~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: voyager on October 06, 2015, 01:58:10 PM

Title: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: voyager on October 06, 2015, 01:58:10 PM
Hi Sethists.

I am reading the books and loving them. The concepts resonate with me deeply, along the lines of "surely, that MUST be true!" I am however finding it particularly difficult to let go of all sadness and doubt.

My question is this: how many of you have had actual, definitely tangible and significant alterations in the "body of your experience" (the world) as a result of changing your inner world or feelings to this end. I am (because I feel I have to be) quite specific in what I mean by this. I don't just mean people being nicer to you because we are being nicer to them. That, it seems to me, can be explained by normal psychology. Likewise, I do not mean instances where we place selective attention more on the nice things that can happen during the day. Again, these consequences are valuable, but it is not what I mean (and I don't *think* it is what Seth means) by "creating your own reality." What I mean is that you can definitely point to events in time and space, especially spontaneous events, that suggest that the very nature of your physical experience reconfigured itself as a result of your inner changes of feeling, and/or that specific outcomes came to you that really would NOT "just have happened anyway" or by traditional effort.

Please don't get me wrong. I am very supportive of the Seth concepts and my deepest hope is that they really are so. But concrete instances of one kind or another, especially of a dramatic sort, are powerful as evidence.
Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: Deb on October 06, 2015, 04:49:24 PM
Quote from: voyager on October 06, 2015, 01:58:10 PMMy question is this: how many of you have had actual, definitely tangible and significant alterations in the "body of your experience" (the world) as a result of changing your inner world or feelings to this end.

Hi Voyager, welcome! A VERY good question and I'm looking forward to hearing what others have to say. I will answer this as carefully and thoroughly as I can as I've not previously had the opportunity to put this into words or thoughts.

The short answer is, yes, I've had proof of this in my own life.

I've been in what I've considered unrecoverable situations, a downward spiral with no way out, and have at some point paused and remembered Esther Hicks's words "reach for the next better-feeling thought." Not long after doing so, the situation will shift or a solution will appear that came out of nowhere. This can't be documented really, it's totally subjective, and interpretation of any event is as well and totally based on our perceptions and beliefs, but I've been around long enough to appreciate cause and effect. I haven't yet woken up in the morning, living in a castle, young, beautiful and rich in life beyond my wildest dreams, but that is fantasy to me. It's the little stuff that adds up and makes me think, "wow, there really is something to this." Have you ever pondered a new direction in your life and suddenly all these doors open, situations fall into place that were not there before? People call from out of the blue, sometimes people you haven't heard from in years? How do you prove this is not all coincidence? I don't think you can. But if you are conscious in trying to create a new reality and start seeing some proof that it's working... why discount that? If one of us could provide you with dramatic, concrete proof, would you accept that or just consider it that another person's perceptions? I'm not being critical, just asking, because I tend to be skeptical and need personal proof of things. But how do I say my life experience would have been one way but went another way instead? I don't know.

One little story, which could be written off as coincidence: When I was debating whether I should make this forum or not, I went out to run an errand. Within a couple of minutes a car I was next to at a traffic light had a sticker  for Elmira College on the back. A while later, at another intersection, a different car had an Elmira, NY dealership sticker on the back. Later on, Elmira showed up on something else. Keep in mind I live near Denver, 1500+ miles away from New York. I finally decided it was Jane giving me the go-ahead nod. Am I delusional? Could be. But, to see Elmira not once, but three different times on one local outing is quite the coincidence to me.

Years ago I was into ghost hunting. I am a skeptic, but for me it was exploration of spirituality from another angle and to find out if there's more to here than meets the eye. Plus an excuse to wander around in some very well-known *haunted* locations across the country. People were always looking for proof of ghosts, wanting to see photos or listen to EVPs from others, but then discounting them because all of that could be faked, and one person's shadow is another person's ghost. I ended up choosing to experience my investigations by using only myself as my *detection* equipment, to prove to myself alone that there's something out there. I move very quietly and have scared a lot of people in the process because of that, but I've had some inexplicable personal experiences (and some recorded) that I value. Are there ghosts? I don't know, Seth says there are, but I can say I've had experiences that have NO EXPLANATION in this reality we know and they are worth everything to me—and nothing to others.

