Session 752:
Scientific theories as receptacles for transdimensional data; the reality of electrons as a representation of inner-world psychology; the Tao and Yin and Yang as spiritual tools
Session 753:
Seth's independence from Jane; Jane's thoughts on her merging with Seth; Seth as the embodiment of the hidden parts of the human psyche
Session 754:
The universe as an infinite source of creativity and probabilities; the multidimensional psychic signature; underwater civilizations; the Essenes
October 29, 1975:
Impromptu session: James, Tam Mossman's spirit guide; changing the basic rules of physical reality
Session 760:
Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta brainwave patterns; Schizophrenia; wave pulsations of waking consciousness; the inward facing face of consciousness
Session 761:
The Speakers' Manuscripts; the many levels of the psyche; the speakers as messengers of the self; the name of the unspoken God; the dimensions of divinity
Session 766:
Prenatal causes of suicide; the inner knowledge of origin from other dimensions; conscious and unconscious suicidal behavior
Session 767:
The distribution of energy in the body in relation to health and disease; the unofficial births and deaths during a lifetime; the regrouping of the psyche
Session 775:
The True Story of Consciousness; the psychic reservoir of humanity; the "archaeology" of the self; the identity patterns of consciousness; the integrity of personal identity
Session 778:
Events as patterns in a probability field; X-ray images as a reflection of a patient's expectations; Kirlian photographs as depictions of mental events
Session 780:
Man as creator of an inner, multidimensional artist; the gallery of the world spirit
Session 781:
The multidimensional canvas of the mind; the Gallery of World Views; Thoughts as an electromagnetic species
Session 784:
The Psychic History of the Earth; Thoughts as electromagnetic properties; the planetary psychic environment; psychological archaeology
September 15, 1976:
The mind as the most precise instrument in the universe and instrument of the soul; the futility of models of the universe; the change in the nature of science
Session 790:
The change in a painting through the viewer's interpretation; the art of earthly life
Session 793:
Fear and lack of confidence in oneself
Session 796:
The resolution of fears through emotional insight; emotional equations
Session 797:
Jane and Rob's likely visit to President Carter
Session 807:
Organs as biological structures made of emotional "sounds"; the merging of probabilities; death as the point at which a person leaves a certain probability
August 5, 1977:
The Christ Story; Christ and Zeus as equally real; the inner world as the source of the outer world; the universe as a purely random mechanism?
Session 808:
Home furnishings with emotional auras and patterns; the activation of probabilities through strong desire; Astrology as a remnant of various ancient religions
Session 809:
Astrology as a matter of faith; the astrological independence of people from the time or place of their birth
Session 810:
The Beehive Reincarnation Analogy; each individual life as a reflection of the entire reincarnation picture; Rome and Egypt as psychological focal points and platforms of consciousness
Session 811:
Rome in the 1st century AD; religious sects at the time of Christ and Jehovah of the Jewish scriptures; the distortions of the Christ story and Christ's travels to Egypt, Syria and England
Session 812:
paranoia and its manifestations; feelings of guilt; mental disorders; the conscious mind and its interpretation of sensory events; the mind-matter balance
Session 813:
Frame of Reference 2 as a more expansive version of physical reality and detached from the rules of time and space; Christ's beginning in the dreams of the Jews and their prophecies
Session 816:
News from reference system 2; Predictions and probabilities crystallized in physical reality
Session 819:
The translation of information from the inner multidimensional mountain of knowledge; the physical world as the result of a consciousness that ignores reality; the concept of death
Session 827:
Rob with Jane's mother in the dream car - Seth interprets
Session 832:
The spiritual influence and change of matter; everything is nature and natural; the inner workings of experiences
Session 837:
Life and death as states of being; Consciousness that focuses as animal consciousness; physical mortality as a maturation process; the wandering consciousness
Session 838:
The family consciousness as consisting of people, animals and plants in a household; household gods; the spirit of the lake, a city and a nation; nature spirits; counterpart relationships
Session 839:
