~Speaking of Seth~

BOOKS / REVIEWS / DOWNLOADS => Links and References => Topic started by: Deb on December 15, 2015, 10:59:07 PM

Title: Article on Wisdompills.com: 10 quotes from Seth on life, the self, being
Post by: Deb on December 15, 2015, 10:59:07 PM
The Premier Spiritual Channel of the Last Century Speaks About "The God Within Each of Us"

From 1963, up to the time of her death in 1984, the American writer Jane Roberts channelled a massive body of work by the 'entity' known only as Seth, breaking open the floodgates for the New Age Movement and presenting a profound, intricate and ground-breaking philosophy that had never before been heard in such detail, and from which the reverberations can still be felt today. The writers and speakers she influenced were many, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Richard Bach and Shakti Gawain not the least among them.

Ever controversial, The Seth Material was conducive to bringing the concept of channeling to a much wider audience, propelling the ideas of clairvoyance and psychic phenomena into the mix with the corresponding countercultural hippie movement of the late 60's and 70's. For the first time in recent memory, the dominant institutions that had formed the 1st-world world view were not only being challenged, but wholly discarded and fought against. Chief among the fore-running ideas of this time was the concept that every human holds the same potential for divinity within.

Here, then, are 10 quotes from "Seth" on life, the self, and being.

   •   When people are convinced that the self is untrustworthy, for whatever reasons, or that the universe is not safe, then instead of luxuriating in the use of their abilities, exploring the physical and mental environments, they begin to pull in their realities to contract their abilities, to over-control their environments. They become frightened people and frightened people do not want freedom, mental or physical. They want shelter, a definite set of rules. They want to be told what is good and bad. They lean toward compulsive behavior patterns. They seek out leaders – political, scientific or religious – who will order their lives for them.

   •   I am trying to tell you that if you look inward, and study your own sacredness and creativity and blessedness, and joy and power, as closely as you study the sacred books of the gods, then you would realize that all those books of the gods were based upon the great reality of the individual, the individual soul, and therefore based upon your own reality.

   •   If you examine your thoughts for five minutes at various times during the day for several times a month, you will indeed receive a correct impression of the kind of life you have arranged for yourself in the next existence. If you are not pleased with what you discover, then you had better begin changing the nature of your thoughts and feelings.

   •   When you do not know what to do, relax and tell yourself that other portions of yourself do know; they will take over. Give yourself some rest. Remind yourself that in many ways you are a very successful person as you are. Success does not necessarily involve great intellect or great position or great wealth; it has to do with inner integrity. Remember that.

   •   If you find that you are berating yourself because of something you did yesterday, or ten years ago, you are not being virtuous. You are most likely involved with artificial guilt. Even if a violation occurred, natural guilt does not involve penance. It is meant as a precautionary measure, a reminder before an event... "It is not virtuous in any way to put yourself down, or to punish yourself, because you do not feel you have lived up to your best behavior at any given time.

   •   You cannot love your neighbor, in fact, until you love yourself, and if you believe that it is wrong to love yourself, then you are indeed unable to love anyone else.

   •   ...at no time are any events predestined. There should be no such word in your vocabulary, for with every moment you change, and every heartbeat is an action, and every action changes every other action.

   •   Nothing exists outside the psyche, however, that does not exist within it, and there is no unknown world that does not have its psychological or psychic counterpart. Man learned to fly as he tried to exteriorize inner experience, for in out of body states in dreams he had long been familiar with flight. All excursions into outer reality come as the psyche attempts to reproduce in any given "exterior" world the inner freedom of its being.

   •   ...because objects just originate in man's imagination anyway, there's always a strong connection between objects and man's dreams. They act as symbols of inner reality, so it's only natural that whether he's aware of it or not, man perceives objects in such a fashion that they also stand for symbols that first originate in his dreams.

   •   I feel sorry for anyone who feels that they must take such a huge responsibility upon their poor shoulders. Your responsibility, in your terms, lies in recognizing the joy of your being, and expressing its many aspects. When you express your being, you automatically fulfill your responsibilities. When you think of responsibilities in those terms, however, you think of taking something alien upon yourself and holding it up and bearing the weight. And then you think of being serious and long-faced and dignified and adult and saintly and of making sure that you fulfill yourself. But when you let yourself go, you automatically fulfill yourself. If you will forgive the same analogy, for I use it often, can you imagine a flower in the garden in the morning saying, "I must fulfill my responsibilities; therefore, my leaves must go out so-so [gesturing], and my head must be up and pert, and I must smile at the sun."And so all the time while our poor deluded flower is trying to bear the weight of its responsibility, its head grows heavy, and its mouth drops lower, because it must be so certain that it does the right thing.But when our flower forgets, and remembers that it is a flower, then it is. And in its being, it fulfills its flowerhood and, therefore, in those terms, its responsibilities.
Title: Re: Article on Wisdompills.com: 10 quotes from Seth on life, the self, being
Post by: John Sorensen on December 21, 2015, 04:27:34 AM