If you're looking for real, documented proof of how we make our reality, at least on the level of our health, bodies and genetics, you might want to look into You are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter (http://smile.amazon.com/You-Are-Placebo-Making-Matter/dp/1401944590/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1444164853&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=the+placebo+effec+t) by Joe Dispenza. His book is full of scientific reports and studies done on the placebo effect and how people were/are able to heal their bodies, spontaneously recover from critical illnesses and turn genes on and off (unsuspectingly) using the power of their minds. Our beliefs are the filters through which we perceive (and experience) our individual realities. So then, are we changing a concrete reality or just changing our perceptions of reality? How do we know?

If all is energy, then extending that power to change, beyond the body, is not unbelievable. If you want to really have your socks knocked off, do a little research into beliefs and multiple personality disorder. Life-threatening allergies in one personality don't exist in another. The same goes for illnesses. Eye colors can change. Things like that have one thing in common: beliefs that make that one personality's experiences different than another, all within the same physical vehicle.

I'm going to a Joe Dispenza workshop, with my son, this weekend. Joe's message? Change your mind, change your life. The book combines the latest research in neuroscience, biology, psychology, hypnosis, behavioral conditioning and quantum physics to demystify the workings of the placebo effect, explains how meditation works on the body and mind, explains how to change beliefs and what gets in our way. Exciting stuff, at least to me. Joe does not only focus on changing health, he incorporates that we make our own reality and is completely in alignment with the teachings of Seth.

I'll report back next week if I learn anything. That is, if I'm not already living in a castle somewhere in Europe, young, beautiful and rich in life beyond my wildest dreams. lol.

Update: Okay, as if I haven't already written too much, here's a video of Dr. Joe if you're interested in what he has to say. It's 20 minutes (I know, long...), but you can skip around to get an idea of what he's about.

Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: John Sorensen on October 07, 2015, 06:06:56 AM
Quote from: voyager on October 06, 2015, 01:58:10 PM
Hi Sethists.

I am reading the books and loving them. The concepts resonate with me deeply, along the lines of "surely, that MUST be true!" I am however finding it particularly difficult to let go of all sadness and doubt.

My question is this: how many of you have had actual, definitely tangible and significant alterations in the "body of your experience" (the world) as a result of changing your inner world or feelings to this end. I am (because I feel I have to be) quite specific in what I mean by this. I don't just mean people being nicer to you because we are being nicer to them. That, it seems to me, can be explained by normal psychology. Likewise, I do not mean instances where we place selective attention more on the nice things that can happen during the day. Again, these consequences are valuable, but it is not what I mean (and I don't *think* it is what Seth means) by "creating your own reality." What I mean is that you can definitely point to events in time and space, especially spontaneous events, that suggest that the very nature of your physical experience reconfigured itself as a result of your inner changes of feeling, and/or that specific outcomes came to you that really would NOT "just have happened anyway" or by traditional effort.

Please don't get me wrong. I am very supportive of the Seth concepts and my deepest hope is that they really are so. But concrete instances of one kind or another, especially of a dramatic sort, are powerful as evidence.

Hmmmmm, well I have read Seth books for over a decade but never had any contact with anyone else who had read them or even heard of Seth. I've never even seen any Seth books in any bookstores anywhere in New Zealand or Australia, except for the three second hand ones I found. Obviously they are out there, but rare. So the rest came from online for me.

Anyhow, two examples: I intended to meet/communicate with people who I could talk with about Seth material, withing six months I had connected with two new friends on opposite sides of the globe (one born in the U.S. of A, another in the U.K.) whom I talked with regularly on the phone / skype. Both friends were a bit older than me, and it was awesome to hear their views on Seth material, their own experiences and life, and get to know them as unique individuals. I have not met either in person, but I feel most likely we have met in other lives etc, as I had instant deep rapport with both people.

Another examples, I intended to meet my current partner / girlfriend, I mediated on this daily, with the intention to meet this person, around 6-8 months later I met my current partner, after 7 years of living alone.

Within six months of talking on the phone (she lived in West Australia, me in Victoria) I moved to WA to live with her, and we have now lived together for over 1 year.

