To finish what I was writing to BelieveIt2RealizeIt:
Because I am not allowing perfect patterns of energy regarding the cartilage between my bones---this has led me to pick up the book "Prescription Alternatives" by Mindell. This is where I found out that there are a lot doctors out there selling pills that are not of the most healthy frequency for human bodies. In this book I read that there are thousands if not millions of people taking these pills which is cancelling out the magnesium and calcium and potassium, etc. in their bodies leading to their bodies falling apart.
Now how does this fit in with these bodies being holograms? We are what we believe we are, so with telepathy operating constantly, are people causing their own perfect patterns to go awry--causing their own bones to fracture? Are these people with fractured bones believing what these doctors are believing? And if this is true, then these doctors must have eugenics on their minds. I have read in the book War on the Weak that the so-called elitists want half the people to die and are doing what they can to make this happen. Whether or not the pills they are prescribing actually hurt people, these doctors must be having feelings that they want these pills to hurt people. And these elderly people are picking up these feelings/pictures of these doctors and making it happen !!!!!
Because my legs and feet have been swelling, these doctors want to give me diuretics, which I have read deletes the potassium and magnesium and calcium I actually need. So I tell them that they are trying to give me poisons. They are upset and say that there have been many trials with their diuretics that say they are effective. But everybody has an opinion. Are their pills actually depleting the magnesium, calcium and potassium in people's bodies, or, since these are neutral frequencies, is it really the people's beliefs in the side effects causing their imagery to conform to these side effects???? The list of side effects on these pills are as long as an arm on many occasions.
I don't take the pills and I ask for a healer or naturopath. They seem outraged that I don't believe them. Confessions of a Medical Heretic by Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.--I read this book what seems like a long time ago. In this book placebos are tested rigorously right along with what is called LSD, etc. People told they were taking LSD acted as if they were, and then were told they actually took a placebo. So Mindell in his book Prescription Alternatives is thinking with solidity, too. He is not taking into account observation. Our observation, our beliefs, cause what is in front of us. I believe it is Seth that said we are hallucinations, illusions, causing ourselves to slow down our energy into these wave packets called solidity.
These hospitals and doctors have not read physics. Hardly anyone has. If they had, they would all be giving placebos to people. How do we know what they are giving to people? Supposedly these huge corporations called Big Pharm are creating these pills to make huge profits from. Why can't people just bring physics into it and say that all pills are placebos and that people are illusions/placebos themselves? Then there wouldn't have to be any detrimental feelings coming into play causing the fractured bones.
This particular world is so confusing and full of pain. But what is my option? To go live on an island? Or fish from a boat? My imagery is to be so happy with a garden on a catamaran full of solar panels and a wind turbine traveling the world. But I keep on telling myself that I would not be able to help others with their imagery or pains from that catamaran. But since in a nonlocal universe what we think reaches there immediately, then I can think from anywhere. Why can't I just let all my wave packets go and help others with their illusions from the 5th dimension? Why can't I just stop pulsating here and leave this body when I want to? I can help many more people there than here. I have read that there are doctors in the 5th dimension helping people in this manner right now. Got that from the book Healers and the Healing Process by George Meek. Got to go from this library. Ran out of time. Ha Ha