"Sense data can be organized in different fashions. Mechanisms and pathways exist, making it quite possible for you to see sound, or hear color; although that is not your primary habit at this time."
NOPR Chapter 14 (11:55 pm, page 278)
I know Seth didn't mean it exactly like this, but here's an artist who is color-blind and has a device that helps him to hear colors.
Interesting use of tech.
Here's some more examples. More natural. Synesthesia i think they call it. I remember hearing about it whilst studying music. I think its fascinating.
Wow Len, thanks for the link. Fascinating article. That poor girl must be overwhelmed with the cross-over of senses. I also read a book about by Norman Doidge, The Brain That Changes Itself, where he mentions experiments with sensors being placed on the back of a blind woman to help her see. As they say, the eyes don't see, they just transmit data, it's the brain that sees or interprets the data. The book is about the brain re-mapping itself after injury, stroke, partial removal.