I have never had an ongoing relationship like this before, so for me it is all new. We plan to get married, have kids etc down the track, but for now we are still getting settled in with jobs, and getting to know each other etc.

We have our ups and downs, and I knew she was the girl for me when she started buying me Batman tshirts, and didn't mind when I wore it out to dinner on my birthday.

anyhow, there are loads of other examples, but those are two big things/events from recent years in my life that related to your question.

I could list some more esoteric mumbo jumbo, but that is too common to really translate into meaningful words, I mean I experience all kinds of kooky psi phenomena that it is just ordinary and boring, that is, our natural state when we stop ignoring our own inner signals.

Seth gives a good example when the phone rings. Now you can use logic and deduction to guess who is calling, but I know who it is like 99.9& of the time intuitively, its a "feeling"  or "knowing" not a thought etc. Everyone experiences this. Sometimes I feel it even BEFORE the phone actually rings, it is "direct communication" because there is no point where "I" end and "you" begin. We are over lapping fields of unified organised intelligence.
Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: LenKop on December 07, 2015, 07:44:44 AM
I just read this topic and find it very interesting. The whole idea of 'proof' and 'evidence' is is very exciting, and can be daunting too, when followed down the rabbit hole. I love my wife!....but how do I show evidence of it? I cook her dinner, spend time with her, etc....So? If I cooked you dinner, would that mean I love you in the same way? How do I prove I'm sad? I'm crying, but I don't have to cry to be sad, or in pain, I just feel sad. Don't get me wrong, I think questioning is very important. Finding your own answers, and your own truths. But if you look for three dimensional evidence in a multidimensional world, it can become very frustrating, or quite joyous. Many of my personal discoveries were awesome, and some I only realised well after the fact. I'll share one.....

My wife and I needed to build a studio, as my home business was growing. We were adamant not to get into bank debt for it. We estimated around 50k was needed. We would oversee the project, to cut costs, and borrow off family, rather than the bank, if we were desperate. We were both still working, so if we took our time we knew we would scrape together what was needed. But we couldn't take too long as I worked by school terms, so there was a window of time that we had to follow. It was amazing how everything fell into place. From finding the contractors, to family and friends helping out. We never doubted we would do it. In fact no one doubted. Then we ran out of money. We needed $1000 to pay the floor polisher right at the end, and we had none. We could have waited a month or so for our wages, but the weekend before the polish I got a call from a local DJ, an international band was touring and needed my services (the first time I ever did session work), they played two shows, $500 for each gig. I came back, with the cheque, and the studio was complete, within the time frame, without any debt to the bank.

Is this evidence? To me it is. To anyone else?....I don't really care...no offense intended, but I know in my life when things flow, and things seem effortless, and I'm genuine, that's when things work out as I intended. And that's all the evidence I need.

Just for those interested in the Framework 1 and Framework 2 concept....my wife went to get a reading done a few months before the above project began. The medium described the process and result with amazing accuracy.

Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: BethAnne on February 08, 2016, 05:44:10 PM
Great question and great replies!  I love Deb's Elmira story!

These concepts TOTALLY reflect in my life.  As I've written before I grew up Christian Science which is  very Seth/Abraham-Hicks.  People would come in damaged for my Grandmother to heal them and they would heal.  I would go with her to the Wednesday Night Testimonials where people gave their healing stories.  It was never questioned that your Mind creates your Reality.

My life works pretty smoothly.  I put out what I need and it shows up.  I have to also say, however, that I came with a "mission" and my life has led me to complete that.  It's been difficult but exciting.

I have So Many Stories!  LOL  But one of my favorites is about my son Justin.  You could put this kid in a corner with a pencil and paper and find him there hours later.  A pretty easy kid to raise.  When he was 5 his 15 year old brother had him watch "Wizards" with him by Ralph Bakshi   http://www.ralphbakshi.com/ (http://www.ralphbakshi.com/).  You may remember "Cool World" and "Lord of the Rings".  From then on Justin wanted to be an animator.  He quit school when he was 14 because he was so full of himself.  He ended up teaching animation at Las Cruces, NM.  One of his instructors friends there is Bakshi's son.  Justin ended up working for Ralph a couple years ago.
Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: BethAnne on February 08, 2016, 05:48:19 PM
The Trick is to "Know Thyself".  You have to BE who you want to be.  It then radiates a vibration that will attract, repell or over ride.  I don't ask for anything but Contentment.  Then the Universe seems to orchestrate events to bring that about.
Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: Deb on February 11, 2016, 09:13:36 PM
Quote from: BethAnne on February 08, 2016, 05:44:10 PMI have So Many Stories!

