~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Randolph123 on January 14, 2016, 09:12:20 PM

Title: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: Randolph123 on January 14, 2016, 09:12:20 PM
Hello! I am pretty new to the Seth materials, having just finished Seth Speaks.

I am trying to interpret the breadth of what Seth intends with the create your own reality idea.

I understand the basics regarding beliefs, emotions thoughts, etc., but get a tad lost when it comes to creating objects in the physical environment. He mentions that the physical environment is denser and moves slower, and there are indeed different rules within the 3rd dimension, but then still suggests we create the environment regardless.

Im not saying these are contradictions, but it is hard to put together what he means. There are the passages about the pineal gland, and chemical reactions forming energy outside the body. I don't get that part. Its not like we make our houses and furniture. :) I don't think he means that, but then again taken literally he seems to be saying just that.
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: John Sorensen on January 15, 2016, 12:44:06 AM
Yes you do make everything.

But don't panic, if you fall asleep when you get up the coffee table will still be there  ;D

The simplest way I can express it, which may be of no use whatsoever if that everything is waves and particles, or another way is that everything is made of light /energy. The more dense it is, the more solid it appears.

As we interact with that energy, it turns into things like.........hmmm our body, house, chair, whatever.

If this is too confusing, next time you go the movie cinema, watch the movie for say ten minutes, then look up at the beam of light coming from the projector, and remember that everything your experience is in that beam of light, it's all just a big show. The good guy, the bad guy, all are part of that light.

You could also call that light All That Is / God / whatever you please.

It's a marvelous trick.

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: Randolph123 on January 15, 2016, 05:56:42 AM
Interesting. Thanks for the response. I certainly get the movie idea, the idea of encoded information. Once again science is backing Seth, as scientists are increasingly believing we are living holograms.

This creating objects idea is still a bit more foreign to me than the idea that belief systems filter everything we experience, which seems more intuitive. For example, we all share the physical plane. Other people made the objects in the room Im in now. Anyone here can possess these items. Is it more that once created by three dimensional rules (it takes what we perceive as time, steps must be followed) that they become probabilities that can materialize if encountered by us? Sort of, they are not really there until they are experienced by us?

Interesting, because that seems to follow another "newer" idea out there, Robert Lanza's biocentrism idea, that things sort of only exist as probabilities until consciousness interacts with them. If I have that right (and what you mean right).

Thanks again.
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: LenKop on January 15, 2016, 06:27:54 PM
For a while I really wanted to speed things up, here in the physical plain. I thought to myself, if I create my own reality, then why can't I just think of stuff and get it. Then I realised what a double edged sword that is. Often Seth (and others) talk of this physical experience as being a training ground. Learning self control, both mental and emotional. How many thoughts and emotions we feel moment by moment in our waking lives? Imagine if everything you thought just appeared in front of you? ....mmmm....I'd have millions of dollars, be a rock star, international man of mystery, lovers in every city, be spiritual guru who has attained enlightenment, with thousands of followers....LOL....but then I'd also have demons appearing before me, monsters attacking me, enemies at the gates, and so many dis-eases that I'd be constantly terminally ill...LOL. And all this within an adult  experience. Imagine the mind of a child?

It's like the 'thickness' of time/space acts as a safety filter as we learn to focus our creative energies toward what we need, rather than what we think we want. And I think it's not just about the final product, but learning the techniques behind the creative process too. I find emotions acts as the fuel behind my thoughts...and vice-versa, when trying to bring things into my life. Thinking on its own is not enough. The feel has to be behind it. If there's no emotional support, then I probably don't really want, or need, the experience.

Regarding objects, I'm slowly trying to break the belief that objects are simply that. Rather, objects are experiences too, the individual and mass manifestation to bring, say, a piece of furniture into my life, but which also includes the people involved in the process of attaining said item, the conversations that ensue around the new item, and the movement of old energies and new ones when any 'objects' have had their lifespan in my life. I don't just have objects. I experience my chair every time I sit in it. Even from a purely aesthetic, design point of view. The designer might not sit in the chair, but does experience pleasure from the design they created. So as much as anyone can possess the same item, the item is not the same to everyone, as everyone experiences the item differently.

