~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: BethAnne on March 09, 2016, 12:31:11 PM

Title: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: BethAnne on March 09, 2016, 12:31:11 PM
I saw this last night and got me pondering.  I'm wondering if "abundance" is at the heart of modern metaphysics?  We push our understanding for abundance of knowledge, money, control or power in society.
According to Bashar "Abundance is getting what you need when you need it".  Who is to say that these girls don't need a $40K purse?  I live a very streamline life because my abundance is time and freedom.
It's been so long since I've read Seth.  What does Seth say on this subject?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8EeyEbvK6s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8EeyEbvK6s)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0Szy3Rlu3k (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0Szy3Rlu3k)
Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: BethAnne on March 09, 2016, 07:43:15 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYDKCx4hSQQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYDKCx4hSQQ)
Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: Deb on March 09, 2016, 09:57:23 PM
This is a really good wakeup call and a darned interesting phenomena. These are people that are talented and driven to be rich and famous. And it's rare to find one of them that are happy. So many of them crash and burn. Another thing I don't understand. There are homeless people living under bridges that are probably happier with their lives than these celebrities. They are the talented ones that feel the need to prove themselves, to be loved and appreciated through their fame and abilities. What lengths do they go to to feel whole? What a tangled web humanity is.
Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: Deb on March 09, 2016, 09:59:55 PM
Here you go. Lighten up. Pure entertainment. And happy feet.

Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: BethAnne on March 10, 2016, 11:27:43 AM
I LOVED that!  The music was in perfect sync with the dancing.  Brought me back to my childhood.  Back then all these old movies were the fillers on TV.
Thank you!  Gonna pass it on.   :)
Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: BethAnne on March 10, 2016, 11:43:13 AM
These are people that are talented and driven to be rich and famous. And it's rare to find one of them that are happy.

Maybe it's that "driven to be rich" that is the key.  I don't think money per se is the problem.  But when you are not aware that it is not a substitute for "Inner Richness".

I'm dealing with someone over important issue who can drop $40K on a purse if she wanted to.  Money is used to "fix" things without dealing with the issues making her a very shallow but powerful person.  She's in a power struggle with me because I've got that inner richness which she can't drop money on.  To her money is power.

Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: John Sorensen on March 10, 2016, 11:56:01 AM
Quote from: BethAnne on March 09, 2016, 12:31:11 PM
I saw this last night and got me pondering.  I'm wondering if "abundance" is at the heart of modern metaphysics?  We push our understanding for abundance of knowledge, money, control or power in society.
According to Bashar "Abundance is getting what you need when you need it".  Who is to say that these girls don't need a $40K purse?  I live a very streamline life because my abundance is time and freedom.
It's been so long since I've read Seth.  What does Seth say on this subject?

It's one of the reasons I stopped paying attention to any of the Abraham Hicks material. I got sick of hearing people whining about wanting more shit they didn't need. If somebody isn't happy with the shit they have now, getting more won't make than any happier. The aim for me in life is to aim to consciously understand as much of all existence as possible, to learn and develop new skills, to love and encourage others.Money is irrelevant. I prefer to focus on developing my own intelligence and compassion. It's not easy. You have to work at it. It's easy to be cynical and say fuck everything and just be an asshole to people. I've learned all I can from that type of living. It is not satisfying.

EDIT: Just noticed the quote thing had wrapped around my text. Annoying.
Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: LenKop on March 10, 2016, 09:11:57 PM
I think the real question is why we even need to talk about having a belief in abundance. It implies that we are not abundant naturally. I think it, again, derives from beliefs set up generations ago about our seperatedness from Source.

Not that I'm against attracting a comfortable life, where everything arrives as is needed, and more. But it's sad that we ever got to the point where we dont't believe in abundance/happiness/joy..etc in the first place.

Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: Deb on March 11, 2016, 12:36:01 PM
Quote from: LenKop on March 10, 2016, 09:11:57 PMI think the real question is why we even need to talk about having a belief in abundance. It implies that we are not abundant naturally.

I  think that perception of NOT having everything arrive as needed is what gives us purpose though—a constant striving for improvement (or more) in our lives, ourselves. The problems start when this natural desire for growth or improvement gets distorted by some peoples' beliefs of what they need to make themselves happy, whether it's fame, fortune, expensive cars or clothes, their outward appearance. They are so outwardly focused on obtaining more, that it distracts them from appreciating what they already have.