And so far every one of them has been priceless. Don't stop!

Quote from: BethAnne on February 08, 2016, 05:44:10 PMHe quit school when he was 14 because he was so full of himself.  He ended up teaching animation at Las Cruces, NM.  One of his instructors friends there is Bakshi's son.  Justin ended up working for Ralph a couple years ago.

This is an incredible story of things coming full circle. Perfect.

Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: John Sorensen on February 12, 2016, 05:57:28 AM
Quote from: BethAnne on February 08, 2016, 05:48:19 PM
The Trick is to "Know Thyself".  You have to BE who you want to be.  It then radiates a vibration that will attract, repell or over ride.  I don't ask for anything but Contentment.  Then the Universe seems to orchestrate events to bring that about.

Yup. One day I decided I was a writer. So I started writing. Kept on writing and getting better at it.
Didn't do a whole lot of learning (other than reading all my life), just started writing, coming from that frame of mind, and not looking back.

The "BE" of what you are, what you want is the resonance of what already "IS" at the quantum level. The living of it is the tapping of pure potential. The time frame is negotiable as everything already exists.
Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: BethAnne on February 12, 2016, 07:28:10 AM
I just read Tom Robbins (Even Cowgirls get the Blues) latest book on the story of his life "Tibetan Peach Pie".  A great book on how he gathered all his experiences and how they influenced his writing.  And how over the years he realized he was manifesting without believing in that ability in the beginning of his life.  What a rich life.  Good book

I read one writer would design a book jacket for the novel he was writing and put it on an old book as if the book was already published.

I do collages/Treasure mapping.  At first I had no idea what the message was I was gluing down, but over the years a lot them came true. 
Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: BethAnne on February 15, 2016, 06:37:36 PM
Quote from: John Sorensen on February 12, 2016, 05:57:28 AMThe "BE" of what you are, what you want is the resonance of what already "IS" at the quantum level.
A cool way of looking at it. 
Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: John Sorensen on February 16, 2016, 05:30:29 AM
Quote from: BethAnne on February 12, 2016, 07:28:10 AM
I just read Tom Robbins (Even Cowgirls get the Blues) latest book on the story of his life "Tibetan Peach Pie".  A great book on how he gathered all his experiences and how they influenced his writing.  And how over the years he realized he was manifesting without believing in that ability in the beginning of his life.  What a rich life.  Good book

I read one writer would design a book jacket for the novel he was writing and put it on an old book as if the book was already published.

I do collages/Treasure mapping.  At first I had no idea what the message was I was gluing down, but over the years a lot them came true. 

Something interesting happened when I started writing down ideas for my various blogs, writing and other projects - I started getting titles for various books and articles on various topics. I'l often get  title, and see some kind of cover.

Books that did not yet exist. Over the last couple of years I wrote down many of them, stopped when I got to about 30. As I have not written any of them yet, that is PLENTY.

Anyhow, one day I remembered the bit in the various Seth books where they talk about Jane's "mental library" and I realized those titles already existed, and I was getting a sort of "preview" of them when they appeared basically fully formed in my mind.

I found that I can basically pull them up mentally and look at them, and although I don't know what is in them yet, I get the feeling of the general topic and overview, and if I sit down to start writing, a lot of stuff just comes up, like I'm dictating it to myself.

A good number of things are "on hold" for now while I concentrate on particular projects. But basically I for the next 2-5 years I have planned my next projects being 3 Batman related books, 3 SETH related books and 3 short books that cover Meditation / Relaxation / Sleep.

I don't care for numbers and that sort of thing, but I often get things in threes, and if you add the numbers of my birth date being 2+7 you get "9". So 3x3 = 9 books.