So did I create the chair? Or did the factory worker create the chair? Or did the designer create the chair? Or is the chair even in the room when I'm not in there too?  :)

Btw, welcome Randolph. Nice to see this forum growing.

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: Randolph123 on January 15, 2016, 09:06:35 PM
Thanks for the great response, and the welcome.

It's all very interesting. Much of what I have read from Seth so far is more about mindset and behavior, but then there are the passages talking about how industry could revolutionize itself by creating items mentally. At least that's what he seems to be saying. Maybe he's looking FAR out into the future with that comment.

I will say this. My mother had a vivid dream once, which involved being at the ocean. She is a very balanced, no-nonsense person. And...when she woke up there was a sea shell in the bed with her. A sea shell. Physically lying there next to her.

I guess that's better than bringing Freddy's hat back like in Nightmare on Elm Street :)

So who knows what remote possibilities will materialize in our lives one day.
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: John Sorensen on January 16, 2016, 07:35:50 PM
Quote from: Randolph123 on January 15, 2016, 05:56:42 AM
Interesting. Thanks for the response. I certainly get the movie idea, the idea of encoded information. Once again science is backing Seth, as scientists are increasingly believing we are living holograms.

This creating objects idea is still a bit more foreign to me than the idea that belief systems filter everything we experience, which seems more intuitive. For example, we all share the physical plane. Other people made the objects in the room Im in now. Anyone here can possess these items. Is it more that once created by three dimensional rules (it takes what we perceive as time, steps must be followed) that they become probabilities that can materialize if encountered by us? Sort of, they are not really there until they are experienced by us?

Interesting, because that seems to follow another "newer" idea out there, Robert Lanza's biocentrism idea, that things sort of only exist as probabilities until consciousness interacts with them. If I have that right (and what you mean right).

Thanks again.

What you've said makes sense.

It's an idea I don't fully comprehend.
But Seth (and others) say it like this (as best as I can remember).

Say there are four people in the room. Then there are four tables. You each create and perceive a table, that collectively appears to be the same table.

There are then as many variations of the table as there are people who perceive it.

What you said about the table reminds me about the tree falling - does it make a sound thing?
To me the anwswer would be no if a tree fell and there is no sentient being there with ears to hear it, it would not make a sound. The sound waves would carry through the air, but without an ear to translate that energy into a "sound" and some type of consciousness to perceive the sound, it is just energy.

To say an earthworm it would be a vibration, not a sound.
To a flying bug it would be more like wind.

So then the table does't exist without someone /something to perceive it.
However, I don't know if that means it still exists vibrationally in framework 2 as pure potential?

Can anyone elaborate on this topic?
It's not one I really care about, my interests tend to go into other areas I am sorry.
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: Deb on January 16, 2016, 07:37:42 PM
Quote from: Randolph123 on January 14, 2016, 09:12:20 PMI am trying to interpret the breadth of what Seth intends with the create your own reality idea.

This took me a couple of days, but I had some fun looking up quotes to give an idea of the scope of what we create. As John said, everything.

From our bodies and image, to our surroundings, weather, atmosphere. The Nature of Personal Reality (my favorite so far) explains a lot of this throughout the book. Mass Events explains even more, and includes how we not only individually but collectively create and maintain reality. Just fascinating! It was nice flipping through my worn out books too. :) The last two quotes may be a tip-off as to where Seth was going with the chemicals...

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events

Session 866:

Your body is the physical mirror of your psychological state. It is powered by the energy of the universe. It actually springs into being in each moment. Your mind and your body come from the same source, from universal energy. You are powered by vitality. You must seek meaning in your lives. When you lose the sense of life's meaning, for whatever reason, this is reflected in your body.


The Nature of Personal Reality

Session 610:

You are the living picture of yourself. You project what you think you are outward into flesh. Your feelings, you conscious and unconscious thoughts, all alter and form your physical image.

It is not as easy, however, to realize that your feelings and thoughts form your exterior experience in the same way, or that the events that appear to happen to you are initiated by you whiten your mental or physical inner environment.

Your body does not just happen to be thin or fat, tall or short, healthy or ill. These characteristics are mental and are thrust outward by your upon your image.

