~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Deb on January 23, 2015, 08:08:22 PM

Title: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: Deb on January 23, 2015, 08:08:22 PM
Another interesting lunch experience today. A casual friend (of about 20 years, but only getting together occasionally) was telling me about her daughter-in-law's spiritual beliefs, which included energy, incense, crystals, rejection of organized religion, etc. My friend said she does not judge, is very open-minded and that everyone has their own beliefs, but that's their thing and good for them. She then proceded to tell me about her own spiritual beliefs. She also rejects organized religion and it's inherent belief system: original sin, a vengeful god, a patriarchal god, sin, a destiny of infinite hell for not obeying the rules or going to church, tithing, etc. She then asked me what my spiritual inclinations were. Time for me to come out of the closet!

I told her that I shared her rejection of religion and always have. That I feel god is not a person, but a source of everything, is in everything, the whole "conscious energy" concept. I decided to tell her, briefly, about my interest in Seth, his teachings and how it's the only thing that has consistently made sense to me. I tried to explain that Seth is not a religion, or even spirituality, but to me fits more into the category science and specifically, physics. It satisfies my need to understand the nature of reality. It resonates with me.

Before I could even finish, she was mentally searching for the name of the likes of David Koresh, Jim Jones, et al. but all she could sputter out was the word "cult." I suppled those names to her, and tried to explain that Seth is not a cult and had always professed that we should listen to our own inner senses and guidance. She just could't let that sink in and then proceeded to psychoanalyze me as being "raised as a Catholic and needing to find a belief system was was the opposite being told what I needed to believe and do."  Wow. I told her I consider organized religion to be cults, but with open borders. I had to explain that. And that my experience with ex-Catholics is that they tend to gravitate towards yet another limiting religion, BA Christianity.

Years ago I would have doubted myself in a confrontation like that, but today it left me feeling calm and buoyant and viewing our conversation from more of an observer position. She's a bit of a gossip, so I'm expecting some questioning by mutual friends in the future. Living in a primarily born-again Christian area, I tend to keep Seth to myself, mainly because he's so hard to explain and so far removed from the OLC. And there's that channeling thing. Which is perfectly acceptable when writing the Bible or talking to burning bushes in the desert, but if it's modern times then it's completely bonkers.

My mind keeps going back to George Carlin's rant on religion, and how so many people will accept what they are told is the truth by certain religious authorities and swallow it hook, line and sinker, without question. But then dismiss other concepts as fantasy or even insanity.
Title: Re: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: Pinky on January 24, 2015, 11:32:08 AM
Whew, Deb--you have the patience of a goddess to enter into a discussion as you did with your friend.  I can see myself seething if someone were to begin to lay their psychoanalysis on me (yeah, I have a REALLY HARD time with that or with anyone trying to tell me or my kids how to live).  It sounds like you handled yourself beautifully and came away from the conversation more assured than ever.

A cult of Sethies, eh?  Count me in.
Title: Re: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: Deb on January 24, 2015, 06:32:46 PM
QuoteWhew, Deb--you have the patience of a goddess
Yeah, well, normally I don't but she seemed genuinely scared when she started talking about cults, she couldn't even look at me when she was talking. I don't know if she was afraid of my reaction or what. But I definitely hate being psychoanalyzed. I've seen that with a couple of friends that have been through a lot of therapy and then they can't think any other way. The same people who keep asking, "But what did you mean by that." Duh, I may be tactful but I always say exactly what I mean, but a comeback of "I meant exactly what I said" doesn't seem to register. Maybe I need to break it down word by word. With a dictionary in hand. LOL
Title: Re: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: Bumblebee on January 25, 2015, 07:20:36 PM
I think most of us have that problem of explaining Seth's teachings without shocking people out of their brains. I am currently working on a solution for this. Many people have some vague concepts of Seth's teaching when they speak. Through their beliefs some ideas relate to Seth's.

I'm experiencing a lot with other people's thoughts. At lunch time, I sit with people and listen to their conversation. After a while I bring in an idea that I think can change or modify the agglomeration of ideas to a belief, therefore altering one's experience. This sounds maybe a bit weird but sometimes it works.

For example, I was sitting with a bunch of people from a different department and one of them was complaining of how the department was unhealthy, how people were incompetent, how his worth was not recognized by any of his superiors, how the department would really be in trouble if he were to leave, etc. You get the picture. I'm sure you have one at your job (maybe not you Debt LOL). I simply turned to him and said: " WOW! Seems like you are working in a hellish department. I must be lucky because I work with a very positive and dynamic team and we all get along together". And this was true- I truly work in an environment where my superiors thank us everyday for being there and praise the wonderful job we are doing. He instantly changed his speech, saying that he too had wonderful collegues. It was funny how one little sentence just changed his whole perspective, at least for half an hour.  ;) Ideas are powerful little buggers.