Another fun thing I noticed last year is that while I was writing one of Batman related articles, I noticed that Batman first appeared in Detective Comics #27, in 1939 with the cover month listed as MAY.

My birthday happens to be MAY 27, and last year over a period of 12 months my batman blog had 27,000 unique visitors for the year.
So it doesn't really mean anything significant to me, but I thought it was kind of cool, those numbers coming together. But then you create your reality, so did I want there to be significance to those numbers, or perhaps I was having a joke with myself because I am lousy at Math and usually don't pay attention to numbers (other than the 1's and 0's in my bank account!) :P

Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: BethAnne on February 16, 2016, 03:29:23 PM
Oh I think patterns in numbers is very important to pay attention to.  Especially when they add up to a particular number all the time.  9 for completion and mastery.   :)

I like the library idea.  Hmmmm.  I think I'll start creating a mental gallery for my sketches.  I've kept a lot of projects on hold also.  The energy and life in general has been so chaotic I just could not focus on anything beyond keeping my chin above water ...dog/god paddling like crazy! 
Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: James on February 17, 2016, 09:04:33 AM
Quote from: John Sorensen on October 07, 2015, 06:06:56 AMSeth gives a good example when the phone rings. Now you can use logic and deduction to guess who is calling, but I know who it is like 99.9& of the time intuitively, its a "feeling"  or "knowing" not a thought etc. Everyone experiences this. Sometimes I feel it even BEFORE the phone actually rings, it is "direct communication" because there is no point where "I" end and "you" begin. We are over lapping fields of unified organised intelligence.

John, you are quite gifted telepathically. Most people do have some ability to sense who is calling them, but not as reliably as you. There is a scientist in the UK, Rupert Sheldrake, who has done extensive research into telepathy with both humans and animals (dogs that know when their owners are coming home). He has set up a telephone telepathy experiment that anyone can join in, providing they live in the US, UK, Canada, India or New Zealand. He keeps adding countries, so maybe it will be available in Australia in the not-too-distant future. If anyone is interested, you can find the test here:

http://www.sheldrake.org/participate/telephone-telepathy-test (http://www.sheldrake.org/participate/telephone-telepathy-test)

It only takes 15 minutes, and you only need two friends to take the test with you.

Sheldrake has lots of other interesting material on his sheldrake.org site that I think would appeal to you and our fellow Sethies here, including his infamous banned TedX talk that caused quite a stir:

http://www.sheldrake.org/reactions/tedx-whitechapel-the-banned-talk (http://www.sheldrake.org/reactions/tedx-whitechapel-the-banned-talk)
Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: James on February 17, 2016, 11:27:16 AM
Quote from: John Sorensen on February 16, 2016, 05:30:29 AMI don't care for numbers and that sort of thing, but I often get things in threes, and if you add the numbers of my birth date being 2+7 you get "9". So 3x3 = 9 books.

Another fun thing I noticed last year is that while I was writing one of Batman related articles, I noticed that Batman first appeared in Detective Comics #27, in 1939 with the cover month listed as MAY.

My birthday happens to be MAY 27, and last year over a period of 12 months my batman blog had 27,000 unique visitors for the year.
So it doesn't really mean anything significant to me, but I thought it was kind of cool, those numbers coming together. But then you create your reality, so did I want there to be significance to those numbers, or perhaps I was having a joke with myself because I am lousy at Math and usually don't pay attention to numbers (other than the 1's and 0's in my bank account!) :P

John, I think there is something to these sorts of numerical significances. They may not have any cosmic importance necessarily, but they can be a kind of enjoyable diversion that some people are attuned to, and create, for their own amusement. Seth describes the case of a child who died at the age of three, and who was quite a prodigy. He was born, and died young, in order to prompt his parents, who he had known in previous lives and loved deeply, to ask certain questions in this life. The interesting thing here, and the reason I bring it up, is that he had a love of numbers, and timed his birth and death to the minute, just for his own amusement.

