~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: eyelive4ever2 on February 12, 2015, 12:40:25 PM

Title: WE are the game
Post by: eyelive4ever2 on February 12, 2015, 12:40:25 PM
Once before I wrote that Seth said we are playing a game. I have found one page where he discusses this in the book The The Seth Material.
Page 99:
You must be free enough to explore the nature and experience of each living thing with your own system, knowing that it is yourself, and then leave your system. These must be direct experiences.
First there must be a period, and then it has passed, when you are completely immersed in a given system as if no other existed; value fulfillment as a rule being achieved in this manner. The illusion must be probed to its depth.
You create the depth.
The probing is necessary. Some games are necessary and always relevant.
Isn't the object to play the game....not to create or probe?
You are yourself the game, in those terms. You are creating your own limitations.
Page 113:
Physical objects cannot exist unless they exist in a definite perspective and space continuum. But each individual creates his own space continuum.....I want to tie this in with the differences you seem to see in one particular object. Each individual actually creates an entirely different object, which his own physical senses then perceive.

This reminds me of the movie "The Terminator 2". Remember when Arnold appears in that bubble, which appeared first so that he could arrive in it? That was his own space continuum. If that is not a game, I don't know what is. Creating our own realities? What is that but a game?

Page 114:
Physical matter makes consciousness effective within three-dimensional reality. As individualized energy approaches your particular field, it expresses itself to the best of its ability within it. As energy approaches, it creates matter, first of all in an almost plastic fashion. But the creation is continuous like a beam or endless series of beams, at first weak as they are far off, then stronger, then weak again as they pass away. Matter of itself, however, is no more continuous, no more given to growth or age than is, say the color yellow.

The Unknown Reality Vol 2:
Page 544:
At any point now you can literally become more yourself. In that regard, your are born by degrees. In certain terms you have discarded portions of yourself, so you died by degrees, but the two, the living and the dying occur at once.

Remember the physicist writing about whether the cat was alive or dead? Schroendinger I think. Did he write about this state of affairs BEFORE Seth started writing through Jane? I looked up Nobel prize winners in physics once. I think that I remember physicists discovering the behaviors of waves and photons before Seth. When they shoot photons through slits they are looking for behavior. They found out that these quanta split up. Some create interference waves which become this world. Some quanta keep on traveling to infinity. I think that the point is that these other quanta which keep on traveling to infinity create worlds also when they, at some point, interfere or cross other quanta. Depending on the degree of intensity of their desire is the worlds they create.

Anybody notice that a cross is also the shape of waves when they cross each other? Quantum entanglement. I saw online once that these quanta have poles and when they meet up their poles match up. They form crosses with their postive and negative poles. Could this be the meaning of the religious crosses everywhere? In a book somewhere Seth discusses these quanta and how they are constantly matching up their poles to look like globes. Our earth has positive and negative poles just like we do AND we ALSO are globes. All our cells have poles. Atoms have poles. God, this creature, must be round like the sun and have poles too. Imagine that !!!!! God, our constant Source, is a literal magical being always creating other magical beings.
At least in this particular illusion called reality. Maybe this God or probable Gods create worlds that have nothing to do with energy the way it is here.
Title: Re: WE are the game
Post by: Pinky on February 14, 2015, 11:24:45 AM
Much food for thought here in your post, eyelive4ever2.  I must re-read and ponder.  Thank you.
Title: Re: WE are the game
Post by: Deb on February 18, 2015, 06:36:36 PM
Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on February 12, 2015, 12:40:25 PMFirst there must be a period, and then it has passed, when you are completely immersed in a given system as if no other existed; value fulfillment as a rule being achieved in this manner. The illusion must be probed to its depth. TSM pg 99

My first Seth book was the Seth Material and although I was hooked, I don't think at lot of what I read really sank in. A great reason to re-read these books. I'm going to save some of this post you put up for the "Seth on..." index I want to pull together. This is a great quote explaining what this is all about--why we're  here. Up until recently I didn't understand what he meant by "value fulfillment" either.

Funny, but a lot of what Seth says about why we're here reminds me of the computer game The Simms. You (the oversoul?) can create virtual people, give them physical and emotional characteristics, build houses for them and they take on life. If you walk away from the computer and leave them to their own devices, they usually end up burning down their houses or other disasters. We can help them, again playing the part of the inner self or oversoul. The kids used to make them go swimming in a pool and then remove the ladder so they'd eventually drown. Kids always love testing the limits with their creativity, lol. THAT game has no ending, that I'm aware of.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on February 12, 2015, 12:40:25 PMThis reminds me of the movie "The Terminator 2". Remember when Arnold appears in that bubble, which appeared first so that he could arrive in it? That was his own space continuum. If that is not a game, I don't know what is. Creating our own realities? What is that but a game?

That sounds faintly familiar, but it also reminds me of another post you did where you mention a disturbance starting in a place where molecules pop back into our reality from where ever they went.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on February 12, 2015, 12:40:25 PMI think that I remember physicists discovering the behaviors of waves and photons before Seth. When they shoot photons through slits they are looking for behavior.

I also faintly remember these tests with the double slits, had to do with splitting waves into particles and the resulting interference pattern... my brain is rusty, I haven't thought about this stuff for years. I TOTALLY forgot about Schrodinger's cat, I had to look that one up. Wiki says 1935.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on February 12, 2015, 12:40:25 PMAnybody notice that a cross is also the shape of waves when they cross each other? Quantum entanglement. I saw online once that these quanta have poles and when they meet up their poles match up. They form crosses with their postive and negative poles. Could this be the meaning of the religious crosses everywhere? In a book somewhere Seth discusses these quanta and how they are constantly matching up their poles to look like globes. Our earth has positive and negative poles just like we do AND we ALSO are globes. All our cells have poles. Atoms have poles.

That's a good question -- the meaning of crosses. The symbol has been around longer than Christianity. I have not seen the pattern of the cross in waves that cross each other. I'll have to look that up!

Thanks for contributing all the quotes! I haven't gotten into Unknown Reality, Early Sessions, Personal Sessions yet. I have most of the books, I have been buying some of them used on Amazon. I just need to clear my plate a bit to move ahead in my studies.

Title: Schrödinger's cat for us dummies
Post by: Deb on November 02, 2015, 08:57:52 PM
Found on Facebook. Traced to TED. Then to YouTube. Love it!

Title: Re: WE are the game
Post by: LenKop on December 03, 2015, 10:56:27 PM
The cat thought experiment always reminds me of Zen.

'It is and it isn't,
It both is and isn't, and
It neither is nor isn't.'

Who would have thought the Zen masters were such amazing quantum physicists?
:) :)