This said, many of my friends also think this is a kind of cult. I can talk about some of the concepts, but rarely mention Seth unless someone shows genuine interest. I've initiated  my mom, which is kind of cool because we never got along very well and this might just bring us together.  A little sarcastic since some of my close friends think I kind of lost the map!!  ;D

Debt, I think you put your finger on the main resistance source: fear. One of my friend who reacted very strongly against me reading these books-without reading them herself- was transpiring fear even through the phone. That's why I think these concepts must be brought to the general public slowly and tactfully. The movement has already started. And I would like to be part of the flow. I have a facility to explain concepts to people. I hope in a near future I will be able to switch people on to this new way of perceiving life. As a special ed teacher, I always perceived myself as an agent to make people curious enough to want to dare and take a leap in the unknown. Why not do the same with the Seth concepts? It's an exciting challenge that I would like to try out.  :o :D ;D
Title: Re: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: Deb on January 26, 2015, 11:35:15 AM
Quote from: Bumblebee on January 25, 2015, 07:20:36 PM
He instantly changed his speech, saying that he too
had wonderful collegues. It was funny how one little
sentence just changed his whole perspective,
at least for half an hour.
That's so awesome, you made him think (and change his belief, at least for the time being). Being more conscious of these concepts makes it easier to see how it all works in the scheme of things.

QuoteI always perceived myself as an agent to make
people curious enough to want to dare and take a
leap in the unknown.

What an awesome statement, I love that. What makes the general public such sheeples? (sheep+people) It's probably a part of our natural herding instinct, just go with the official line of consciousness and never wake up enough to question it. Keep our heads down. To inspire someone to take a leap in the unknown, I imagine, also requires belief in a safe universe.

QuoteA little sarcastic since some of my
close friends think I kind of lost the map!!  ;D

Hah, losing the map is a great idea! To think that someone is, say, Christian and believes talking with a burning bush or that the Bible was dictated by god through the hands of writers are completely true and acceptable events, but then think the Jane/Seth arrangement is ridiculous, unbelievable or worse, coming from Satan, says a lot to me about the way people think--or don't think or question. Question everything!

Here's to us ALL losing the map!
Title: Re: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: Pinky on January 26, 2015, 12:13:34 PM
I think you guys are mighty brave to talk about Seth with your friends.  I haven't ventured out that far.  I shared the Tuning In video with my kids but won't bring it up until they say something.  My dearest friends don't know the extent of my changing awareness.  Sometimes I see myself covering up by, oh, bitching about lousy drivers when I know I'm somewhere complicit in their stupid driving moves happening right at the moment my car is in their path.  But I can feel myself fearing their reaction so I say nothing.
Title: Re: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: Deb on January 29, 2015, 04:06:42 PM
Well Pinky, I won't be opening up to any other uninitiated any time soon, it's not worth the energy or aggravation.  :-X
Title: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: eyelive4ever2 on February 06, 2015, 12:53:14 PM
There's been studies in holography for a long time and a few people have won Nobel prizes for their work. Their explanation given for anything existing is magic. What else can it be when it is our own observation within the Source that changes our waves to ones of frequency that are then measured here as energy--tight little wave packets of energy. Which we are 100% full of. We are magic itself. Solidity is an illusion to those that believe in it. These are literally movies we are creating that we then call lives.
Seth shouldn't been strange to anyone. It is my observation that Seth is intelligent design that also explains holography, but there are many people that want Darwinism to be saturated into this culture completely. Darwinism does not allow for the possibility that there is an information source for our DNA, a source that vibrates faster than this one because that would take away the atheism that Darwinism is built on. Somehow atheism is seen as the least fearful proposition of the two.
For there to be another frequency band, another world that exists in the same place as this one, one we are being constantly projected from, would take away the power the greedy fearful have over the rest of us. It is supremely ironic that their fear would disappear if they knew that they are eternal vibrating devine energy, completely full of many worlds/frequency bands themselves.
Their anger towards intelligence design is a symbol of their ignorance. I was severely abused as a child, apparently being created by me as images in the now, by this ignorance and that is why I have chosen this subject as my main purpose of being constantly pulsated into this existence. I must change this ignorance. We must all change this ignorance. Call it quantum physics and carry a book around with you called Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan. It is physics that we are eternal energy beings pulsating in the spacious now. Give these books away as often as possible. Tell others that hearing voices is possible because we exist in many worlds at once, each vibrating at a different speed. Show pictures in the book. People need to see the pictures and the fact that Barbara Brennan, the author, worked at NASA as a physicist. A person can get a bachelor's degree at one of her colleges.
Title: Re: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: Deb on February 11, 2015, 09:11:51 PM
Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on February 06, 2015, 12:53:14 PM
There's been studies in holography for a long time and a few people have won Nobel prizes for their work. Their explanation given for anything existing is magic. What else can it be when it is our own observation within the Source that changes our waves to ones of frequency that are then measured here as energy--tight little wave packets of energy. Which we are 100% full of. We are magic itself. Solidity is an illusion to those that believe in it. These are literally movies we are creating that we then call lives.

