Machine translation from the German:
SESSION 861, 18 JUNE 1979
We'll start with the bomb dream, because it represents a profound change in your thinking -- or rather, it represents a profound change that will soon appear in your thinking, because it represents intuitive knowledge.
In a way, the dream is a classic because it beautifully illustrates certain ideas about good and evil, about creativity and destruction, about self-righteous revenge versus compassionate understanding. The (S4tow-J facility in which you are in the dream symbolizes the inner energy storage, which represents the enormous creative powers of the human being and, in the context of the dream, also stands for the "destructive tendencies" of the human being.
Three men are present. Two of them are symbols of other parts of you (as I had thought), and they represent beliefs and feelings that you have had in the past and that are still present, at least to some degree, since the two Men are your current companions in the dream.
(Pause) The self that you recognized as yourself represents emerging knowledge and insights that are now making themselves felt. This self is the self that makes the final decision (not to set off the atomic bomb) in the dream. The three men had previously agreed on their goal. (Pause) The three of you planned to destroy evil in the world and were willing to sacrifice the world itself and your own lives to achieve it.
How many times in the past have you not said out loud or to yourself, "It would serve the bastards right if they, say, felt the consequences of their stupidity or greed or whatever!" ? In the dream you planned such an action with fanatical self-righteousness in order to "teach the world a lesson" because in your eyes, in the dream situation, people's actions fell so far short of humanity's potential that you made such an outrageous decision were driven.
In the dream you believe that this destruction will somehow bring or force the survivors, if there were any, to be creative again. Your two companions don't think about it any further once the decision has been made, because they are working with old beliefs and the typical feelings that are triggered when one has such beliefs. (Pause) These are the beliefs
The good and the bad in people and in their works are completely separated. There are no or only a few gradations. You try to fight evil, to eradicate it, as if it existed like a parasite alien to all other human qualities. You want to eradicate stupidity or ignorance, as if these were also foreign, independent elements that invade the better qualities of man.
(Pause at 9:42 p.m.) In the dream you would punish the world for its stupidity, destroy it as if you were a god and it would hurt your feelings, and you would carry out this destruction in the name of the "ideal." . How many times have you seen on TV a person in a high position who you thought was stupid or dangerous and thought, "Someone should kill that bastard!" That's the kind of thinking that your two dream companions follow. You can do it Do not isolate evil, because it does not simply exist in the framework you give it. The assassination of one dictator leads to the birth of two more, because this strengthens the power of revenge.
In the dream, however, you reject such plans, at least for the moment. You refuse (at the last moment) to press the button. You say you couldn't abandon Ruburt in the terrible conditions that would result, because Ruburt has difficulty walking, and here lies the point -- because through your love for Ruburt you understand the strange mix of behaviors that which in themselves speak for the ideal in man and yet which are imperfect in the light of these ideals. Ultimately, you see Ruburt as your favorite vision of humanity, working toward the ideal and yet marked by imperfections that are all the more obvious because there are the very ideals that man actually tries to strive for.
You had to have the opportunity in the dream to bring about this destruction if you wanted to. But you paused because you decided to help the world instead, and because you suddenly realized that what appeared to be ignorance or greed or evil or whatever, exists only in opposition to a greater perceived good.
You try to isolate evil in your society. People who steal are called thieves. People who kill are called murderers.
But a person who steals is a person who steals. And a person who kills is a person who kills. However, your terms give the impression that a person constantly steals after he has stolen once, or a person constantly murders after he has murdered once. You isolate both to protect society.
A person who murders may murder once. He may not be a bad person. It may be a person who is driven to despair. A crime is committed by a man or a woman, but a man or a woman is not a crime. You cannot isolate and mature evil, because it only exists because of misunderstood motives and desperation. It exists because of twisted ideals. I have spoken to criminals because you treat criminals the way you treat what you believe to be the evil within yourself. You were taught. every man and every woman is a criminal. whose natural drives are uncontrolled, chaotic and dangerous. In the criminal you see the image of yourself that you fear.
In your dream, past beliefs are actually brought before your eyes, because you and your two companions initially see people as criminals who need to be punished. Then it will be
Ruburt becomes a symbol for you of the mixing of the realized and the not yet realized aspects of an ideal, and through your love for it you save the world (quietly).
The dream is -- first and foremost -- about ideas of good and evil, about attempts to achieve the ideal of freeing the world from evil, in the context of old beliefs. It indicates a new era of understanding on your part. (Pause) Behind your intention to commit such a destructive act was your impulse to love and save humanity. This impulse is not just your own, but part of every person's subjective reality. (Louder) Man's natural impulses are altruistic. But you were taught the opposite. ...
I will continue with the ideas that Ruburt picked up in our next session or the one after that. I'm glad you stayed away from your revenge in the dream, because it's an important step in your development.