~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: eyelive4ever2 on January 28, 2015, 02:38:32 PM

Title: saturated within gods brain waves
Post by: eyelive4ever2 on January 28, 2015, 02:38:32 PM
Hi ya'll,

I am new to this site, but not Seth. Love Seths words but cant find anyone else that understands them. Been trying for 35 or so years to attract someone, but unusual circumstances prevailed. Looks like I am constantly choosing a childhood with no parents to call mother and father. So I have to call god my father and mother. And since I call God the field of waves we are immersed within, then who is there to comfort me?
The mother I had/have is/was in a rage 99% of the time so I don't remember calling her mom or mother. I think that I channeled the beings that were there in that house and she was so frightened that she withdrew. She was either raging or distant.
Tried a whole lot of hypnotists and therapists with no success. Don't know why I want to fail at that. So I don't remember why I keep on pulsating in this life. The Energy of us constantly pulsates us into this reality. Read in the book "Messages in Water" that we vibrate 570 trillion times a second. Seth says we are constantly refreshing ourselves. Well, LOL !! No yesterday or tomorrow. Just always the constant pulsating of us in the moment. Always choosing to be here. Always taking those field of waves and bunching them up with our desires. Loved Seth before I read quantum physics. Now I understand even more that our particles are wave packets and that is how the Kingdom of God is within us. WOW. No separation at all. We are all One being, One within the mind of a God as images. A God that is like a holodeck and we are holograms. Shimmering, pulsating magnificent holograms always choosing to be here 570 trillion times a second. We are that powerful and don't even know it.
Title: Re: saturated within gods brain waves
Post by: Deb on January 28, 2015, 09:06:59 PM
Hi eyelive4ever2, welcome! I think you found the right place. We've all been looking for someone who "gets" Seth.

It's been a little slow on the forum the past few days, I think we've all been busy. I will finally get a break tomorrow & will take a look at your posts. The forum is only about a month old and I'm constantly learning ways to make it more user-friendly.

I love your analogy to holograms, that's sort of the way I see it too. I read some quantum physics stuff (for dummies, of course) before I found the Seth materials and so was thrilled to see that science is just starting to catch up with his explanations. The constant refreshing is so encouraging, but I sure wish I could get a handle on making it work to my benefit, lol. It just takes practice and belief work is always the base.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on January 28, 2015, 02:38:32 PM
we are holograms. Shimmering, pulsating magnificent holograms always choosing to be here 570 trillion times a second. We are that powerful and don't even know it.

I think that's just beautiful!
Title: Re: saturated within gods brain waves
Post by: Pinky on January 29, 2015, 09:21:24 PM
Glad to welcome you to the forum, eyelive4ever2.  I look forward to reading your perspective and experiences with Seth's wisdom!

Title: Re: saturated within gods brain waves
Post by: eyelive4ever2 on January 30, 2015, 01:03:08 PM
Anything I say or repeat that somebody calls beautiful is just outstanding !! Thanks a lot for the support. I have ridden city buses a long time and I find not too many people understand that they are energy able to heal themselves really fast. Wow. All I had to do to find these books is choose a life maze that would direct me to needing them.
In my 20s earth time I was so excited by Seth books that I carried them around with me and wished to see miracles and magic. Didn't know how that would come, but wanted to see fast healing too. After a while I started getting experiences served up to me just to see what I would do. I had read the book Healers and the Healing Process too, and thought the words "Healing Presences, send the healing flow through me. I'll be the channel." I must have had a picture of what that would look like or feel like because we create our own reality. But I think the ones creating this reality with blueprints vibrate at the levels of 5 through 12. I like the book An Ascension Handbook by Tony Stubbs, too. Seems like we are literally creating all these levels with the 12th level being the point of light or idea that starts the expansion. I try to fit what all these books say into some sort of coherence where they cross paths.
I think this world is in the midst of a huge Ponzi scheme called "death". I have often felt the hatchet of death hanging over my head just for being on earth. Isn't it always "do this or you will die !! ?" I have read in Seth books and The Ascension Handbook that these are games we are playing to see how long it will take to figure out that this is a huge game and we are like the chess pieces moving ourselves around, and not knowing it....... cause we are the projections that are supposed to figure it out !!! LOL.....with pulsations of intelligence that are less aware than the Source itself....The shadows. We are the unaware ones that feel gobs of pain when not figuring it out. Personally I don't like this game. I am ready to leave. I am bored of the thinking on this planet.
Guns, guns, guns...... to kill the separate ones.
And so afraid of death they are, that they kill the ones--that they are ONE with !!
The unaware shadows.
This game is too hard. Once the first person thought that they had to kill someone, that is when the game should have stopped. There's too much overbearing pain and I have read that there are many planets that are full of prisons, even more so than this one. That's just too much being in the dark. Where is the fun ? Each person every day should be asked if they are having fun, then they must be directed towards fun if not, because what is the point of having so much pain? My gosh. It takes some people their whole lives to figure out that they are supposed to have fun. Some people never figure it out till they leave these bodies.
I read a Dannion Brinkley book, too. He has had 3 near death experiences. In one he saw a reality that was a cloudy blue full of lost people. Seems like they shuffled around trying to figure out what to do all the time. Wasn't a happy place.
Title: Re: saturated within gods brain waves
Post by: eyelive4ever2 on January 30, 2015, 01:06:24 PM
Thanks Pinky and DebT for the replys.
Title: Re: saturated within gods brain waves
Post by: Deb on January 31, 2015, 02:19:34 PM
QuoteI find not too many people understand that they are energy able to heal themselves really fast.

I would say almost no one understands they can heal themselves (in my experience). One of my interests is nutrition and healing and I'm constantly amazed at how many people believe they MUST visit a doctor or get a new pill to get well. It's been trained into us by doctors, medical "science," pharma companies, etc. We've lost our common sense and connection with nature. A pet peeve of mine. I've read enough about the placebo affect and spontaneous recoveries from critical conditions to know that it's our beliefs that are reflected in our reality. Knowing and doing are two separate things though, but hey, I'm here to learn and practice. A book that has been a current-times inspiration for me, a shining example of change your mind/change your life, is Dying to Be Me by Anita Moorjani. It's about a young woman making a complete recovery from her death bed because a NDE made her understand how her former beliefs destroyed her health. Well, you just can't get any clearer than that.

It takes some people their whole lives to figure out that they are supposed to have fun. Some people never figure it out till they leave these bodies.

It certainly seems that way. We're on a planet populated with people in various stages of spiritual growth, just like a kindergarten classroom full of kids with various stages of emotional maturity. I suppose the variety is supposed to help us find our own path. There would be little growth if we were comfortable where we are.