You definitely know your stuff! I've been a bit interested in holography and also fractal geometry, maybe now is the time that I delve into them more deeply. It seems more scientists (leading edge, but still ridiculed) are putting out news of discoveries involving energy. Mostly physicists, I admit, but not only them. The crack in the door is widening. It's very exciting for me when I read about these things, because all my life I've suspected there was more to reality than what I was being told. I just wish I could produce more obvious "material" evidence for myself. But then, we're not talking about material.

QuoteSeth shouldn't been strange to anyone. It is my observation that Seth is intelligent design that also explains holography, but there are many people that want Darwinism to be saturated into this culture completely. Darwinism does not allow for the possibility that there is an information source for our DNA, a source that vibrates faster than this one because that would take away the atheism that Darwinism is built on. Somehow atheism is seen as the least fearful proposition of the two.

Being raised in public schools, I bought the Darwinism theories because I was told they were real. But having learned a little about Darwin himself, who and what he was, and how his famous paper was created (stolen from another scientist and called his own) have opened my eyes. Although natural selection appears to be real, nature on this planet works best in cooperation. It's not dog-eat-dog as we were told, but a symbiotic balance between all factions of nature. Unfortunately our entire culture, from personal relationships to business practices and everything in between, is based on Darwinism. It's deeply ingrained. I know you like to read. I do too. A good book explaining a lot of this is Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There from Here by (mostly) Bruce Lipton. What is in it may be old news for you, but I love Bruce and the book was even enjoyed (and shared) by my 19 year old son who is generally not open to anything I want to share with him.

QuoteTheir anger towards intelligence design is a symbol of their ignorance.

Or fear? I've always wondered why the masses are so willing, or need, someone they feel has all the answers to follow. Is it the herding instinct? Is it just being lazy? The fact that up to this point, they've only been given the choice of (a) religious creationism or (b) atheistic Darwinism? Why don't more people think critically? Is it just too much of a commitment? There are so many shades between those extremes.

QuoteI was severely abused as a child, apparently being created by me as images in the now, by this ignorance and that is why I have chosen this subject as my main purpose of being constantly pulsated into this existence. I must change this ignorance. We must all change this ignorance.

There seem to be more and more people of this mindset, and that is so encouraging to me.  I'll look into that book you mention. I tend to be a book worm, I have more books than I have time to read them, but always have my feelers out for valuable ones.
Title: Re: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: Stella Wong on March 04, 2015, 10:47:57 AM
hmmm....I have had a feeling for about 10 years that I am having a mission in this life. I didn't know exactly what it is, but since I encountered with Seth's teachings, I have no hesitation to spread it out to others whenever there is a chance. I may not speak to everyone but I normally try a bit and see how the receiver reacts. Yes it may sounds superstitious to some people, but I always see how far I can go. Varied reactions from different people and out of my expectation some of them started getting interest. I really want to spread it around. I just finished my study on Hypnotherapy and I will most likely building a workshop soon combining art, well-being, therapy and most important Seth's materials, especially on belief work.  And Deb, as you know I am practicing calligraphy and I am thinking maybe I can write Seth's quotes in calligraphy and spread it out, just like those many calligraphers writing Bible scriptures. But I am not sure it is ok on the copyright or not, may check about it soon.

Title: Re: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: Deb on March 06, 2015, 08:48:01 AM
Stella, I can't help but think you have a great future ahead of you! I love the idea of the Seth quotes in calligraphy too, all you'd need to do is put up some examples on Facebook, maybe sneak one or two into Lynda's feed. She has a large following and is always so supportive.
Title: Re: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: Bumblebee on March 06, 2015, 09:17:01 AM
Hey Stella!

I love your projects. I think you have very good ideas. It's nice to see you are back with us.  :)
Title: Re: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: Bumblebee on March 06, 2015, 05:00:48 PM

it is funny because this morning I was reading randomly Seth Speaks and I fell on this passage, completely at the end of the book:

QuoteThere is no need to justify your existence. You do not need to write or preach to justify yourselves, for instance. Being is its own justification. Only when you understand this can you begin to utilize your freedom. Otherwise you try too hard.
...If you become too determined to justify your existence then you will begin to close out areas of your life. Only those areas that mean safe justification to you will have meaning, and the others will begin to disappear. You do not have to justify in any terms.
esp class session, Tuesday February 9th 1971, p.421

Then I read your comment about your life mission and the correlation of both of them has been on my mind all day.