Session 613:

Your experience in the world of physical matter flows outward from the center of your inner psyche. Then you perceive this experience. Exterior events, circumstances and conditions are meant as a kind of living feedback. Altering the state of the psyche automatically alters the physical circumstances.

There is nothing in your exterior experience that did not originate within you.

The mass condition of the world and the situation of each individual in it, is the materialization of man's progress as he forms his world.

Your feelings have electromagnetic realities that rise outward, affecting the atmosphere itself.

Some feelings and thoughts are translated into structures that you call objects...

Session 614:

Any of your emotions liberate hormones, but these also leave you as your breath leaves you; and in that respect you can say that you release chemicals into the air that then affect it.

Physical storms, then, are caused by such interactions. I am telling you that you form your own reality once again, and this includes the physical weather—which is the result, en masse, of your individual reactions.

Session 664:

Your feelings are as natural a part of the environment as trees are. They have great effect on the weather.

Your feelings with their chemical interactions have, beside their subjective reality to you, electromagnetic properties, as indeed your thoughts have. But your bodies must rid themselves of excesses in the same way that land must clear itself of excess water... where certain thresholds are approached in which chemicals are changed into purely electromagnetic properties and energy released that directly affects the physical atmosphere.

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: Deb on January 16, 2016, 07:42:40 PM
Quote from: Randolph123 on January 15, 2016, 09:06:35 PMMy mother had a vivid dream once, which involved being at the ocean. She is a very balanced, no-nonsense person. And...when she woke up there was a sea shell in the bed with her. A sea shell. Physically lying there next to her.

That is an AWESOME story! It reminds me of Seth saying, somewhere, that when we think about a place (or dream, for that matter), a trace of us actually goes there. Sort of a splinter of our personality or energy. He said said that people who are sensitive to energy will actually be able to see this visiting energy image of ourselves. So... a seashell in bed sounds like great validation to me.

(Also may be an explanation for "ghosts" and "residual hauntings."

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: Randolph123 on January 16, 2016, 08:14:45 PM
Such great responses. Thanks so much. These responses have helped me put my head around it much better. It's interesting, because a lot of what we are talking about sounds like entanglement. Until the atom is experienced, it's just a possibility.

I did just read where Seth said we don't hear with our ears, our ears create the sound. And so on with the physical senses. If you are deaf, it's just waves in the air, some of which you can feel. Of course if you have no tactile sensory capability, you don't know it's there at all.

Make us a spirit form with totally different senses, in exactly the same place, and we experience an entirely different universe---all in the same "space". So why can't the entire universe all be compacted on top itself like described? Each piece experienced with different senses. Space, time, etc., isn't even required. ALL THAT IS is probably the definition of economy and efficiency.

Back to sea shell thing, you know, it's unique. I've had a myriad of experiences, but that one is really out there. I know the spirit world is real. Telepathy is real. Clairvoyance is real. Materialized seashells is harder to swallow lol.

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: LenKop on January 16, 2016, 09:58:04 PM
One of the biggest hurdles I found is trying to comprehend the 'oneness' of everything. And the creative power involved. All That Is is such a complete definition that it creates fear within the self, born from years of hypnosis and forgetfulness we have been taught since childhood. But there is no real separation. If we are creating the sounds we hear, the sights we see, etc....then by extension we create what we read. So we are all involved in writing the Seth material. I believe even Seth mentions this in Seth Speaks, but I don't have the quote on hand.  Many will laugh, or take a light hearted approach, but you can't have it both ways. Following that logic, we are all writing and reading every part of this forum. Answering our own questions.

The fear involved becomes heightened, and stops our creative flow, because following the logic furthermore, the four tables example can be extended to the beings involved. Are there four beings? Or is it just one being focused from four different points? All That Is would mean that those four objective points of view really are just one split four ways. I'm not sure that even 'split' is the right word. There is no separation at a deeper level. So my 'self' is not some objective being that has a personal experience, outside everything else. I am, you are, we are all part of each other, and part of everything. This scares many people because of their beliefs regarding themselves, and their lives.

