~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Mark M on January 29, 2023, 09:01:31 PM

Title: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: Mark M on January 29, 2023, 09:01:31 PM
Language isolates are languages that cannot be classified into larger language families. Basque is the most common example. Other language isolates include Ainu in Asia, Sandawe in Africa, and Haida in North America. The number of language isolates is unknown.

One explanation for the existence of language isolates is that they might be the last remaining branch of a larger language family. The language possibly had relatives in the past which have since disappeared without being documented. Another explanation for language isolates is that they developed in isolation from other languages. ...


Or from Sess 604:

"Now, your human stock did not all originate solely from
your planet. I never told you that it did. In that respect your
ancestry is indeed varied. Some of the information given in my
own book, by inference, should have made that clear."

"Consciousness is not local [to the earth], and it never was."

"Mixed in here strongly were the ideas of gods mating with earth women."

Title: Re: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: inavalan on January 30, 2023, 01:18:06 AM
Some interesting stuff:

Title: Re: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: inavalan on January 30, 2023, 02:46:40 AM
This is quite informative too: Language Is Baffling – The Story of the Tower of Babel - TheTorah.com (https://www.thetorah.com/article/language-is-baffling-the-story-of-the-tower-of-babel)
Title: Re: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: Mark M on January 30, 2023, 10:50:44 AM
Ainu is a language isolate as noted and the genetics of the Ainu are somewhat anomalous.

"A genetic analysis in 2016 showed that although the Ainu have some genetic relations to the Japanese people and Eastern Siberians (especially Itelmens and Chukchis), they are not directly related to any modern ethnic group."


Speaking of "odd DNA," there is this account from the UFO literature:


"Australian researcher Bill Chalker has reported what may be the world's first DNA test of abduction-related biological material.

"Australian abductee Peter Khoury had a strange encounter [in his bedroom; they tried to have sex with him] with two female beings in 1992, after which he recovered an odd strand of hair [tightly wrapped around his penis!] which was later DNA tested.

"The intriguing results [a rather unusual genome] raise many questions about the physical nature of abduction and illustrate the need for more intensive scientific research on this worldwide mystery. The full case report was published in the Spring 1999 International UFO Reporter by the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS)."

June 16, 1999 – CNI News, Vol. 5, No. 8
Title: Re: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: inavalan on January 31, 2023, 04:29:03 AM
"We have known several people who were monks in a previous experience.  Now. (To Ron): In a life in the east before the time of Christ, 1200 B.C., you were a member of a body of men who belonged to an esoteric heritage.  You were wanderers and traveled also through Asia Minor.

You carried with you in your heads messages and laws that had been given to one of your kind in a time that was already nearly forgotten.  These were codes of ethics.  They originated from the time of Atlantis.  Before that, these codes were given by a race from another starThis race had to do with the origin of Atlantis.  The messages were put into words and language and written down at the time of Atlantis, but after that they were handed down by word of mouth.

Your people learned from their elders, and they were called Speakers.  You were a Speaker.  This is why you find it so easy to call others your brothers.  Now: Three men in particular under you (in the manufacturing plant where Ron holds a supervisor's position), were part of that original band of men.  Your wife, your daughter-in-law and your son were also members of that band.  Your wife and your daughter-in-law, however, were brothers.

You traveled through Asia Minor in a time of great turmoil, and wherever you went you spoke – which means you gave utterance to the ethics.  It took you twelve years of training to memorize this code of ethics.

Now later the Essenes were involved.  I am not sure of the word.

(Ron's wife, Grace: "Seth, did we fulfill our purposes in that time?")

In that existence, yes.  There was turmoil within the group, disagreement.  There was disagreement over the meaning of the words that were recalled.  The group became divided.  One portion of the group traveled to the land we now call Palestine, and the other migrated, in the next century, appearing in southern Europe.

There was a major distortion having to do with Bael (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bael_(demon)).  A group gathered together with Bael as their idea of God.  You (Ron) were with the other group.  There was a city in a jungle – Messini as nearly as I can translate it.  In Asia Minor, and fragments of a past civilization were then there.  A new city was built which in its turn also disappeared.  There were writings on rocks, however, as the old messages were once again put into written symbols.  But your people were gone, and you are only now finding them again.

In your terms, and in your terms only, the coming of Christ was the Second Coming.  In those terms – and, again, this is important – in those terms only, he appeared at the time of Atlantis, but the records were destroyed and forgotten except in the memory of a few who survived.

Now, again in those terms, he is an entity who appears time and time again within your physical system, but he has been recognized on only two occasionsOnce in Atlantis, and once in the Christ story as it has come down to you in all of its distortionsHe appears and reappears therefore, sometimes making himself known and sometimes not.  He was not one personality, as I have told you, but a highly developed entity, sometimes appearing as a fragment of himself.