It seems the past few years people have been talking a lot about gratitude: taking the time to reflect on the abundance we already have in our lives, making lists in journals daily of what we're grateful for, making time daily to have a gratitude moment. It seemed like just another enlightenment gimmick/trend to me but thinking about it now, it's a really great idea. Because we generally, as a society, DON'T believe in abundance/happiness/joy in the first place. And there are plenty of businesses that capitalize and reinforce that belief. All you need to do is see commercials, look through a magazine or surf the internet. We are constantly hit with a barrage of "you'll be happy when...." Almost all visual advertising is designed to trigger an emotion of happiness, using models that look like they are in bliss, are attractive, have their sh*t together because they bought XYZ. Add subliminal tactics into the mix and most people are entrained to become the consummate consumers that will "never" reach their goal of happiness because there will always be more.

Eldon Taylor has written some very enlightening books about this, for instance Gotcha! The Subordination of Free Will (http://www.eldontaylor.com/books/gotcha/gotcha.html).  Eldon's a very interesting guy, has an interesting background and for decades has delved into how the mind works and how people are manipulated. He has also created a series of subliminal message mp3s called Innertalk to help people overcome various issues. I saw him a couple of summers ago in Denver at a lecture. He got a standing ovation when he was done. It was well deserved.
Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: BethAnne on March 11, 2016, 03:02:05 PM
making lists in journals daily of what we're grateful for

Ive done this at a time when things were overwhelming.  I made myself come up with 3 things that I was grateful for a day.  It made me realize how I was focusing.

After a couple of weeks of this a friend brought her friend over who was visiting from New York City.  Now at that time I was a single mom with two small kids living in HUD housing at $40  a month.  Everyone was giving me shit about being poor.  Why didn't I put the kids in daycare????  So some shitty job would pay for daycare and the kids would not have a mom I asked??

Well the NYC friend just LOVED my apartment along the river.  She could not get over how much it would cost to live in such "luxury" in the city.  The next week she was on TV in some movie.

After that I think I was more realistic about what luxury meant to me. 

Many years later I had a red Camaro with black glass TTops.  Beautiful car.  But it was nothing but trouble.  People hated me for it and were jealous.  Several guys who wanted to date me turned out to be more interested in the car.  I felt very guilty having something so nice and let people drive it.....which I have since adjusted my thinking on.  LOL  And they broke it. 

Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: Deb on March 11, 2016, 09:06:35 PM
Quote from: BethAnne on March 10, 2016, 11:27:43 AMThe music was in perfect sync with the dancing.  Brought me back to my childhood.

I'm with you there. Whoever put this video together did an amazing job with timing (even some unintentional lip syncing). The video always makes me happy, gives me goose bumps. All the greats from yesteryear. I grew up watching those old movies too. I just love the women's dresses, the men in tuxes. A beautiful, fanciful, graceful time, followed by the tasteless sixties...

Quote from: BethAnne on March 11, 2016, 03:02:05 PMI felt very guilty having something so nice

You've touched on something important there. Guilt. Seth had some things to say about the emotion, but it is a struggle in our OLC. According to Seth, another false or distorted emotion. But to have desires, you then have to feel like you deserve obtaining them. And everyone is in a different place. You managed to manifest, or obtain, a gorgeous automobile. And then felt guilty (I do this all the time) because there are SO many people that are lacking in so many things: health, wealth, love, companionship, a roof over their heads, people starving (pick a place, when I was a kid it was Biafra), National Geographic photos of kids with flies-in-eyes. I often feel petty in my desires, then work on talking myself out of that impulse. Seth has helped me with putting that into perspective, as we all create our own realities. I should not feel guilt because I've created a reality for myself that's different from what others are doing.

Many times I am questioned, criticized or put down by others because of what I choose to do or have available to myself. Always by other women, always motivated by judgment or jealousy. It tends to make me keep things to myself. But I also have to wonder if their reactions are something I've manifested due to my "guilt" over whether I deserve what I've manifested.

Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: John Sorensen on March 11, 2016, 09:14:08 PM
Quote from: LenKop on March 10, 2016, 09:11:57 PM
I think the real question is why we even need to talk about having a belief in abundance. It implies that we are not abundant naturally. I think it, again, derives from beliefs set up generations ago about our seperatedness from Source.

Not that I'm against attracting a comfortable life, where everything arrives as is needed, and more. But it's sad that we ever got to the point where we dont't believe in abundance/happiness/joy..etc in the first place.


You've hit the nail on the head Len.
Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: John Sorensen on March 11, 2016, 09:18:54 PM
Quote from: Deb on March 11, 2016, 12:36:01 PM
Quote from: LenKop on March 10, 2016, 09:11:57 PMI think the real question is why we even need to talk about having a belief in abundance. It implies that we are not abundant naturally.