The equality of all forms of consciousness; interspecies connections and cross-species identities; the multidimensional memory of pure energy
Session 840:
Successes and worries as equally creative expressions in creating one's own reality; physical illnesses as a result of an emotional dilemma
Session 841:
Seth as a down-to-earth philosopher and traveler between universes; Seth on a book that places him and his material in a philosophical framework
Session 842:
Transsexuality as a result of an oversexualized society with rigid gender ideas
Session 845:
A person's dreams as a reflection of his mental attitude; the intellect and the spontaneous self; Religion and science as cult-like forms of organization with firmly established belief systems
Session 847:
The biological civilization of animals; the innate knowledge of animals and plants about biological events; the human brain as a magical canvas
Session 851:
Illness as a means of expression of the body; the body as a mirror of personal attitudes; illnesses and feelings of guilt; the body's innate self-healing powers
Session 858:
The longing for death as a natural impulse for a new beginning; death as a necessary exit from the physical world and entry into another existence
June 7, 1979:
Seth meets a psychiatrist; Jane as Seth and Seth as Jane; larger psychic realities and centers
Session 861:
Evil as a result of misunderstood motives, desperation and twisted ideals; the altruistic nature of natural human impulses; the therapy of value fulfillment
Session 862:
People's hopes and ideals and the attempt to realize them; misguided means on the way to the ideal
Session 864:
The Folly of Official Beliefs; Reference system 2 versus the official reality; Reference system 2 as a medium for creativity and value fulfillment; the reference systems 1, 2, 3 and 4
Session 865:
Chemical and spiritual interactions between humans and the environment; the cooperation between all "powers" in the universe; Healing as a natural property of the body's forces
Session 871:
Weather and diseases as overarching, stabilizing reference systems; Illnesses as compensatory movements for a healthy overall condition of the body
Session 875:
The natural life energy; the crucifixion story as a reflection of the self-destructive aspects of a society; an alternative Christ story
Session 876:
Christianity in poetry and truth; Christianity as partly of Indian origin; the historical Christ as a fusion of several Christs
Session 878:
The consciousness of animals and their relationship to humans; communication between animals and humans; emotional bonds between animals and humans
Session 879:
Sperm as intelligent carriers of the body's encoded information; the emotional nature of animals; the replacement of the Roman state by the emerging Christianity
Session 880:
A Christian Utopia in Ancient Rome; Christianity as a spiritual and cultural revolution; man as an accident in the scientific universe
Session 895:
The Official Demons of Science; Illness as motivation and means to an end; not to worry as the first commandment
Session 896:
The Dreamtime: Seth interprets Rob's dreams
Session 902:
beliefs as people's tools; the intensified creative vitality of young and old people; the negative ideas about old age as inadequate concepts
Session 906:
Colds as biological aggression and trigger for the regeneration of the immune system
Session 924:
eccentricities and deviations in nature; Short stature as an opportunity to experience the world in an exclusive way; Reincarnation and the point of creation in the now
Session 925:
The beginning of the world as a spontaneous process; the physical universe as a manifestation of energy and consciousness; the all-encompassing network of relationships between all species
Session 926:
God as a divine process; physical processes as expressed divine processes; political events as processes; the question of the origin of the universe
Session 927:
The safe universe and the innate protective shield of every human being; the simultaneity of all events; All-That-Is as all-creating and all-inhabiting
Session 929:
Physical life as a cooperative endeavor of all types of physical consciousnesses; the communicative relationship between humans and their environment
March 25, 1984:
Healing on many levels
I guess these are from forthcoming Vol 2.
Thanks for sharing! I got the sessions from Mary, Laurel asked me to send them to Seth-Verlag. I need to make the time to actually read them.
Volume 2 is available now and you didn't hear that from me. ;) Got in trouble for sharing news of publication in German.
When I searched for both books on Amazon, I saw a brief message "translation available." But it went away. I understand Kindle will translate. Not perfect, but any experienced Seth reader will be able to fill in the blanks.