Personally that's a hard one for me. I've been roaming half the planet for a goal, a reason for me to exist. I feel an urgency to leave something behind, especially since I do not have children. I was/am always looking for a reason for me to be here, in these shoes. But again, I must realize emotionally that this is just a belief. I never thought this view point to be limiting until today.

If being is my own justification, then it is impossible for me at any point to fail. IMPOSSIBLE. Therefore by being I am automatically successful, ALWAYS.  :D Isn't that good news? I need to remember this when I put pressure on myself to succeed in certain areas of my life...

These days I am putting pressure on myself to have a career. I feel (or believe) that I am not exploiting my full potential. That may be the case, but since I read this passage from Seth, I will try and have a more playful and experimental approach to what I choose to do instead of thinking "achievement".
Title: OMG I did it again
Post by: Deb on March 20, 2015, 08:27:06 PM
I brought lunch to a friend's home today and we sat on her patio and talked for a couple of hours. She's the mother of a friend, a pro bono client (she owns a large animal rescue) and although we've known each other for several years, we had not had the chance to talk as we did today.

She asked me what I'm reading these days. She reads a lot too, and said she wished someone would read the same books as she does, so that she can discuss them. Tell me about it. ::)  I sputtered a bit and then tried to explain the Seth books in a way that wouldn't shut her mind. She actually seemed interested and wrote down Jane's name so she could look into the books. I suggested The Nature of Personal Reality, so I hope she does pursue it.

I learned more about who she is today than I have in the 6 years I've known her. I know she had the same experience today, with me. It was a good day.
Title: Re: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: Stella Wong on March 21, 2015, 10:41:03 PM
That's an excellent quote, Nathalie! So I guess what Seth always emphasizes on  being "spontaneous" is the same as "being", isn't it?
In fact I have been trying to use as what you described as " a more playful and experimental" approach" when I decided to leave the comfort zone - leave the stable job and start something new and more meaningful to me,  but deep down inside I found myself worry a lot, it's not easy to kick away the fear, I have never started my own business before so it is a real big challenge to me, I really like the belief of "impossible to fail", but concerning about financial security, I think it is not easy, maybe I have been so getting used to have a stable income all these years working for someone else. I think I can't afford to fail, and simply this thought put a lot of stress on myself. I believe my thought creates my reality, so I keep visualizing I can work my business fruitfully, yet at the same time I can't stop my worry and fear, and that's a fatal belief I need to manage, so it comes to what Seth mentioned the difference between intellectually and emotionally accepted that we create our reality. No matter what, I am trying my best to believe myself, as I know what I want to do is something good!

Deb, that's exactly similar to what I am doing from time to time, and that feeling is great when you got a friend interested on Seth from our recommendation, no one ask us doing that but I think we all hv a feeling that we should spread it out, maybe a hidden obligation we put on ourselves automatically.
Title: Re: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: Toronto Sethian on April 04, 2015, 05:22:31 PM
Since reading the Seth Material in 1981, I have tried various ways.  I have had incendiary results, initially, and have learned to temper my approach. I usually, now, wait for a sign--that tells me that another is interested in more than the reality s/he experiences.

As Seth said of his teachings, you must know the belief system of the being whom you try to communicate with.

I, now, throw out ideas that I know are transdimensional but commonly understood, first:  "What goes around, comes around" is one.  When someone says, "You only live once", I say, "That's a theory!", etc.

Do not overwhelm another.  Learn where they are and what bridges of communication are build-able.

I have found it is better to say less and wait until another shows a sign that s/he is asking for more; thencely, I give nutrition as befits--do not water too much, nor fertilize too much--and enough light upon the being as necessary when the shade of their being now prevents them from seeing the light, if I may be so imagistic.

Denny in Toronto.

Title: Re: Problems explaining Seth to the uninitiated
Post by: Deb on April 05, 2015, 01:14:01 PM
Quote from: Toronto Sethian on April 04, 2015, 05:22:31 PMDo not overwhelm another.  Learn where they are and what bridges of communication are build-able.

Yes, Denny, prudence has always been my middle name. After a lifetime of suffering others' attempts to convert me to their beliefs, I am determined to never reciprocate. :) Especially with topics that people hold so close to their hearts.

On the up side, I very recently had a friend stay with me. She's been a follower of Wayne Dyer and his cronies for years, to the point that she attended one his cruises Down Under. She couldn't help but notice my towers of Seth books. We started comparing concepts and messages and she finally said she didn't know why she had never before heard of or read the Seth books. But in the same breath she recalled Seth having been briefly mentioned on the cruise, possibly by another attendee. For some reason she then asked if I'd read Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I told her Bach was also a fan of Seth, and she borrowed and consumed the few books of Bach's that I had tucked away on a shelf. I feel our friendship was strengthened by our sharing.

So... that all turned out well. And not one mention of cults.  :P