~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: DavidKay on November 23, 2023, 09:07:09 PM

Title: Choosing our own reality? How do we choose?
Post by: DavidKay on November 23, 2023, 09:07:09 PM
One thing that I have always had a difficult time understanding is the whole "creating our lives on autopilot" thing. I mean I get it. If we are not consciously creating, we are unconsciously creating. There is nothing difficult to understand about the concept. What I don't understand is how we things are chosen unconsciously.

My current situation is an excellent example of this. I was hospitalized on Monday night because I had no platelets left. As in my platelet count was zero. This is a dangerous situation that can result in uncontrolled bleeding but fortunately my symptoms were all weird. Things like uncontrolled nosebleeds, gums bleeding, blood blisters, and bruising, but nothing dangerous. I was in the hospital overnight to receive treatment to tell my body to start creating platelets again and released on Tuesday afternoon. They are calling it ITP and now I am facing a long treatment plan while they try to figure out what's going on. It could be a one off thing, it could be something bad causing it, it could be a chronic condition that I have to deal with for the rest of my life. Fortunately I have insurance. It's not great but it's better than others have and I consider myself lucky.

So now I am facing this big health thing. Aside from some gallbladder issues and having my appendix out many years ago, I've had nothing more than the flu. Yet now there's this big thing in my life that is going to require weekly blood draw and hematologist visits. My question is, how did this occur? I had never heard of ITP or thought about any kind of blood issue like ever, yet this was chosen somehow even though I'd never heard about it before. How does that happen?

My only thought on this that I've always had the belief that as we get older, things fall apart. It's a primary belief that I have been trying to work with. I am older and I have been seeing this and that is why I believe it. But what if my believing it is why I'm in this situation right now. Still, I don't see how ITP is the result of this. I certainly don't want it and I want it gone.
Title: Re: Choosing our own reality? How do we choose?
Post by: inavalan on November 24, 2023, 01:35:57 AM
Sorry about your health condition.

As I understand Seth, beliefs cause emotions, which cause expectations, which cause your reality. Often there are multiple beliefs that contribute together to the reality that you experience, and your general emotional state and how you deal with it contribute too.

Your health condition could be caused by your beliefs about age and health, but it is probably also caused by other limiting beliefs and negative emotions that are not directly related to health.

Any negative emotion like fear, anger, worry, ..., when not timely dissipated, will amplify and bring into your life situations that will cause more negative emotions, not necessarily of the same nature.

What you experience now may have been caused by a worry you got from fallowing the news, or a family situation, or by a combination of negative emotions, all unrelated to health. In such situations, you have to immediately address  the negative emotion, and that will give you a temporary reprieve, but you need to identify the belief(s) that were the root cause. If you don't, those beliefs will keep manifesting in your reality in the same, similar, or different way.

If you search the Seth material for conscious mind, cellular memory, beliefs, emotions, expectations, creating reality, health, ... you will find knowledge and guidance that you can apply successfully.

A first step is to look at your emotional state in the last few weeks to few years, and identify negative emotions like worry, frustration, fear, anger, ... You have to deal with them urgently, no matter how justified they seem to you. They are detrimental to you.

You should desire to be healthy, not to get better, not to get healed. It is an important nuance in your expectations.

I wish you good health!
Title: Re: Choosing our own reality? How do we choose?
Post by: DavidKay on November 24, 2023, 02:12:56 AM
Thanks for the reply. I'm curious how things that we don't even know about somehow manage to manifest in our lives. I'd never heard of ITP until my first night in the hospital. I didn't even know it was a thing. Yet here I am.

What you say about my emotional state makes sense. I have a lot of stress in my life about world events that I cannot control. I don't have a lot of work stress but I do have stress about my wife's work stress, if that makes any sense. And I do over think this growing older thing. I have always believed that people grow more frail as they age. Sometimes I sit with the realization that I have lived a lot more of my life than I have left. I am approaching retirement age and am worried about how that might happen, or not. The fears I have now are definitely different than what I had ten or twenty years ago. Thoughts become things and perhaps my thoughts have become this thing. I do need to learn to deal with what bothers me in a more constructive manner. Like this ITP thing. I am trying to visualize it as a one and done thing. I see myself in the future, looking back on it as a curiosity - something that happened that never made sense but didn't really matter because it never happened again. I visualize every blood test I have showing better results, even after coming off the meds that they have put me on. I visualize my doctors being pleased at my long lasting results and telling me that I only have to come in for a checkup every year.

But I have other work to do with my beliefs about aging and the world in general. One thing that I have done is stop paying attention to the news and what is going on in the world. At first it was uncomfortable for me but I find that it is an easier way to live. My wife will tell me if anything terrible happens and I can ignore the small stuff entirely. I'm also working with affirmations about my health, well being, and safety in the world. That's a new thing though, so I'm not sure if it's making a difference.  Louise Hay has a great book about affirmations that I am working through.
Title: Re: Choosing our own reality? How do we choose?
Post by: inavalan on November 24, 2023, 02:50:10 AM
Quote from: DavidKay on November 24, 2023, 02:12:56 AMThanks for the reply. I'm curious how things that we don't even know about somehow manage to manifest in our lives.  ...

