~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Mark M on November 15, 2023, 11:00:52 AM

Title: Plants and animals and also ingrates
Post by: Mark M on November 15, 2023, 11:00:52 AM
Excerpts: SESSION 847, APRIL 9, 1979

Machine translation from German from what I have called the lost sessions:
...the interface of plants and animals with reality is clearer than yours, and their understanding is "closer to the facts."


Animals and plants are generally in tune with their emotions in this discussion. Their thinking and emotions merge and give them a completely different subjective experience...


This is very difficult to describe, because there is an excellent kind of emotional thinking.

(10:17 p.m.) In humans, again generally speaking, reason and emotions are separated so that they can think about their emotions or feel their thoughts emotionally.




It would be nice not to have to deal with the everyday hustle and bustle of life, but to be able to simply glide over it in a little boat of happiness on comfortable, pleasant waves (ironic and much louder).

Truth does not exist outside itself. It is contained in events. The events of your life automatically open you to truths of all kinds that you would otherwise not be able to perceive. I hope one day to be able to guide you in certain directions so that you can directly perceive at least some sense of your wholeness, even if you only experience parts of that wholeness over time.

However, this wholeness is never complete. So maybe I didn't choose the right word, but I hope that you will be able to see the larger, true pattern in which even all cure deficiencies in the deepest sense are not defects at all, but rather a groping towards a greater becoming.

Rob's notes:

Now I wanted Seth to comment on 2 things: 1. What did Jeannie Norris think of the material since we hadn't heard from her in over four weeks? 2. Why is it so often that we receive no response from recipients when we send them material that Seth personally delivered for them?

The questions are based on opinions that Jane and I have held for several years. We've gotten this reaction many times from people who have written to us—even begging—for Seth's help. We get letters like this every week. But once we have gone to the trouble of obtaining personal information, making an additional copy, mailing it, and so on, we receive no response, good, bad, or neutral. It is as if the episode in question never happened. This behavior became so annoying to us in the past that 2 or 3 years ago I decided never to do anything like that again; I was really annoyed by the lack of any response to our efforts and by the rudeness of the recipients in not even acknowledging that they had at least received the material.


People expect a spiritual-energetic pat on the back (long pause), a dramatic statement,

that somehow dignifies or justifies their current unfortunate situation, and certain spiritually conventional and accepted statements to the effect that the body can be healed immediately (pause), without any understanding, insight or change. Or these people are told to love God and affirm their own life force. That's what they expect.

Such explanations rarely work unless they come at a time when the person has already begun to recognize their behavioral patterns. There is still a lot of material about healing that I haven't given you yet. But I can do that at any time. Be that as it may, people may at least theoretically accept the concept of creating personal reality, which is fine and better than no such considerations.

However, they often feel offended when they are explicitly told that in a particular situation of a personal nature they themselves are responsible for their unfortunate circumstances. It can also confuse them. They don't know how to react, at least not right now. However, such sessions often set in motion a series of psychological events that contribute to the subject's insight.