So I ask myself what's the point? All I can conclude is the creative process itself is so joyful that it's worth an omnipotent force, taking bits of itself, allowing those bits to forget themselves and their source, allowing the sum of its parts to neglect, deny, discourage, hate, love, enjoy, promote, encourage..etc, just for the sake of experiencing creativity, in any form possible.

And anything is possible.

I'm sure I'm just scratching the surface.

Love the seashell experience btw. Awesome!

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: Randolph123 on January 16, 2016, 10:21:18 PM
Great response. That must be true, from the highest vantage point, we are all one.

It's how All That Is exists at all. It must perceive itself as separate or it doesn't perceive anything at all.

And not only does it perceive itself as separate, it does so in infinite varieties for all of eternity.

The strangest and most valuable gift, perhaps, is forgetting massive parts of yourself. Would these conversations be so stimulating and interesting if we all remembered everything and it was old hat?

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: John Sorensen on January 16, 2016, 10:41:53 PM
Something I like in the Seth material (I forget which book) that he mentions is that the Universe / All That Is - is not finished and done. It is constantly evolving and changing, constantly creating and becoming as we are.

We also then are each unique individuals, and All That Is sees through our eyes, and our experiences, so All That Is then is having totally new experiences all the time.

This is something that used to bother me about old timey religion - the idea that God / All That Is is finished and done and complete and perfect.

Nothing at any level of existence suggests that, that I am aware of.

We are not just human beings, but human becomings. Our potentials are always racing forward into the probable future and then going *PING* back to us here and now giving us glimpses into where we are going, and what we want to do, what choices we may want to make.

We see this sort of thing all the time in fantasy and sci-fi cinema. Probable ideas and realities playfully explored as fiction, made into an easily digestible non-threatening form because many of us find the realities of our greater selves and probabilities a bit scary.

One of my favourite parts of SETH, is when he talks about probable "All That Is's" which "It" may or may not be aware of. Kind of makes your brain melt doesn't it?

I'd love to hear more about other systems of reality. Particularly ones that have no physical component at all. No doubt Seth could have had a potential book on it, and it would not translate easily into our terms.
And I bet some probable Jane struggled with the ideas, but did the best she could, and that book is out there on oh I don't know...............Earth-22-C or some such.

Now if I can just peer over a probable self's shoulder while they are reading it. Or better yet, some sort of dimensional vortex that it allows it to pop into my reality and be easily downloaded on the old Kindle to read at my leisure.

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: LenKop on January 16, 2016, 11:31:39 PM
Great post John.

Even as I was writing the previous post it occured to me that there has to be some 'newness' going on. It seems to be pretty pointless if All That Is isn't experiencing anything new, in creative terms. The joy of an experience comes mostly from the uniqueness of the experience, as well as the process itself. So the 'old hat' isn't just being re-hashed time and again.

Besides, Seth often mentions All That Is I more than the sum of its parts. Which I find fascinating, and exciting.

Regarding the preparation of future experiences through present art, music etc, I was speaking of the subject with my wife and a friend yesterday. We have small kids, 5 and 2 yo's, so there's plenty of cartoons going on. The pre-school stuff aside, the mainstream cartoons these days, for the primary school kids, are so full of surrealism it's astonishing. Such abstract characters and worlds, different dimensions appearing and interacting with the 3D world being portrayed. The arch-type heroes are still around, but over 30 years ago, when I was younger, a hero had powers, but could assimilate into the society because he/she appeared as the rest of us. Even disguised themselves when their powers were being used.

With the developments of tech, I just wonder when our kids are 40 years old, what developmental level will this existence be at, and what will the art, music, entertainment, be like projecting the future from that point.

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: BethAnne on February 07, 2016, 03:12:20 PM
I am so glad I found this forum!  These are the conversations I've been looking for!

As a Grandmother I ponder often how my kids will turn out,,,,,,,, permanently hooked up to someone else's version of surrealism.
When my now 42 year old son was three he wouldn't walk across puddles because he was afraid he'd fall into the sky.  It made me real aware what to feed his brain and what to watch on tv.  Now adays!  OMG!