In your terms he eternally weaves himself within the fabric of your time and space, born again and again into the world of flesh, being a part of it while also independent of it, even as you are all a part of it but independent of it."

—SS Appendix: Session 558, November 5, 1970
Title: Re: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: Mark M on January 31, 2023, 08:37:47 PM
"Time's framework does not exist as you think it does. Intervals of existence are obviously not the same. In ways impossible to explain, there are what I can only call inner passageways throughout the universe. You know how one association can suddenly in your minds connect you with a past event so clearly that it almost seems to occur in the present—and indeed, a strong-enough memory is like a ghost event. So there are processes that work like associations, that can provide passageways through the universe's otherwise time-structured ways. These passageways are simply a part of the greater nature of events that you do not perceive.

(Pause.) "At times your species has traveled those passageways, and many of your myths represent ghost memories of those events. There is a rhythm, again, to all existence, and so in your terms your species returned to its home planet, to renew its roots, refresh its natural stock, to return to nature, to find solace again amid the sweet ancient heritage of dusk and dawn."

—DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 918, June 2, 1980
Title: Re: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: Mark M on January 31, 2023, 10:25:46 PM
Below is from Seth's outline for Seth Speaks (quoted by Jane in her introduction to the book where she said he stuck to his outline better than she ever did for her books, but this was not addressed in Speaks or anywhere in the material that I know of):

"Now. There will be a chapter on the religions of the world, on the distortions and truths within them; the three Christs; and some data concerning a lost religion (pause; one of many), belonging to a people of which you have no information. These people lived on a planet in the same space that your planet now occupies, in quotes 'before' your planet existed. They destroyed it through their own error, and here reincarnated when your planet was prepared. Their memories (long pause), became the basis for the birth of religion as you now think of it."

"They destroyed it [their planet] through their own error, and here reincarnated when your planet was prepared."

—TES9, Session 510, January 19, 1970

This means people are older than planet earth. This is not a surprise if one accepts that consciousness gives rise to form, not form giving rise to consciousness. Per this, Seth has stated the theory of evolution is much a fairy tale as the Eden story, I believe in Seth Speaks.
Earth was prepared by way of consciousness.
Title: Re: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: Mark M on February 01, 2023, 12:29:40 PM
"I said that your conventional geological ages were faulty, along with your theories of the age of the earth, for it is far older than is supposed. Obviously it has changed geographically—that you know. There were vast civilizations, however, where now there is only the endless expanse of the ocean waves, and ruins that most likely will never be discovered, for they are obliterated in the very life of the planet itself."

—Seth/Jane Roberts, The Personal Sessions, Vol 4, Deleted Session November 14, 1977

So the planet "before" ours existed was some time ago!
Title: Re: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: inavalan on February 01, 2023, 05:27:15 PM
I think that we also have to always keep in mind, when we deal with historical information and hypotheses too, that the present is the point of power from which we individually create the physical-past (as well as the physical-future), that there are an infinite number of physical-realities.

Sometimes Jane's channeled information seems to contradict the basic concepts.
Title: Re: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: inavalan on February 02, 2023, 02:42:25 AM
"When I come here to speak I focus my energy, but not toward this room as a destination, for in your terms this room does not exist to me. In your terms, this room does not even exist to you. You pretend to agree that it does; we meet in no place of space or time. The true meetings that take place here have nothing to do with the room or the people that you think you are. You know that you hallucinate the room, that you are as much in trance here as you ever are when you are in psychological time. I simply want you to realize that if this life is a trance, then you can turn the direction of your consciousness to perceive greater realities that presently exist. You can be aware of your own greater identity, even as I am. You sit within the miracle of yourselves and ask for signs. It is your inner eyes I would open.

As you know yourselves, you only accept those suggestions, ideas and hang-ups that suit your purposes at this time. You are not, therefore, at the mercy of any neurosis from a past life, nor are there any fears from your present lives that you cannot conquer. I have not said that you will necessarily conquer them, but it is within your ability to do so.

The decision is your own according to your understanding. You cannot be hounded from one level of reality to another by a fear that you do not understand. You cannot be threatened in this life by fears from your early childhood, or by so-called past existences, unless you so thoroughly believe in the nature of fear that you allow yourselves to be conquered by it. Each of your personalities are free to accept and develop, from the miraculous banks of reality, those experiences and emotions that you want, and to reject those you do not want."

—SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, February 9, 1971
Title: Re: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: Mark M on February 02, 2023, 09:36:53 AM
inavalan wrote:

I think that we also have to always keep in mind, when we deal with historical information and hypotheses too, that the present is the point of power from which we individually create the physical-past (as well as the physical-future), that there are an infinite number of physical-realities.

Sometimes Jane's channeled information seems to contradict the basic concepts.

My response: Fine, so why highlight this Seth statement?

"the coming of Christ was the Second Coming"

Title: Re: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: inavalan on February 02, 2023, 02:46:40 PM
Quote from: Mark M on February 02, 2023, 09:36:53 AMinavalan wrote:

I think that we also have to always keep in mind, when we deal with historical information and hypotheses too, that the present is the point of power from which we individually create the physical-past (as well as the physical-future), that there are an infinite number of physical-realities.

Sometimes Jane's channeled information seems to contradict the basic concepts.

My response: Fine, so why highlight this Seth statement?

"the coming of Christ was the Second Coming"

That was like a header for the second part of that quote. The much more important part of that paragraph, to me, was:
Quote"... in those terms, he is an entity who appears time and time again within your physical system, but he has been recognized on only two occasions ... He appears and reappears therefore, sometimes making himself known and sometimes not.  He was not one personality, as I have told you, but a highly developed entity, sometimes appearing as a fragment of himself. ..."

—SS Appendix: Session 558, November 5, 1970

To me this quote says that the exceptionalism we attribute to some events isn't warranted.

In this quote's light, the expected Second Coming of Christ looses significance.

Seth's account about Christ, Atlantis, Essenes, Bael, ... stuff is, again as I understand it, only one probable thread of physical-reality.

This also ties into the idea, passionately debated, that Seth talked only through Jane, and that he will never talk through another, neither in the physical-future, nor in the physical-past.
Title: Re: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: Mark M on February 02, 2023, 11:09:20 PM
inavalan wrote:

"This also ties into the idea, passionately debated, that Seth talked only through Jane, and that he will never talk through another, neither in the physical-future, nor in the physical-past."

He did speak thru others and this shows why Jane-only in the 20th century -- it's pretty straightforward:

"That has been done before. All of this has been done before. Through many ages, in one way or another, I have spoken. (Humorously:) I never shut up. And others have spoken ... And there is always the difficulty in maintaining the integrity of the material and keeping it free of distortion... I have worked very hard to help Ruburt condition himself to provide for the material's integrity and cut down on distortions (Smile:) I would be appalled at going through that all over again."

—Seth, The Early Sessions, Vol 9, Session 454, December 7, 1968

Title: Re: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: Mark M on February 03, 2023, 10:59:21 AM
And the acid test for a non-Jane Seth-channeler claimant is to deliver the Christ book.
Title: Re: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: inavalan on February 03, 2023, 02:56:01 PM
Just curious ... What would you expect from a Christ book channeled from Seth? How would you recognize it to be a genuine Seth book? Also, what would be the value of it?
Title: Re: Language isolates and Sess 604 speculation
Post by: Mark M on February 03, 2023, 05:13:38 PM
What would you expect from a Christ book channeled from Seth?

For one thing, an expansion on his Christ was not crucified bit in Speaks.

''He also told me that the man, Christ, was kidnapped by the Essenes. I
did not believe him. Nor at the time he told me did I know who Christ

SESSION 588, AUGUST 2, 1971, 9:01 P.M. MONDAY

Were the kidnappers the same as "the group," along w/Judas, who gave to the
authorities a fake Christ and later took the body away after the

Was Christ incommunicado for a long enough time that people
perhaps thought he'd been executed or crucified?

Did the fake Christ resemble the real one?

Some of Christ circle seemed to have had part of the story:

''Peter [a key figure in the early church] three times denied the Lord, saying he did not
know him, because he recognized that the person was not Christ.''

''Mary came because she was full of sorrow for the man who believed
he was her son.''

And of course Judas.

Why were the followers so misunderstanding especially when some of them had at least part of the story?

And such info as:

'The words "Let thy will be done," represented excellent psychological understanding, for according to Christ's teachings as originally given, God the father represented the source or parent of the self, who was by nature free from the self's ignorance or lack of understanding at any given time, and who would know better than the known self those experiences that would fulfill the self's hopes, dreams, and potentials.'

—TPS4 Deleted Session January 9, 1978

After giving some Christ info in some early or deleted session, he said something like that he tried to get such info in now and then.

It seems he wanted to do so.

How would you recognize it to be a genuine Seth book?

If it were by Jane Roberts, that would be good enough for me. Otherwise, no.

Also, what would be the value of it?

Like he says at the start of his Christ was not crucified bit in Speaks:

"Now, for your edification:..."

The "same" as when he expounded on the Lumanians.