone. At your stage of development the inner ego is by far the most self-conscious part of the whole self, and has the greatest ability for perception and organization. It alone is capable of experiencing inner and basic reality directly and immediately. It alone can cope with the tumultuous nature of such direct reality experience.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
In the various levels of existence the inner and outer egos begin to merge. Gradually direct experience of inner reality is spoon-fed by the inner ego through the mouth of the subconscious to the outer ego. The division between the inner and outer egos is necessary for other reasons than the nature of direct experience itself. That is, the outer ego is shielded from direct experience of reality because it could not take the impact of such experience. But this is not the only reason."
—TES1 Session 35 March 16, 1964
Quote"At your level the sieve of the subconscious is a necessity and that is one of the main reasons why Ruburt dissociates during our sessions, even though his experience of inner reality is received secondhanded, so to speak, through me.
It is thinned out further by my own subconscious, because my inner and outer egos are not yet a complete unity, although I am, or my outer ego is, in direct contact with my inner ego on some occasions. Nevertheless my subconscious is not yet dispensed with but is still retained somewhat in the order of your archaic appendix."
—TES1 Session 35 March 16, 1964
Quote"This inner ego knows the outer ego well. The outer ego is but a counterfeit image of the inner ego. The outer ego as a rule is not aware of what you may think of for now as the thoughts or communications of the inner ego; but the inner ego knows every step you take, every particle of air you breathe, every dream you have; and it is the source of your own personality and is the representative of the entity of which it is part."
—TES1 Session 37 March 23, 1964
Quote"Everyone sees red differently. There is no absolute objective red but only gradations of the idea red.
You do not even perceive camouflage reality with your outer senses with any dependability. Telepathy, which belongs to the inner senses, is used constantly. Without it your languages would be meaningless. The inner senses, Philip, experience direct data instantaneously."
—TES1 Session 37 March 23, 1964
Quote"You are always receiving data from the inner senses. It is sifted through the subconscious, and when you receive it directly, or more or less directly for the first time, it can be frightening merely because of the unfamiliarity, and because of the unusual vividness. This is why I have said that the inner senses present their own evidence."
—TES1 Session 37 March 23, 1964
Quote"Philip, earlier, mentioned hypnosis. Existence on your plane or any other plane is merely self-hypnosis. As far as an analogy is concerned, this one is very nearly perfect. Your existence, and mine for that matter, on any particular level is predetermined by complete concentration or focus of inner selves upon the particular universe in question. And your camouflage patterns can most aptly be compared to the hallucinary effects created by the hypnotist upon his subject.
Only in this case the hallucinary effects are actual constructions upon the plane in question, and involve problems that must be worked out. The hallucinations appear more or less consistent merely because everyone on that particular level is under the effects of self-hypnosis, and because they have already constructed hallucinary senses, the outer senses, in order to perceive the hallucinary world that they have created."
—TES1 Session 37 March 23, 1964
Quote"The wrong way, and I do not mean even wrong in the sense of sinful, the wrong way is never the practical way, Philip. The practical way is the only way.
The inner senses try desperately to make their knowledge plain to the individual. It is communicated through what you call hunch or intuition. It represents actual knowledge of a definite and unerasable reality.
The so-called practical solution to your problems, Philip, is hardly practical and for many reasons. In the first place, having little respect for yourself for following such a course, you would not even be able to put on the act which you contemplate."
—TES1 Session 37 March 23, 1964
Quote"Material matters may seem extremely practical to you. However there is nothing less practical than inner torment, and much inner torment is caused by a false sense of what is practical. Inner torment will cause you to lose whatever material gains you have achieved, and this is not practical."
—TES1 Session 37 March 23, 1964
Quote"The inner world of course is part of all planes. It is not so much that it exists simultaneously with the outer world, as that it forms the outer world and the outer world exists in it."
—TES1 Session 20 January 29, 1964
Quote"I risk repeating myself, but I want these steps to be plain. This vital data is sent to the mind by the inner senses. Any material that is important for the body's contact with outer camouflage patterns is given to the brain. The subconscious, so-called, is a connective between mind and brain, between the inner senses and the outer senses. It is actually partly on your plane and partly on other planes. Portions of it do deal with camouflage patterns, with the personal past of the present personality, with racial camouflage memories; and the greater portion belongs to the inner world, and as data comes into it from the inner world, so can it reach far into the inner world itself.
You must remember here that time is part of the camouflage pattern. Now the outer sense of sight would seem to confound space, and seemingly conquer a portion of distance by using your eyes. That is, you do not necessarily have to walk a short distance in order to see what is in the particular space involved.
So the inner senses and the subconscious can do the same thing as far as inner space, and what you would call inner time, is concerned. But this is not amazing, far from it. It only seems strange because you are so familiar with your precious camouflage patterns. Time and space, dear friends, are both camouflage patterns, therefore the fact that the inner senses can conquer time and space is not, after all, so surprising. To the mind with its subconscious, and to the inner senses, there is no time and space, and therefore to them nothing is conquered. The camouflage is simply not present.
When I speak of the subconscious in this manner, I speak of course of that larger portion which deals with the inner realities. I want to give you more detailed information about the inner realities themselves. Actually they do not parallel the outer senses, and this will sound appalling to you I'm afraid, simply because there is nothing to be seen, smelled, heard or touched in the manner in which you are accustomed. This is extremely hard to explain, since I do not want to give you the idea that existence without your particular set of camouflage patterns is bland and innocuous, because this is not the case.
The inner senses have a strong immediacy, a delicious intensity that your outer senses lack. There is no lapse of time in perception, since there is no time."
—TES1 Session 20 January 29, 1964