~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: inavalan on January 12, 2023, 10:02:03 PM

Title: In your reality it seems .. sane to accept the evidence of your senses
Post by: inavalan on January 12, 2023, 10:02:03 PM
"In your reality it seems only practical and sane to accept the evidence of your senses. In many instances, however, the two of you have defied such limitations, or these sessions would not happen, and you would have embarked upon no such exploration.

When Ruburt took your second apartment, he did so taking it on faith and against all physical evidence to the contrary that he would have the money to afford it, and the money came. Yet whenever you begin a new situation of physical improvements with Ruburt, after the first enthusiasm the both of you instantly revert to the old "test-it-out-at-once, check-the-physical-evidence" kind of thinking. This immediately removes the necessary conditions for improvement. These are laws. When you start checking in that manner, it is because you doubt the results. When you feel that way then it seems sheer Pollyanna to believe in improvement, for you are again faced with the evidence upon which you focus your attention.

Since the two of you together follow more or less the same pattern of reaction there, you are faced with spotty results. A child knows something will go away if you pretend it does not exist. To the adult this seems like the sheerest of nonsense; yet the child's connections with the heroic dimension still remind him of that truth.

(11:27.) You simply have not learned to use the rules in that level of your experience. Your joint belief, however, has been roused with excellent results, and when you believe in Ruburt's recovery he instantly begins to improve. You simply have not followed through.

(Just before the session, and after we'd sat for our own experiments at 9:00 PM, Jane reported several obvious improvements—one notably in the suddenly increased flexibility of her right thumb....)

In other areas of your lives you have made such advances that you are no longer aware of, for example, possible pitfalls completely escaped. Your wealth will accumulate because you no longer take poverty for granted. Believe in Ruburt's flexibility and it is there. Believe in his rigidity and it is there. Believe in your wealth and it accumulates.

You dwell partially in the heroic dimension therefore, to a considerable-enough degree so that you can glimpse its existence. What I appear to be is your interpretation of what I am, and earlier this evening Ruburt dimly glimpsed that my apparent reality in a quite inferior version. It is enough, however, to give you an idea. I am filling the house with energy for you to use. I will also enlarge the frontiers of your dreams. I bid you a fond good evening."

--- —TPS3 Deleted Session November 26, 1975