A selection of videos from Joe Dispenza on his various ideas and practices etc.
NOTE: Some are videos, while others are audio only.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfHMBNVW9w8&ab_channel=LilouMace (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfHMBNVW9w8&ab_channel=LilouMace)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDDCRk51-fA&ab_channel=AliensMoonTruthExposed (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDDCRk51-fA&ab_channel=AliensMoonTruthExposed)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WP1yPCLJ6_s&ab_channel=RewireMe (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WP1yPCLJ6_s&ab_channel=RewireMe)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp-9CvaGq18&ab_channel=AndresFernandez (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp-9CvaGq18&ab_channel=AndresFernandez)
Rereading Joe Dispenza's "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself" and this powerful quote really jumped out at me and demanded to be shared here.
"Although I take a clearly biological approach to change, so did the mystics. They just used a different terminology to describe the process. The end result is the same - breaking the addiction to the body, environment and time. Only when we make that separation can we change. Only when we think greater than the big three can we truly live independent of them, and re-establish dominion over how we think and feel on a daily basis." - Joe Dispenza
Quote from: John Sorensen on February 26, 2016, 04:22:45 AMthis powerful quote
Great quote! I haven't had a chance to watch the videos yet. Maybe I'll do that after I finish this post. There's a quote of Joe's that I latched onto the first time I heard it -- so you'd think I'd be able to recite it verbatim. But no... He usually says it at the end of guided meditations. Here's a similar version that's all over the Internet, but once I find the exact wording I'll write it down and update here. The first time I heard Joe say it, it was a live recording of a workshop he'd done years ago in, I think, Australia of all places. Maybe I still have that on a backup drive somewhere.
"Now if in fact the observer is watching me the whole time that I'm doing this and there is a spiritual aspect to myself, then show me a sign today that you paid attention to any one of these things that I created, and bring them in a way that I won't expect, so I'm as surprised at my ability to be able to experience these things. And make it so that I have no doubt that it's come from you."
Thanks for posting these John, much food for thought!
I've been meditating for years, and do a lot of things automatically. Lately as I have been slowly re-reading "Breaking habit of being yourself" I've been doing some meditations where I sit and notice what is dominating my awareness - body, environment or time, and cycling my awareness from one to another, and then back to no thoughts or sensations.
It's a good habit to try in different environments eg a busy street, at home in the back yard when its quiet, a local park and other places. Some environments are more challenging than others. I remember years ago meditating next to an area where major construction works were going on - including loud jackhammers, trucks etc - once you you tune that out, or alternatively focus right in on it, you can see how there really is no excuse for not being able to meditate in literally any environment, no matter how quiet or noisy.
Quote from: John Sorensen (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=5721)Lately as I have been slowly re-reading "Breaking habit of being yourself"
OMG I NEED to read that book. I've had it for years and like other books it keeps getting put on the back burner. But then, attending the workshops is sort of concentrated effort. But this guy as all the answers, he's a sharp one.
I've been meaning to tell you that the JD on Intent is quintessential Joe and a great video. I think right now I just need to spend some time watching many or all of what you've put up by Joe. It's been 2 months since my last Dr Joe workshop and I'm going through withdrawal. I need to look into signing up for the Advanced Follow-up, which I think is in September. Oh god, I'm a Dr Joe junkie.
And yes, meditating under less than ideal conditions is a great practice in discipline. No more excuses.
I think the basics of Breaking the habit; You are the placebo and his earlier book was was mainly theory but all three books seem to build on the same key ideas, and fortunately Joe has gotten a lot better at 'splaining the complicated jargon stuff to us non-jargon non-technical people in user friendly terms.
I have a few of his audio talks and podcast interviews on my ipod, when I'm out for long walks and need a pick me up I listen to some Dr. Joe, or Wayne Dyer, or Seth CD's and other similar stuff.