I feel sorry for anyone who feels that they must take such a huge responsibility upon their poor shoulders. Your responsibility, in your terms, lies in recognizing the joy of your being, and expressing its many aspects. When you express your being, you automatically fulfill your responsibilities. When you think of responsibilities in those terms, however, you think of taking something alien upon yourself and holding it up and bearing the weight. And then you think of being serious and long-faced and dignified and adult and saintly and of making sure that you fulfill yourself. But when you let yourself go, you automatically fulfill yourself. If you will forgive the same analogy, for I use it often, can you imagine a flower in the garden in the morning saying, "I must fulfill my responsibilities; therefore, my leaves must go out so-so [gesturing], and my head must be up and pert, and I must smile at the sun."And so all the time while our poor deluded flower is trying to bear the weight of its responsibility, its head grows heavy, and its mouth drops lower, because it must be so certain that it does the right thing.But when our flower forgets, and remembers that it is a flower, then it is. And in its being, it fulfills its flowerhood and, therefore, in those terms, its responsibilities.
Title: Re: Article on Wisdompills.com: 10 quotes from Seth on life, the self, being
Post by: Monica on December 21, 2015, 05:25:22 AM
Quote from: John Sorensen on December 21, 2015, 04:27:34 AM

I feel sorry for anyone who feels that they must take such a huge responsibility upon their poor shoulders. Your responsibility, in your terms, lies in recognizing the joy of your being, and expressing its many aspects.

    This last one really comes alive for me when I heard the same words on one of the Seth audio recordings. His intonations and humorous style really demonstrate how ridiculous we get when we equate Spirit with being serious, boring, uptight and stuffy - rather than joyful, spontaneous and expansive.

    Reading these words today on the one hand I am inspired, but on the other hand I feel like crying right now, as I'm just feeling a bit lost and drifting away from who I feel I am and what I'm about.

    ...just reading my words and witnessing what I have to say is more than enough.  :'(

I'm going through some mental states of upheaval myself, so in fact I found your re-quoting of the article and your honesty about your current life experiences both validating and strangely soothing. My own turmoil tends towards career, financing goals and choice of place of residence as well as balancing the same with my personal relationships. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Title: Re: Article on Wisdompills.com: 10 quotes from Seth on life, the self, being
Post by: Deb on December 21, 2015, 11:18:20 PM
Quote from: Deb on December 15, 2015, 10:59:07 PMSETH: But when you let yourself go, you automatically fulfill yourself.

Quote from: John Sorensen on December 21, 2015, 04:27:34 AMReading these words today on the one hand I am inspired, but on the other hand I feel like crying right now, as I'm just feeling a bit lost and drifting away from who I feel I am and what I'm about.

Quote from: Monica on December 21, 2015, 05:25:22 AMI'm going through some mental states of upheaval myself,

Neither one of you are alone in this. I'm feeling about as much internal pressure as tectonic plates right before they give way. When I discuss these similar things that I'm going through with a particular friend who is very spiritual and intuitive, she's said we are on the verge of a great energy shift and that a lot of us are going through this discomfort right now. I guess the ones that aren't feeling it are the ones who are unplugged from source. She feels it too, even though we are in entirely different places in our lives. Where would we women be without our girlfriends...?

I just need to let myself go, follow my impulses and TRUST MYSELF. Three points that Seth mentions over and over again. At least in this existence we get more than one opportunity (usually) to get it right.

Title: Re: Article on Wisdompills.com: 10 quotes from Seth on life, the self, being
Post by: LenKop on December 22, 2015, 05:10:24 AM
Hey guys, sad to hear the turmoil being expressed, particularly at this time of year.

All I can offer, from my experiences in such instances, is to talk about it. Express yourself to someone, they dont have to be into Seth, or even share your philosophical views. But someone you respect for whatever reason. Getting the build up of energy out of yourself will help your emotional state and clear your mind. Bottling up such feelings just makes you feel heavier than necessary. It will help make any decision making easier, and I'm always surprised by the tidbits of wisdom that slip out of the mouths of even the most un-'spiritual' people.

Ask for help, and remember 'the point of power is in the present'.

Title: Re: Article on Wisdompills.com: 10 quotes from Seth on life, the self, being
Post by: John Sorensen on December 31, 2015, 06:31:35 AM
Quote from: LenKop on December 22, 2015, 05:10:24 AM
Hey guys, sad to hear the turmoil being expressed, particularly at this time of year.

All I can offer, from my experiences in such instances, is to talk about it. Express yourself to someone, they dont have to be into Seth, or even share your philosophical views. But someone you respect for whatever reason. Getting the build up of energy out of yourself will help your emotional state and clear your mind. Bottling up such feelings just makes you feel heavier than necessary. It will help make any decision making easier, and I'm always surprised by the tidbits of wisdom that slip out of the mouths of even the most un-'spiritual' people.

Ask for help, and remember 'the point of power is in the present'.


Thanks for your kind words, and to everyone else who also commented here.

I feel this changing of energy business for several years now and at times it chaotic, at other times quite peaceful and no matter its effect I welcome it for to me it is the cosmos coming alive and aware of itself through this tiny human vessel.

It used to I felt like this battery of infinite energy with do direction to direct those energies and it felt like I would just burn out ahead of my time or fade away.
But these days I have resources - mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, to rely upon  which are of the indivisible invisible seamless whole.

Mostly thanks to Seth, and whatever weirdos and beatniks that show up in my dreams and reminiscence that remind me of who I already am, and where we are going and have been already both collectively and individually.