Somewhere else I wrote how being on phenobarb myself at 4 sort of liquefied my brain, so the line about being aware of other realities interests me.  I think it was in "What the *do we Know" where they were talking about the medicine man in a tribe off of South Africa when white sailors first showed up.  The concept of large ships was so beyond their comprehension that the ships of Magellan (??) couldn't register in their brains so they were invisible.  But the Medicine Man observed the changes MADE by the ships and concluded that something was up.   hmmm.

When I do mushrooms I "see" art that is so beyond my comprehension and beauty.  So I conclude that there is intelligence out there.
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: Deb on February 08, 2016, 01:23:56 AM
Quote from: BethAnne on February 07, 2016, 03:12:20 PMWhen I do mushrooms I "see" art that is so beyond my comprehension and beauty.  So I conclude that there is intelligence out there.

Oh Jeez, you're the second person in a short period of time bringing up mushrooms. The other is a friend, she's a professional artist (fairy art, energy paintings) and says they really help her get into her art. One of these days...

Yes, I also remember the What the Bleep example of the ships. I found that kind of hard to swallow, since there are things I've seen that I'd never seen before, but maybe we're all beyond that point of things being that far out of our comprehension. Although I think I read Seth saying that there are things that escape our notice because they don't fit within our frame of reference. Something about it's more surprising that some people actually CAN see some of those things (ghosts? UFOs?).

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: BethAnne on February 08, 2016, 02:29:41 PM
John Allegro
http://www.johnallegro.org/ (http://www.johnallegro.org/)

Mr. Allegro was one of the original Dead Sea Scroll Scholars who after awhile believed that the body of Christ was a Mushroom.  Which is why Red Caps are celebrated for the Winter Solstice,  He wrote a book about his theory and it ruined his career.  But I think he was correct.   :)

I think you are right about perceiving things.  After watching the Matrix what else is shocking?  LOL 

While I pick up on stuff I DO NOT want to see things.  I agree.  Fear keeps you in check.  There are things I know I could do but am too fearful of pushing it.  But I'm still working on it.
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: BethAnne on February 08, 2016, 02:32:02 PM
My guess is that to get to the point where you can materialize matter would require quite the disciplined mind.  First you have to look for those little coincidenses in your life and claim them.  Doubt stops magic dead.
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: Deb on February 11, 2016, 09:16:23 PM
Quote from: BethAnne on February 08, 2016, 02:29:41 PMAfter watching the Matrix what else is shocking?  LOL 

Lol, the first time I saw that movie I was entranced with the concept, but it didn't really sink in. I wasn't there yet, to be able to interpret such a deep concept coming from a couple of beer-guzzling brothers who created a movie with great special effects. Plus I was derailed by Keanu Reeves and bullet-time and the shock of seeing Trinity and Neo dressed in black and armed to the gills right after the Columbine shooting (too close to home: the day of the incident I was going to head over to the park next to Columbine with my then 3 year old son, my neighbor and her two boys. As fate would have it (not the first time) something came up and changed our plans last minute). For me: the third disaster evasion. But I hear ya. The Matrix: My all-time favorite movie, right up there with Love Actually and possibly Shirley Valentine. Three completely different movies that speak to me.

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: LenKop on February 11, 2016, 09:36:54 PM
What Dreams May Come

If you havent seen it, I highly recommend it. Don't let Robin Williams make you think its a comedy.

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: John Sorensen on February 12, 2016, 05:35:04 AM
Quote from: LenKop on February 11, 2016, 09:36:54 PM
What Dreams May Come

If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. Don't let Robin Williams make you think its a comedy.


Pretty good flick. Very much in line with Tibetan teachings on the "Bardos" - after death states.
While it's an interesting take on depression (while the character is alive) - it does ignore the benefits of depression, which have been around as long as we have.
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: John Sorensen on February 12, 2016, 05:40:30 AM
Quote from: Deb on February 11, 2016, 09:16:23 PM

Lol, the first time I saw that movie I was entranced with the concept, but it didn't really sink in. I wasn't there yet, to be able to interpret such a deep concept coming from a couple of beer-guzzling brothers who created a movie with great special effects. Plus I was derailed by Keanu Reeves and bullet-time and the shock of seeing Trinity and Neo dressed in black and armed to the gills right after the Columbine shooting (too close to home: the day of the incident I was going to head over to the park next to Columbine with my then 3 year old son, my neighbor and her two boys. As fate would have it (not the first time) something came up and changed our plans last minute). For me: the third disaster evasion. But I hear ya. The Matrix: My all-time favorite movie, right up there with Love Actually and possibly Shirley Valentine. Three completely different movies that speak to me.

