Hello ya'll. In case I didn't say that before. I found quantum physics a couple of years ago and I can't believe Seth is explaining it. All religions are trying to explain quantum physics. Science is trying to understand it. Yet, anybody can go to a university web site and look up particle/wave duality to see that a particle is always connected to a wave. One physicist says that a particle is always riding on a wave. But wait....particles are wave packets !!! And there is no separation, so there is a blending. Everything vibrating and pulsating within everything else. And there are no things.
The paranormal and the occult has always been this field of waves that we are resonating within. And still there are TV shows where people are looking for those ghosts and wondering where they come from. And still people talk about the occult like it is a bad thing. If only everybody could get on the same page by saying that we are ALL saturated by this field of waves full of magnificent intelligence that flows through us and is us.
IF ONLY quantum physics would stand up in the middle of prisons and wars and other tortures and say that. Sure there are books about parallel realities and our elegant universe but who's listening ? Public schools still teach solidity and death as if these are real things. Who is lobbying against the energy within everything?
Anybody read the book called "Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of free directed energy on 9/11 ? I read the whole thing. Can't believe that there are people that still think those towers were demolished by airplanes or demolision pancaking.
Aren't the biggest terrorists of all the ones that teach solidity and death ?
I read a little about quantum physics before I found the Seth materials. I have to say I was tickled to find that quantum physicists were just starting to come up with theories and results that matched what Seth was saying back in the 60s. Being skeptical by nature, it was making the whole Seth thing more believable for me.
And yet the QP are still puzzling over how matter behaves differently at the quantum level. As above, so below. They need to put it all together.
I may have put this post up before you joined us (with the attached photo). It just cracks me up, progress at a snail's pace. At least from my perspective.
Quote from: DebT on January 20, 2015, 06:05:45 PM
I'm on the fast track today, this is about all I can share right now. My man Albert. He knew way back then! "vibration has been so lowered," indeed!
The late amateur physicist Michael Talbot wrote,
Quote"To my surprise--and slight annoyance--I found that Seth eloquently and lucidly articulated a view of reality that I had arrived at only after great effort and an extensive study of both paranormal phenomena and quantum physics."
Michael Talbot,
Beyond the Quantum, 1988
From the book "Reinventing the Sacred" by Stuart Kauffman.
"(Roger) Penrose and I both suspect that consciousness depends on some very specific physical system. Unlike the strong artificial intelligence hypothesis, which is agnostic to the physical basis of the computation that attains consciousness, we suspect that consciousness arises only in very specific physical systems.....
The idea that the human mind is nonalgorithmic raises the possibility that it might be acausal, rather than a causal "machine", and the only acausal theory we have is quantum mechanics. Therefore the mind may be partially quantum mechanical".
This is relevant to Seth's ideas because Seth asks us to give up cause-and-effect thinking. This is especially emphasized by Lynda Madden Dahl's interpretation of Seth. The idea of "creating one's own reality" is conditional on giving up cause-and-effect thinking. Stuart Kauffman is telling us, from the point of view of quantum physics, that the human mind "might be acausal".
What is the "very specific physical system" which gives rise to consciousness? For an answer to that we may turn to Kryon, who says that the 96% of our DNA which scientists label as "junk" is in fact a quantum system which gives rise to consciousness and much more:
Just came across a video (which I put on blog) that explained that Observation shifts a wave to a particle. Our observation activates and directs energy.
Quote from: BethAnne (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7266#msg7266)Our observation activates and directs energy.
Yes, that is quantum physics.
There is a new article about how quantum physicists are discovering the nature of time. It sounds a lot like Seth's wire structures.. Here is the link: https://www.wired.com/2016/12/quantum-gravity-research-unearth-true-nature-time/
Heisenberg won a Nobel Prize for his work that said observation resonates waves and that is reality or solidity. A particle is a superposition of waves. So solidity is an illusion and consciousness is a wave. That makes all waves conscious which makes all waves God's mind waves. WOW !!!!! That is how the kingdom of God is within us!!!! AND how we are all ONE !!!! AND how telepathy works. Since we are all electromagnetic energy beings or starts, then we are saturated within an electromagnetic grid which I see as God's mind. All thoughts are thought with God's mind. We breathe God's mind, we eat God's mind. A rock is God's mind. Consciousness is within or vibrating as everything.
I Can't believe that all of this has always been true, yet this world continues to teach death and time and space. And this is why Seth says the word 'horrendous' describes much of the behavior of the energy beings vibrating on earth.
Isn't that weird that we are all taught that protons are positive charges and electrons are negative charges, and yet death and time and space are taught as real things? I look at this as being another one of those corporate things. If everybody knew that they are eternal energy beings right now, then what? Would coroners have jobs? Would life insurance be sold? Doesn't quantum physics prove that we are all ONE? AND SAFE THE WHOLE TIME ?
I see you blocked me from posting. That is God telling me there is a better place for me to go where people really understand Seth books. In fact, I just went to a near death experience site.
I think that you are using this Seth site as your personal own. Some of the posts that you wrote were of you and others describing your grief about suicides. Either that, or you are corporate and using misinformation to confuse people.
Either way, my intuition, or God wants to take you to task.
Quote from: resonating waves (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8906#msg8906)I see you blocked me from posting.
I have done no such thing. If that was so, how could you have made this post?
I wish you luck in finding what you are seeking.
Quote from: resonating waves (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8906#msg8906)Either way, my intuition, or God wants to take you to task.
Sounds like a spokesman for the fake Christian God, not All That Is recognized by Seth.
Quote from: eyelive4ever2 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=249#msg249)
ALL saturated by this field of waves full of magnificent intelligence that flows through us and is us.
IF ONLY quantum physics would stand up in the middle of prisons and wars and other tortures and say that.
Well there may be a magnificent intelligence that flows through us and is us but that is not what the wave function in quantum mechanics is.
Subatomic objects follow laws of probability which causes it to smear out in waves. When the wave function is collapsed the object takes on a definite location. This collapse could be connected to observation, which is interesting.
But the waves are not conscious.
This isn't to say that some alternate concepts about consciousness are not true, they may be. But I think if the discussion is quantum physics we should stick to science facts.
Science DOES stand up and say "Hey look wave/particle duality", science is proud of their work and is always wanting to interest new scientists. The occult and paranormal are not things yet related to physics so they cannot comment on those.