~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: inavalan on April 05, 2023, 12:51:28 AM

Title: To get outside your own universe, you must travel inward
Post by: inavalan on April 05, 2023, 12:51:28 AM
"Any investigation of the basic inner universe, which is the only real universe, must be done as much as possible from a point outside your own distortions, but the only way open for you to escape the distortions of your own physical universe is to journey inward. To get outside your own universe, you must travel inward, and this represents the only perspective free of distortive elements, from which valid experimentation can be carried on. Your so-called scientific, so-called objective experiments can continue for an eternity, but they only probe further and further with camouflage instruments into a camouflage universe.

The subconscious, it is true, has elements of its own distortions, but these are easier to escape than the tons of distortive camouflage atmosphere that weigh your scientific experiments down."

—TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964
Title: Re: To get outside your own universe, you must travel inward
Post by: inavalan on April 05, 2023, 12:54:53 AM
"Hypnotism will become more and more a tool of scientific investigation. Telepathy will be proven without a doubt, and utilized, sadly enough in the beginning, for purposes of war and intrigue. Nevertheless telepathy will enable your race to make its first contact with alien intelligence. It will not at first be recognized as such."

—TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964
Title: Re: To get outside your own universe, you must travel inward
Post by: inavalan on April 05, 2023, 12:57:25 AM
"As to the means, the very simplest and crudest but still to be adopted method will prove to be hypnotism, simply because at this point your personalities will not trust their own abilities but must rely upon suggestion from the outside."

—TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964
Title: Re: To get outside your own universe, you must travel inward
Post by: inavalan on April 05, 2023, 01:05:19 AM
"Hypnotism is important merely as a tool to release the conscious personality from the camouflage inhibitions. It then allows knowledge to rise up. In ordinary circumstances the conscious self deals mainly with camouflage existence. This is after all primarily its purpose.

However, when it is enabled to let go its preoccupation with the camouflage universe, it can receive and be aware of data received by the inner senses. Such data does not have to be retained on a subconscious level. The conscious personality can be trained to receive, interpret and retain such knowledge. Otherwise such knowledge would be relatively without value in your camouflage universe.

Hypnotism then is one tool to enable the conscious personality to divest itself of its concentrated focus upon outer camouflage, and to enable it to focus instead upon the inner self. The main rule here is merely a change of focus. Knowledge of the basic universe can be achieved, interpreted and retained by your scientists in ways that I will at first outline, and then cover more completely.

Hypnotism is a safer method to begin with than drugs, but hypnotism itself is not necessary if there is an inner willingness to explore the inner universe. The main barrier is the ego's fear of being subjugated, even as it fears subjugation imagined in death. If the ego can be made to understand that inner awareness, exploration and investigation will actually enlarge its scope of awareness there will be little difficulty.

It may be necessary in the beginning to induce more or less complete amnesia, but this should be avoided. Through constant practice with hypnotism your scientists will discover that it is possible, and definitely beneficial, to allow the conscious ego to retain its memory. Since there is no real division between the ego and the subconscious, the knowledge of the ego and the knowledge of the subconscious are merged in any case. But to be truly effective there should be no attempt to hide subconscious knowledge from the ego.

I realize that hypnotism will be utilized first. Nevertheless progress could be quickened if persons who did not need hypnotism to divest themselves of outer focus were used in scientific experiments.

With practice the personal distortive layers of subconscious material could be recognized without difficulty, and even these will give you valuable insights into psychological mechanisms."

—TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964
Title: Re: To get outside your own universe, you must travel inward
Post by: inavalan on April 05, 2023, 01:13:31 AM
"We are working slow in some respects, but building a firm foundation. Experiments will be conducted, for example, as far as traveling through your camouflage space is concerned; and not only will this traveling be effected, but the physical form must be apparent to others in two places at once, so to speak. Material must be carefully gathered by the personality in its secondary location, to make such experiments effective in scientific circles."

—TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964