I liked in the later movies when Neo realized he could influence the machines outside of the Matrix. I also liked that he started seeing with Multidimensional senses, rather than just his eyes, both when he had his vision, but also when he was temporarily blind. Also reminded me of the Marvel character Daredevil, who is also blind but with enhanced other senses and a radar / echolocation like 6th sense, which actual exists in real humans also.


While it's incredible to learn of this person's echolocation abilities, it's also saddening to see the limits of our current medical model that would remove someones eyes at age three - because of "cancer" - talk about dangerous beliefs.

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: BethAnne on February 12, 2016, 11:29:51 AM
concept coming from a couple of beer-guzzling brothers   
The Brother is now the Sister.  She looks much happier.

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: BethAnne on February 12, 2016, 11:31:27 AM
Quote from: Deb on February 11, 2016, 09:16:23 PMFor me: the third disaster evasion.

Interesting.  What's up with that?
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: BethAnne on February 12, 2016, 11:40:08 AM
Quote from: Deb on February 08, 2016, 01:23:56 AMAlthough I think I read Seth saying that there are things that escape our notice because they don't fit within our frame of reference.

There was an experiment done with kittens.  (Scientists can be cruel).  They were kept in a box with vertical lines for almost two months.  After that their perception was "set" and they could not "see" horizontal lines.   There evidently is a window where our perceptions become locked in.  I've always been intrigued by  that culture that lives in snow.  (Eskimos??)  They have like two dozen definitions for snow because it's vital to their culture.
Living along the Navajo Reservation you become aware that their version of reality is not mine no matter how carefully I try to understand.
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: BethAnne on February 12, 2016, 12:10:54 PM
Quote from: Randolph123 on January 15, 2016, 09:06:35 PMMy mother had a vivid dream once, which involved being at the ocean. She is a very balanced, no-nonsense person. And...when she woke up there was a sea shell in the bed with her. A sea shell. Physically lying there next to her.

This is a very cool story.  I'm pretty sure I've heard it before.  Did you ever post on FrreedomCrowsnest  forum?
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: Deb on February 12, 2016, 08:44:28 PM
Quote from: BethAnne on February 12, 2016, 11:31:27 AMWhat's up with that?

You know, I never questioned that.
I've only been aware of Seth and Jane Roberts for a few years, but latched onto them like a magnet to metal.

One of the disasters averted was when I was headed out to visit a very good friend who had just given birth to her second son. I was in my car with my 3 week old son and had planned to stop at the neighborhood Albertson's to pick up some goodies to take with me on my visit. I was running a little late, drove past the store and decided I would rather pass up bringing some treats (a very strong urge) than be late for my visit. I was still on the road when I heard on the radio that an estranged husband had just shot several people in that grocery story, killing his wife and the store manager. If I had stopped to buy some treats, I would have been in the middle of the ruckus.

So why the near misses? It was at a time where all I could appreciate was my sense to avoid disaster. Maybe it was spirit trying to catch my attention. My mind goes to the Mass Events book: Mass events are created to make a mass statement. If someone is not meant to be involved, they get an impulse and avoid the situation. Decisions made unconsciously on my part, for sure, but the instincts were strong.

I'm not so oblivious these days. I see meaning in everything.

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: Deb on February 12, 2016, 08:45:46 PM
Quote from: BethAnne on February 12, 2016, 11:29:51 AMThe Brother is now the Sister.

OMG. I had no idea. Thanks for that. I need to think a little bit,
I'm a little verklempt.

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: Deb on February 12, 2016, 09:01:12 PM
Quote from: John Sorensen on February 12, 2016, 05:40:30 AMradar / echolocation

Thanks, for some reason I've seen that video before.
I have a good, long-time friend who is blind. She started losing her sight about 20 years ago, after her second son was born. It's supposedly an auto-immune disease, retinal keratotomy, where the immune system attacks the retina. Tunnel vision begins, until vision is gone completely.