For example, you are worried / afraid / angry about the possibility that a candidate for an office might get elected. Depending on the intensity and the duration for which you experience that emotion, it will bring into your life situations that will cause similar emotions, worried / afraid / angry, stronger and stronger, often with a different object.

At the same time, some cells or organs in your physical body, for their own reasons, decide to change their functioning (they have free will).

Your body is a gestalt of consciousness. This means, by definition, that the properties of the gestalt aren't a deterministic result of the properties of its elements.

If at gestalt level you experience worry, then its elements that chose to act in a way that would negatively affect your health will continue to be part of that gestalt, and will manifest some kind of illness. If there are no such elements, then elements from outside the gestalt will be attracted and incorporated.

Similarly, with a positive outcome, when you don't experience negative emotions at gestalt level, the illness causing elements will leave the gestalt, and health causing elements will join instead.

Emotions are one level of response of consciousness to inner and outer stimuli filtered by your beliefs. Negative emotions are those detrimental to you.

Title: Re: Choosing our own reality? How do we choose?
Post by: DavidKay on November 24, 2023, 01:42:10 PM
I was thinking about this as I was laying in bed this morning. Back at the end of September, I got my yearly bloodwork done. Normally it all come back normal but this time, it didn't. I had the wonky liver numbers because of my gallbladder but also my platelets were just a bit low. Nothing to be concerned about and my doc certainly wasn't worried about it. On my wife's last test before this one, hers were lower than mine and they were fine this time around. As my doc says, these things are just a snapshot in time. The only reason he re-ran my labs was because of the liver and those were stable. But back in Sept, I was quite concerned because they included a new test for young platelet production and mine was way out of whack. After a while I attributed it to my body producing new platelets to replace the ones that were missing and then tried to forget about it.

My point is that I spent some time concerned about that number being low. I thought about it, looked for symptoms, weighed everything that is going on with my health against it, thought about it some more, went worst case in my mind about what was happening to me, searched doctor google for more information.

In other words, I fell back to my hypochondriac past (did I mention somewhere that I was raised as a hypochondriac, by a hypochondriac?) and made this a big part of my thinking.

Thoughts become things.

It makes me wonder if I got what I was asking for.  I worried that there was a serious problem that caused that slight drop.  The floor of what's considered normal for platelets in someone my age is 140 and my Sept test was 138.  I wouldn't have thought twice about that test if it wasn't for the other newer one.  But those two results fired my imagination and got it all going.  When I went into the hospital on Monday, I had very few detectable platelets.

It is my hope, or rather it is my intention, that seeing it this way will put my health back to where it was.  This last year, everything that I have been reading has had to do with how our thoughts are powerful tools that call to the universe to give us what we ask for. We can either do that by default or with intention. Maybe this was a lesson to live more with intention.

Most of my life I've been a negative nancy and will always go to the negative first. So if something happens, I see the negative possible outcome first. I don't like where I live right now, and that is largely because of this tendency to see the negative. I have been trying to work with feeling gratitude to all of the good in my life, of which there is a lot if I a being truly honest, instead of going negative and dark side. I get stuck in downward thought spirals all of the time and I have been trying to work on that so that when it happens, I can create an upward thought spiral to counter it. I do believe that our positive thoughts are stronger than our negative thought when it comes to creating our reality. I have to believe that because in spite of being a negative person way too often, I still have a lot of good in my life.

And yeah, I do have the concerns that you stated in your message and I can see how they've worked negatively on me over the years. It is one of the reasons why I no longer pay attention to the news. News causes me a lot of negative thought spirals. It has made for a calmer existence.

And sorry if these messages seem all over the place. The treatment that they gave me for the ITP is a high dose steroid with a side effect of euphoria/mania and my thought processes are a bit out of whack right now. I usually communicate much more clearly without being a spaz. Today is the last dose of meds so I should be back to "normal" soon enough.   :D
Title: Re: Choosing our own reality? How do we choose?
Post by: inavalan on November 30, 2023, 01:57:22 AM
I believe this is related:

"I will now endeavor to answer Ruburt's questions.

The formation on the wrist is not arthritic. You may repeat the statement for him to read. I have told him that he will not develop arthritis.

The hand was not injured, that is not knocked as by bunking, but was irritated due to a change of wrist motion occurring when he began to use a second typewriter, which he had not used for many years. The keys are spaced differently. The automatic wrist motion that he regularly uses in his touch typing was knocked askew, the pattern broken, and he used an erratic pressure that induced strain. This caused the irritation and the subsequent nodule.

The regular typewriter should be used. There is no use for me upon this occasion to do anything more than state the circumstances, except of course to suggest that Ruburt does not dwell upon the irritation.