From the Early Sessions, book 9:

(The session was also witnessed by Estelle and Dave Craig, 1750 E. 21st Street, Brooklyn, New York. The Craigs drove up from New York City late this afternoon to attend the session. They wanted information on the death and attendant circumstances of their son Michael who died last month at a little over 3 years of age.
(Michael had been an exceptionally warm, sensitive and brilliant child. He had begun to speak at but a few months age. He had been good at numbers, and along with Dave interested in astronomy. He died at 3 years, 4 months. He was born on a Thursday, June 10 at 6:08, and died on a Thursday in October, 1968 at 6:08, almost 4 years to the day from conception. Dave and Estelle were curious about the play of similar numbers here)

The boy was briefly with you for his own reasons. He was to enlighten you, and so he did. He was of an ancient entity, and you have known him in other lives. He wanted his mother to look inward. ... He did not mean to stay within physical reality....Now, he had a mathematical knowledge, and you also have this whether or not you realize it. It results from priestly existences where you were both highly involved with calculations having to do with the movement of planets. This also has something to do with the hour of his birth and death, for he had a sense of neatness, and it pleased him to time his arrival and departure.
- SESSION 447, NOVEMBER 11, 1968, ES9, pp. 137 - 144
Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: LenKop on February 17, 2016, 07:08:17 PM
I think numbers are quite significant. Not sure how well we understand their significance. I remember Seth 2 mentioning something about geometrical shapes. Might be from Seth Speaks. Not sure if James has that catalogued. Or I might be creating a memory of it...lol


Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: John Sorensen on February 17, 2016, 07:13:32 PM
Quote from: James on February 17, 2016, 09:04:33 AM
Quote from: John Sorensen on October 07, 2015, 06:06:56 AMSeth gives a good example when the phone rings. Now you can use logic and deduction to guess who is calling, but I know who it is like 99.9& of the time intuitively, its a "feeling"  or "knowing" not a thought etc. Everyone experiences this. Sometimes I feel it even BEFORE the phone actually rings, it is "direct communication" because there is no point where "I" end and "you" begin. We are over lapping fields of unified organised intelligence.

John, you are quite gifted telepathically. Most people do have some ability to sense who is calling them, but not as reliably as you. There is a scientist in the UK, Rupert Sheldrake, who has done extensive research into telepathy with both humans and animals (dogs that know when their owners are coming home). He has set up a telephone telepathy experiment that anyone can join in, providing they live in the US, UK, Canada, India or New Zealand. He keeps adding countries, so maybe it will be available in Australia in the not-too-distant future. If anyone is interested, you can find the test here:

http://www.sheldrake.org/participate/telephone-telepathy-test (http://www.sheldrake.org/participate/telephone-telepathy-test)

It only takes 15 minutes, and you only need two friends to take the test with you.

Sheldrake has lots of other interesting material on his sheldrake.org site that I think would appeal to you and our fellow Sethies here, including his infamous banned TedX talk that caused quite a stir:

http://www.sheldrake.org/reactions/tedx-whitechapel-the-banned-talk (http://www.sheldrake.org/reactions/tedx-whitechapel-the-banned-talk)

Hi James, I have a couple of Sheldrake's books so I am familiar with stuff you mention here. Also listened to him a bunch on some podcasts and watched a few youtube videos.

Actually it's funny the phone thing. It rang yesterday and I knew it was a call I did not want to take. It was actually just a day of temp work for manual labor, and my elbow was still hurting bad from earlier in the week doing the same type of work.

I could have picked up and just said no, but I knew if I answered I would not turn work down if they asked me. So I just let it ring out, because of my sore elbow which needs at least another day of rest.

I went to the phone after it finished ringing and sure enough the number on the mobile on my desk was the temp agency.

When the phone started to ring, I got a bad feeling, like a feeling that is in the pit our stomach, like say if you crossed the road and didn't see a car coming, and then got out of the way in the last second. So it's I don't know what you call it, but it's not a mental thing at all, it's like the electro-magnetic communication of your body directly from the environment, which is faster than any thought etc.

