~Speaking of Seth~
Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: inavalan on November 04, 2022, 02:50:49 PM
Quote"There is a freedom involved in knowing yourself as you are and as you were in your terms, and as you will be in your terms. You can perceive the future as you can perceive the past, again speaking in your terms only. You react to the future today. You simply do not think that you do and you do not connect your actions today with the information that you will perceive tomorrow and so your own reactions escape you.
Now you are used, to some extent, to studying your dreams for precognitive information and checking dream events against future events, but you are not used to checking your reactions in the waking state today against the information that you learn tomorrow.
Now I will give you some information with which you can confound Ruburt at our break. Yesterday, on two occasions, he was quite surprised, but mildly so, to find strong phlegm in his throat. On one occasion he was on the phone to you (Janice) and on another occasion he was in another man's office. Now he worked with his pendulum and discovered one reason for the phlegm and the cough when he was speaking to you, having to do with the fact that his own writing hours were not done. But he did not search any more deeply than that. Instead, you see, yesterday on two occasions he picked up the fact of his father-in-law's illness, the phlegm in the father-in-law's lungs and eschewing heart difficulties. On both of these occasions he reacted physically to information that was psychically perceived and all without recognizing the stimulus or the reason for the physical symptoms."
—ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 2, 1971