Quote"Now I have told you time and time again, my friends, that you construct your physical universe and your private environment in line with your inner expectations, for they mirror perfectly the deepest areas of your own inner reality.
This is perhaps the closest I can come in handing you anything that approaches a basic truth. All of our material follows from this, and any other information contained in the material follows and flows out of this primary statement."
—TES6 Session 253 April 25, 1966
Quote"I will not go more deeply into this, for we have mentioned it often, and I address myself now to you both. When you are concentrating upon destructive elements, you lose on two points. You reinforce the destructive qualities by the very act of concentrating upon them, and you rob yourselves of the constructive qualities that you could be concentrating upon, and therefore that you could be reinforcing.
For an example, we will take your friend and her tumor. The tumor was formed by inner concentration. She feared a tumor so strongly that subconsciously she focused her energies in those directions. It existed in her mind long before it was physically constructed.
Had she concentrated upon constructive elements, upon positive and not negative qualities, not only would the tumor itself be nonexistent, but she would have constructed a positive element in its stead. A spiritual growth, for example.
All of these matters, you see, and many more, from the considerations of health and the formation of destructive ulcers and tumors, to the construction of any simple physical object, to the construction of an apparition—all of these are in one way or another connected with inner focus and concentration.
You will in all cases attempt to construct as physical reality your inner conception of what reality is. Your physical environment and conditions are a mirror of your own basic conceptions of reality. If the environment changes it is because your inner conceptions have changed, and no smallest alteration is made within physical reality, that has not first been made within the inner self."
—TES6 Session 253 April 25, 1966
Yep, there go those expectations again. Fear and worry are not only a waste of time, they are a waste of good resources for making a desired outcome. Another good reason to recoil from mainstream media.