Seth talks about this sort of stuff, but I forget how he described it.
Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: John Sorensen on February 17, 2016, 07:32:18 PM
Quote from: LenKop on February 17, 2016, 07:08:17 PM
I think numbers are quite significant. Not sure how well we understand their significance. I remember Seth 2 mentioning something about geometrical shapes. Might be from Seth Speaks. Not sure if James has that catalogued. Or I might be creating a memory of it...lol


I've never particularly been interested in geometrical shapes either. But lately I've been interested in Metron's Cube / Sacred Flower of Life -which contains all kinds of shapes and patterns in it, one facet of it seems to be storing all these shapes and patterns of information makes it look to me like a kind of super-computer.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOqg5bPZ0HE&ab_channel=CGimaging (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOqg5bPZ0HE&ab_channel=CGimaging)

I read a couple of books talking about Sacred Geometry and a few months back I had a really vivid dream where I saw a three-dimensional version of Metron's Cube (it's always three dimensional, the art/flat 2D images just represent the 3D version.

From Wikipedia:
"The name Metatron is not mentioned in the Hebrew bible, nor is it mentioned in the early Enoch literature. How the name originated is a matter of debate. Although Metatron is mentioned in a few brief passages in the Talmud, he appears primarily in mystical Kabbalistic texts within the Rabbinic literature. In that tradition, he is the highest of the angels and serves as the celestial scribe or "recording angel"

I started to wonder how this might be significant in any way to me, and one pattern that reoccurs in some of my lives is that of writer/scribe/translator/librarian or as a conduit / storehouse of information.

One of the features of Metron's cube, in its storing of potential information is the blueprint of the atom.
So in a way it a shape that represents a fundamental building block of the material universe. I don't know if the shape applies to a non-material universe or not.

Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: LenKop on February 17, 2016, 08:07:14 PM
Funny story....

My old piano teacher was invited by a friend to check out the latest computer in one of the local universities (this was in the 70's, when one room was needed to house one computer). The computer tech, as a surprise, programmed one of Bach's keyboard works into the machine.

My teacher jokingly said 'how dare your machine produce such wonderful music?'

In response, the friend answered 'how dare your composer produce such wonderful maths?'

The power of numbers.....

Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: James on February 17, 2016, 08:49:03 PM
Quote from: LenKop on February 17, 2016, 07:08:17 PMI think numbers are quite significant. Not sure how well we understand their significance. I remember Seth 2 mentioning something about geometrical shapes. Might be from Seth Speaks. Not sure if James has that catalogued. Or I might be creating a memory of it...lol

Hi Len, I found this passage, which might be what you remembered:

(Seth II:) Certain translations are being made for you so that these communications make sense to you.
We watch you as you watch others, yet so vast is the distance, in your terms, that communication is difficult. We do not watch as human forms. You perceive us that way in a distorted view. In your terms, our forms would be geometrical. We do not understand too clearly the nature of the reality that you are creating even though the seeds were given to you by us. We respect it and revere it. We watch it as we watch others. Do not let the weak sounds that reach you confuse you. The strength behind them would form the world as you know it and sustain it for centuries.

And Seth from session 286:
Geometric figures represent the most simple and basic root assumptions.

And from session 371:
When I look at you, I see a multidimensional form in motion, a geometrical collection of highly intensified energy, with a nucleus that is your whole self.

There is no mention of the word 'geometry' or 'geometrical' in any of the published books (Seth Speaks, etc.)
Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: LenKop on February 17, 2016, 09:00:26 PM
Thanks James. I guess my memory got it half right. Which is strange, as I only have the published works.

Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: BethAnne on February 19, 2016, 02:43:28 PM
Great thread.  This stuff always reminds me of Alex Grey's work.
Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: BethAnne on February 19, 2016, 02:51:09 PM
Two summers ago I was cashiering.  Mid way through summer I noticed that totals and change where coming up in patterns  such at $10.00 or $18.18 or often $7.77.  The odds of these patterns was unusual.  Then I asked the other cashiers.  Everyone noticed the patterns and these weren't people who pay attention to such things.  I asked cashiers from other stores and they also noticed.   It reminded me of cymatic.

"Cymatics: Science vs. Music" Nigel Stanford

http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3oItpVa9fs (http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3oItpVa9fs)
Title: Re: A sincere question about "you create your own reality."
Post by: BethAnne on February 20, 2016, 12:36:27 PM
How To Be More Confident - Conor McGregor Confidence Breakdown   
//https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CfFvtSUDA0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CfFvtSUDA0)

This UFC fighter uses Seth concepts to win.