I would state furthermore that indeed Ruburt did have occasion to be angry at the chiropractor, since with an emotional fear unthinking suggestions such as his, made with only the flimsiest of evidence, can be most harmful and destructive. And in an unwary, emotionally upset personality, particularly if under stress, such a suggestion could cause a harmless and protective nodule to be changed by the strong powers of adverse expectation, or rather expectation poorly used, into the form of what is feared; as a slight but harmless irregularity of heartbeat, with the unthinking suggestion of a doctor, can become through the patient's fears an actual functional disorder, so could suggestion turn a relatively harmless formation like Ruburt's into an arthritic condition.

Now obviously the unthinking suggestion alone is not responsible, or would not be responsible, for such circumstances. They would have to fall upon fertile ground; and given great enough emotional and subconscious fear an individual would need no outside suggestion. But those in position within healing professions have great authority, and any suggestions that they may make for good or ill are granted almost mystical validity by those individuals who visit them.

For one thing, individuals who finally visit such offices are oftentimes already emotionally upset. Oftentimes also those in attendance, the doctors or other healers are themselves tired, prone to the patient's emotional fears, and automatically in self-defense respond by giving voice to the patient's subconscious dread, picking it up telepathically but feeling it is directed at themselves, on a subconscious level of course.

And in many cases this is true. Again, subconsciously, the patient would wish to give his illness literally away, shove it from himself, so that often a healer responds subconsciously to what he considers a legitimate threat.

Nevertheless, because the patient is in a condition where he is most susceptible to suggestions, a great responsibility lies upon the shoulders of those who would treat illness. The chiropractor's suggestion that the irritation was an arthritic one was made positively; that is, without thinking he stated "Oh yes, that is not normal at all, it is an arthritic nodule." Later, realizing that the suggestion had been a poor one, and moreover one of which he was not certain, he amended the statement, adding that such a formation could also be the result of injury or simple irritation to the joint.

Despite Ruburt's understanding, his intellectual understanding of his fear of arthritis, he was thrown into an understandable and regrettable emotional state, with which he grappled with at least some success. But you see here what under other circumstances could have been the final straw, so to speak, the word of authority that would say "Your fears are justified." In such an instance and under certain conditions such an individual would have his deepest dreads, therefore, fastened upon him.

He would be convinced so of the diagnosis, that a disease that he might have escaped would be brought to physical manifestation. I am going into this clearly because the consequences that Ruburt escaped have often not been shaken off by others."

--- TES3, Session 98
Title: Re: Choosing our own reality? How do we choose?
Post by: Cosmic on January 12, 2024, 11:33:19 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your condition and I hope you're feeling better now.

To address your question, these are my thoughts/interpretations on the matter.

I've started to understand psychic energy (or energy alone) as a form of cellular language that our cells and 'soul' inherently understand, however our minds, due to current physical and collective societal impositions, do not.

So the cellular energy is attracted to and travels towards the path it relates to and understands to best match its expression. Like water, it is the path of least resistance.

Our cells speak this language that our mind hasn't quite grasped yet and so, our mind doesn't need to have heard of a certain condition in order to experience it. Our cells choose the condition that best reflects its beliefs, using the cellular language.

For example, you mentioned your belief in the deterioration of health as the body gets older. I'm suggesting your cells found the most appropriate route of expressing that belief, via cellular language. Of course this belief is just one aspect being communicated, as all events are multi layered.

I'll add that as we start to open to a more multi dimensional reality, we start to be better 'interpreters" of the cellular language. Psychic interpreters if you will.

I hope that makes sense? I struggle to find the right words to explain this.
Title: Re: Choosing our own reality? How do we choose?
Post by: DavidKay on January 18, 2024, 09:33:51 PM
Quote from: Cosmic on January 12, 2024, 11:33:19 PMI'm sorry to hear about your condition and I hope you're feeling better now.

To address your question, these are my thoughts/interpretations on the matter.

I've started to understand psychic energy (or energy alone) as a form of cellular language that our cells and 'soul' inherently understand, however our minds, due to current physical and collective societal impositions, do not.

So the cellular energy is attracted to and travels towards the path it relates to and understands to best match its expression. Like water, it is the path of least resistance.

Our cells speak this language that our mind hasn't quite grasped yet and so, our mind doesn't need to have heard of a certain condition in order to experience it. Our cells choose the condition that best reflects its beliefs, using the cellular language.

For example, you mentioned your belief in the deterioration of health as the body gets older. I'm suggesting your cells found the most appropriate route of expressing that belief, via cellular language. Of course this belief is just one aspect being communicated, as all events are multi layered.

I'll add that as we start to open to a more multi dimensional reality, we start to be better 'interpreters" of the cellular language. Psychic interpreters if you will.

I hope that makes sense? I struggle to find the right words to explain this.

Fascinating.  Thank you for taking the time to put it down.