"Birth is much more of a shock than death. Sometimes when you die you do not realize it, but birth almost always implies a sharp and sudden recognition. So there is no need to fear death. And I, who have died more times than I care to tell, write this book to tell you so."
—Seth Speaks, Chapter 2: Session 513, February 5, 1970
"There is no one else presently alive in your system with whom I had any great rapport in the past, except yourselves. Such a Speaker would have received the information largely in the dream state, and written it in a series both of treatises and fictionalized narrative."
—Seth Speaks, Chapter 20: Session 584, May 3, 1971
There are about 6 Serling Twilight Zones that I know of where the main character did not know s/he was dead.
Fictionalized narrative.
I'm not saying Seth was behind those, but he did have "colleagues" as he put it.
Nice! I remember the first time I read that about birth vs death and it stuck with me. It made total sense.
There have been several movies I've seen where the character doesn't know they are dead as well. Quite the concept.
I was listening to a podcast yesterday, Nourishing Traditions, and the woman who wrote the book on real food and nutrition said she had almost given up on writing it. Then she heard a voice say (not in her head, she actually heard someone talk) that she needed to continue with it. She did. Her saying that out of the blue was a small shock to me as it reminded me of Richard Bach having a similar experience with writing Jonathan Livingston Seagull, which was the reason he contacted Jane. Everything always circles back to Seth in my life. ;D