"Now: It is often said that man believes in devils because he believes in gods. The fact is that man began to believe in demons when he started to feel a sense of guilt. The guilt itself arose with the birth of compassion.
Animals have a sense of justice that you do not understand, and built-in to that innocent sense of integrity there is a biological compassion, understood at the deepest cellular levels."
—NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 634, January 22, 1973
"Such a task meant that man must break out of the self-regulating, precise, safe and yet limiting aspects of instinct. The birth of a conscious mind, as you think of it, meant that the species took upon itself free will. Built-in procedures that had beautifully sufficed could now be superseded. They became suggestions instead of rules.
Compassion "rose" from the biological structure up to emotional reality. The "new" consciousness accepted its emerging triumph – freedom – and was faced with responsibility for action of a conscious level, and with the birth of guilt.
... You are to preserve life consciously, then, as the animals preserve it unconsciously."
—NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 634, January 22, 1973
"If you think you are guilty because you read one kind of book or another, or entertain certain thoughts, then you run particular risks. If you believe something is wrong then in your experience it will be, and you will consider it negative. So you will collect an "unnatural" guilt, one that you do not deserve but accept and so create.
... If you believe firmly in poor health you may use this repressed energy to attack a physical organ – a gall bladder may become "bad". According to your own belief system, you may trust the integrity of your body and instead project this guilt out upon others – onto a personal enemy, or a particular race, creed or color.
If you are religious-minded and fundamental in your beliefs, you may blame a devil who causes you to behave in such and such a manner.
... If its built-in instincts are left alone the body is basically self-regulating.
... If you do not feel your individual reality, then you can never realize that you form it, and so can change it.
... Because you did not accept your feelings, much less express them, on the next occasion you might explode seemingly without reason and initiate a spectacular argument, completely unjustified."
—NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 634, January 22, 1973
"Generally speaking, you are here to expand your consciousness, to learn the ways of creativity as directed through conscious thought. The aware mind can change its beliefs, and so to a large extent it can alter its bodily experience.
Natural guilt then is the species' manifestation of the animals' unconscious corporeal sense of justice and integrity. It means: Thou shalt not kill more than is needed for they physical sustenance. Period.
... but the finer discrimination reads thusly: Thou shalt not violate.
... because you are conscious beings the interpretations are yours.
... If you believe that it is then in your mind it becomes one.
... Whether or not any justification seems apparent, the violation exists.
... You would not be in such a hypothetical situation to begin with unless violent thoughts of your own, faced or unfaced, had attracted it to you.
... When you consider aggressive thoughts wrong, using this analogy, you do not even begin to allow the system to clear itself. Instead you shut up the "poisons" inside."
—NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 634, January 22, 1973
So guilt arose as a product of compassion. So say someone pushed someone else off a wall before compassion people just looked on and the aggressor was unmoved or perhaps felt pleasure. Then in the 'first' act of compassion an onlooker moved to help, experiencing the first feelings of compassion and came to the aid of the injured person. At this moment then the aggressor seeing the helping onlooker's actions of aid experienced guilt. What is so interesting is how our emotional development starts from zero when I would have thought that emotions exist at a fundamental level, integral to what we are but this seems to say no and that emotions are learnt.
@Bora137 Interesting interpretation ...