She has talked about echolocation, which makes perfect sense.
Norman Doidge has an amazing book, The Brain That Changes Itself, where it mentions blind people being able to see again because of alternative sensory input.

Unfortunately my friend is, ummm, a little simple (imagine Edith Bunker, a heart of gold but easily confused) and is completely unable to deal with her new challenges. Even after reading the Doidge book (she's the one who told me about it, it's about remapping the brain) she has bought into the idea presented by her doctor who told her (she's 50) that she's too old to learn Braille, too old to adapt, too old to learn anything new. Old. She struggles and it breaks my heart. She's another one who keeps talking about having "senior moments" with forgetfulness, tries to drag me into her thinking. And while we've both heard that when you lose a sense the others kick in on steroids, she has no sense for echolocation and no ability to internally visualize what she experiences or what is explained to her. She's lost and it just kills me.

My vision is so important to me. And while I totally understand, ala Lipton and Dispenza, that WE control our genes and it's not the other way around, I could never present that to her. So I do what I can to help. But it breaks my heart.

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: BethAnne on February 12, 2016, 09:45:19 PM
Quote from: Deb on February 12, 2016, 08:44:28 PMIf someone is not meant to be involved, they get an impulse and avoid the situation
There were some stories like that about 9-11. 
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: John Sorensen on February 13, 2016, 04:15:36 AM
Quote from: BethAnne on February 12, 2016, 11:29:51 AM
concept coming from a couple of beer-guzzling brothers   
The Brother is now the Sister.  She looks much happier.


First time I heard about his, I thought they had some sister I have never heard of, only later found it was the same former dude.
Love their Matrix movies, but everything else they have done really fell flat for me. They are kind of one hit wonders in my world.

Cloud Atlas looked so promising, and had so much build up. It ended up a confusing mess. Also looked like it was going to deal with reincarnational cycles, but it didn't. Just a weird hodge-podge of a movie.
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: BethAnne on February 15, 2016, 06:35:41 PM
Quote from: John Sorensen on February 12, 2016, 05:40:30 AMWhile it's incredible to learn of this person's echolocation abilities, it's also saddening to see the limits of our current medical model that would remove someones eyes at age three - because of "cancer" - talk about dangerous beliefs.
This was an amazing story.  I'm sure current medicine will be considered barbaric in the not so distant future.

Do you think Cloud Atlas was to ambitious?  A lot of story lines to weave together.
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: John Sorensen on February 16, 2016, 04:41:10 AM
Quote from: BethAnne on February 15, 2016, 06:35:41 PM
Quote from: John Sorensen on February 12, 2016, 05:40:30 AMWhile it's incredible to learn of this person's echolocation abilities, it's also saddening to see the limits of our current medical model that would remove someones eyes at age three - because of "cancer" - talk about dangerous beliefs.
This was an amazing story.  I'm sure current medicine will be considered barbaric in the not so distant future.

Do you think Cloud Atlas was to ambitious?  A lot of story lines to weave together.

Yeah, I don't think it was ambitious enough. The Matrix is solid all the way through, very well written.

I just feel like Cloud Atlas wanted to be the next big thing in sci-fi, but they stuffed in so many ideas and to me it felt under-written and I know they are capable of better.

Imagine someone you love started doing heroin. You still love them, but you feel disappointed, because they have so much potential.
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: barrie on March 23, 2016, 02:35:12 AM
Hi Randolph,

When it comes to creating physical objects--according to the Seth material, this is something we automatically do each instant with the subconscious and telepathic agreement with everyone else. This aspect of reality creation is part of the mechanism of physical reality. We create the objects we see. In our telepathic agreements--we agree with others where the objects should be and what they should look like--so that we can co-share the reality, the room, the location, etc.

In a sense, if five people walk into a room and see a TV set--each person creates the TV set that he sees, and "superimposes" it upon the others, so to speak, so it appears to be one TV set in the room.

