~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: inavalan on February 18, 2023, 02:49:53 AM

Title: You can live more than one life at a time — in your terms now
Post by: inavalan on February 18, 2023, 02:49:53 AM
"Now: a footnote to our [private] session of last night. Ruburt was correct: Lives are simultaneous. You can live more than one life at a time — in your terms nowbut that is a loaded sentence. You are neurologically tuned in to one particular field of actuality that you recognize. In your terms and from your viewpoint only, messages from other existences live within you as ghost images within the cells, for the cells recognize more than you do on a conscious level. That is, for a brief time, Joseph (Rob) was consciously able to perceive a portion of another existence.

You could not be consciously aware of those other realities all of the time, and deal with the world that you know.  You have several time and space tracks in operation at once, then, but you acknowledge only certain neurological messages physically.  Yet there is more to the body than you perceive of it, and this is difficult to explain to you ... If you can think of a multidimensional body existing at one time in various realities, and appearing differently within each one while still being whole, then you can get some glimpse of what is involved."

—UR2 Appendix 21: (For Session 721)
Title: Re: You can live more than one life at a time — in your terms now
Post by: inavalan on February 18, 2023, 03:05:54 AM
"Now in your terms only, these other counterparts are like latent patterns within your mind.  Echoes.  How many of you have actually thought of what the unconscious may be?  Or, the voices that you hear within your mind or heart?  Are they yours?  To what counterparts do they belong?  And yet each of you, in your own identity, has the right to do precisely as you wish, to form your own reality ...

I will give you an example.  There is a member of the class – and I will close my innocent eyes so that I do not give the secret away – but there is a class member who is indeed a fine Jesuit, handling problems of great weight, having to do with the nature of religion.  There is a renegade priest who has been in this class, and who ran off to California; he likes to put the boot to theology and "do his own thing".  There is also an extremely devout woman who lives in England.  All of these counterparts are dealing with the nature of religion.  They are experiencing versions of religion because it interests them.

[Each of] you will create the attributes of reality that interest you and work with them in your own way.  If you want to study the nature of religion and do a good job of it, then you must be among other things a skeptic and a believer, and an Indian and a Jew, say.  Otherwise you will not understand anything at all, and have a lopsided picture.  And you cannot know what it is to be black in this culture – you may not agree here – unless you are also white in it ... Now I return you to yourselves and to your counterparts."

—UR2 Appendix 21: (For Session 721)