~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Mark M on November 28, 2023, 09:38:50 PM

Title: Jane and Rob did not swallow Seth hook, line and sinker like many of his fans do
Post by: Mark M on November 28, 2023, 09:38:50 PM
including me.

Mach trans from the German:

"You have questioned the nature of the sessions from the beginning, which is in fact quite natural and healthy..."

--Seth, ("LOST") SESSION 543, 20 JULY 1970
Title: Re: Jane and Rob did not swallow Seth hook, line and sinker like many of his fans do
Post by: DavidKay on November 29, 2023, 07:19:24 PM
This was something that was very noticeable in the early sessions books. They did a lot of questioning when it came to their experiences. I feel like they could have done a better job at proving some of the material, though TES does show that they did a lot more than I realized when I read the regular books.

I've been reading Seth since the 80s and I have always questioned the authenticity of it, thought it hasn't stopped me from continuing. I suppose that I will never really believe 100% because the capability to believe anything 100% is not something that I have. It never has been. But I believe it a hell of a lot more than any religion I have come across, at least in the long term. Unfortunately I have been sucked in more than once in that area and it's left its mark on me.

Sometimes something I see or read will just feel right to me on a deeper level and that's a level that I've just become aware of. I don't know if I'm really feeling something that is right or if I am fooling myself because as I get older, I think more about what, if anything, comes next. I miss the innocence of youth, where these things were only vague concepts to be dealt with some other time. 😂
Title: Re: Jane and Rob did not swallow Seth hook, line and sinker like many of his fans do
Post by: inavalan on November 30, 2023, 12:17:42 AM
"You have questioned the nature of the sessions from the beginning, which is in fact quite natural and healthy..."

--Seth, ("LOST") SESSION 543, 20 JULY 1970

The way I read this, Seth talked here about questioning the "nature of the sessions", not about their content, as I thought when I read the thread's subject-line.

I believe that it is also important to be aware that what we read (or heard from Jane's lips) might not be exactly what Seth meant, and that what each one of us understands might be even further. This is potentially misleading and detrimental.

I believe that whatever we read has to be intuitively interpreted by each one of us, according to our individual abilities at the moment, as deeply as possible. Even then, we have to intentionally leave aside all our beliefs and expectations in order to minimize distorting what we understand.

The Seth material is a means to directly access our own individual source of knowledge and guidance.
Title: Re: Jane and Rob did not swallow Seth hook, line and sinker like many of his fans do
Post by: Mark M on November 30, 2023, 08:42:57 AM
Notes by Jane the next day, Tuesday, 02-27-1979: "Sometimes I get the first few sentences or
just an idea of what Seth is going to open the session with right before a session begins. Last
night, a few minutes before the session, I got part of the human-pet virus analogy. I
immediately thought that this smelled too superior or inferior or something like that; now I
can't really remember the objections that came to mind. However, I recognized them and
brushed them aside so they wouldn't disturb me, putting them on hold so that the session
could begin. Years ago such spontaneous objections of mine really bothered me, and I'd sit
and mentally argue with myself so that the session didn't begin right away; it only started after
I mentally shut up. Rob said I'd never told him this before, when I mentioned it as we got
ready for the (836th) session. It just hadn't ever occurred to me, I guess...."

Machine translation of Sess 836.