IF you have any followup questions or comments, please feel free.
Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: voidypaul on May 13, 2016, 12:28:34 AM

   Meditation is an act , or the action of concentration . One concentrates or focuses one's energies in a single direction , putting aside or encompassing any distraction into the act itself .

  Seth quite often spoke of dissociation to cleanse the physical/mental system of accumulated tensions which come about due to overconcern about one's life in one way or another. Dissociation is the 1st step in meditation practice as when one learns to dissociate , one is actually learning to concentrate one's energies + channel them in a new direction . This cannot or must not be forced or the results can become negative ie, headaches or pressure in the head or body. It is obviously a good thing to do, as if done in a peaceful or positive manner then the result is usually that one will feel refreshed after doing it or have some kind of positive experience. If one experiences neg' effects then it is best to desist + wait for a time when it feels natural + fluid to do it. Seth i think mentioned that when one feels a little tired then this is a good time to commence as the body itself is in a natural state wherein it is quite happy to let go of phys' concerns. Very much like going to sleep at night.

   There are so many meditation techniques that i will not bother to go into any as it is always somewhat different for each person but when one has found their own personal technique of easily dissociating then it becomes easier + easier. Obviously the Buddhists have been practicing this for millenium + they have the knowledge that we are compounded beings + constantly in a state of change from one microsecond to the next . This Seth describes as his blinking off + on + that each off or on state is different from the next + a completely new creation .   

   When i was 13yrs i took my 1st Lsd + as i grew older i used it in conjunction with yoga + meditation/concentration . The Buddhists call the deeper states of concentration jhana or absorption which can lead to deeper feelings of elation ecstasy + even orgasm but will hopefully give way to the more peaceful states of peace, bliss + tranquility. Along the way one might have experiences of precognition , telepathy , OOb exp's as in astral projection etc. But this is not the goal + as with the Buddhists I found that the deeper states would lead into what i called the void states + the Bud's call inf' space , inf' cons's etc. These are obviously beyond the astral body form + i think Seth would say that this form is electrical leading into pure vitality + psychological/mental states/forms.  Either way one is then beyond this physical system + into the realm where no images , forms or even thoughts exist . This is the realm in which Seth 2 has his existence. It is beyond this universal manifestation completely + the body of the practitioner is left in a trance like suspended state. One could do what one wished with the body but it would in no way affect the travelling self as it is entirely beyond physical pain or pleasure + is involved in intensities of consciousness which have no adequate physical description though Seth 2 did try to convey what this is like for 'him'.

   Meditation is simply the ability to be able to dissociate from one's present concerns + concentrate without distraction + one reaps the benefits according to one's ability to do so . It is as simple (or difficult for some) as that , nothing more nothing less. But it must never never be forced or seen as a duty. To do it regularly conditions both the mind + body + greater feelings of freedom , joy or tranquility in all things will ensue.

    Peace , paul

Title: Re: Deciphering what Seth is saying are the practical limits of creating reality
Post by: BethAnne on May 13, 2016, 07:30:58 AM
This is a bit of a stretch, but the situation really opened up my mind about being locked into one reality.
When I lived in Santa Fe I first rented a room from Craigslist sight unseen as I lived 3 hours away.  Though, as it turned out I had been dreaming of these gals and their basset "Little Boy" for a couple of years before I met them.
Anyhow, Rose and her sister are/were Navajo twins who  had been illegally adopted by Mormons at birth.  The sister had died the week before which is why they had space....that was not in the ad.  I've mentioned Rose before on other threads.  She and her sister went on to work in high profile jobs in Washington DC, went to Embassy parties, a couple Inaugurations, did undercover work for the FBI, dated Telly Savalis from "Kojak", and has been in Toastmasters 25 years.
The point is, Rose and I had many talks about the nature of our Identity and Reality.  What would her life had been like if she had never left the Reservation living with her teenage mother?  The two lives were totally at opposite ends of the spectrum.  So in Seth terms, there is a Rose who never left and a Rose who worked for the FBI and a variety in between.  It made me realize how we lock into the life we are living and the need to Disassociate from that life to expand our understanding of the vastness of Reality.
Rose's story if you haven't seen it.  http://www.findinghelen.com/ (http://www.findinghelen.com/)