"Incidentally, suggestions will reach many aspects of the self, and some which are very distant from the ego, for you are setting into motion psychic action, which is behind all realities. Suggestion will reach portions of the self of which the ego is entirely unfamiliar. Suggestion can indeed change experience which has already passed.
It can change the individual's present reaction to the past event, and alter the original implications and meanings that were once connected with such an event. Suggestions can shape future events because any action changes that which existed before it, and that which shall exist after it within your system.
This is different however from cause and effect for basically a specific action will not give a specific effect, only. Within your system, you only perceive certain actions out of an endless variety of actions. So you take these few as inevitable results of a given cause.
Suggestions then can shape the future. Expectation enters in here particularly of course. Suggestion can shape dreams, and the dreams themselves then operate as action. A strong dream can be a more significant psychic action than any physical experience, and it can change the course of the personality completely.
The inner senses will also react to suggestion. If you therefore suggest that you become more aware of their activities, then so you shall. You are giving suggestions, whether or not you realize it, constantly. You are forming your own physical image with all its strengths and weaknesses whether or not you are aware of it.
Suggestion, well used, with training and knowledge, will therefore allow you to alter the very cells of your body. The inner senses can be requested to operate in such a way that the ego will accept their communications. For the astral body is not some distant and alien other self, but it is even now that portion of yourself that you know but cannot see, that you feel but cannot touch."
—TES5 Session 202 October 27, 1965
Quite informative and useful quote!