I  think that perception of NOT having everything arrive as needed is what gives us purpose though—a constant striving for improvement (or more) in our lives, ourselves. The problems start when this natural desire for growth or improvement gets distorted by some peoples' beliefs of what they need to make themselves happy, whether it's fame, fortune, expensive cars or clothes, their outward appearance. They are so outwardly focused on obtaining more, that it distracts them from appreciating what they already have.

My issue with this sort of thing is that no self (non-material) was ever improved by the material (stuff, possessions, money etc).
It's just not possible.

The whole material reality is a temporary experience for us to learn in. It's a big playground for spirit. But people miss the whole point and focus on "stuff" rather than "self".

I don't believe life is just about being happy or comfortable.

Watching TV all day and taking drugs might be "comfortable" - but it's not fulfilling, it's not deeply satisfying.

I think many people mistake satisfaction in life with material comfort.
And how many people feel like they can never be happy because they can't get enough money or stuff to be like the wealthy and elite?

It's subtle brain washing from my point of view. Not there is any group/society etc, more of a mass belief in consumer society, wealth and privilege etc.
It's really nothing new, it's been going on since the agricultural revolution. One grain and wealth could be stock piled, once land owners started taking over and dictating to others, along with kings and queens who were considered "divine" rulers - it's easy to see how it leads to our modern society where some people will actually kill one another for money.

Which is basically saying "I believe in the matrix 100%, keep me hooked in please".

Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: BethAnne on March 11, 2016, 09:29:18 PM
But I also have to wonder if their reactions are something I've manifested due to my "guilt" over whether I deserve what I've manifested.

The Spartan Life Coach videos have helped me identify my source of guilt and I highly recommend him.   

Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: Deb on March 11, 2016, 09:36:00 PM
Quote from: BethAnne on March 11, 2016, 09:29:18 PMSpartan Life Coach videos

Hmmm. Never heard about that. I'll look into it. Thanks!

Quote from: John Sorensen on March 11, 2016, 09:18:54 PMIt's subtle brain washing from my point of view.

I'd say blatant.

Quote from: John Sorensen on March 11, 2016, 09:18:54 PMWhich is basically saying "I believe in the matrix 100%, keep me hooked in please".

Ahhhh, the Matrix. Yes.
That movie is always "right there" for me.
And I get what Cypher felt, sometimes.
But you just can't go back.

Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: LenKop on March 11, 2016, 10:03:23 PM
I think the gratitude idea is a good one. Being thankful is nice.

But two things strike me about it. We often forget to thank ourselves. How easily guilt comes to us, but a gratitude for our self awareness seems selfish, or egotistical.

The other is the cause and effect idea, (once again, related to our conceptions of time, and letting go). We often concern ourselves too much with how we will 'get there' (cause), then are grateful after we arrive (or guilty). But I think the biggest teaching in most of this stuff is to concentrate on the effect, the goal, and be thankful for it ahead of time, then just let go and the cause will find its own way.

And whatever your goals are, whether material or spiritual, enjoy them, for they're your personal manifestations, and in one way or another are reflecting your inner self, and are part of the mass reality, so others are co-creating and benefitting too, whether they, or you, know it or not.

Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: John Sorensen on March 21, 2016, 06:08:36 PM
Well said Len  8)

Now, let's drop-kick guilt out the window.
Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: barrie on March 26, 2016, 02:36:21 AM
Seth (ESP Class, 6-11-74): "There is abundance. There is also the fact that you dwell on a physical planet, with a sense of love and identification. Your idea of survival would not include annihilating other species so that you could live. You would understand that all of you share this reality, and that all of you are bound together in a gestalt of creativity."
Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: BethAnne on March 26, 2016, 06:56:10 AM
I think we sometimes struggle with the concept of Abundance.

I've been watching a lot of AbrahamHicks to be able to wrap my mind around some Crazy Shit  I'm dealing with and the focus is often "How do I manifest a million dollars".   I was wondering what was wrong with me because I really don't know what I'd do with that much cash.  I'm a real nomad and feel weighted down with stuff.  I love to travel and I seem to do a lot of that with very little money.

I realized my POINT at the moment is to shift my Tribe.  All are pretty well off and it doesn't bring as much happiness as my contentment which drives them crazy.
At the moment I'm living on EXACTLY the amount of money it takes to cover my expenses....EXACTLY.  And there is a sort of thrill in that self sufficiency.
I have abundance of beauty on my morning walks to the river....I have a lot of free time...a couple of excellent friends...all the art supplies I need for now...I eat well because I'm a great cook.

A BIG Drama recently happened which laid "Crazy Shit" on the table that no one can ignore.  And with hours the $$$ Abundance started flowing in once the Lesson was understood.
Title: Re: Beliefs About Abundance
Post by: BethAnne on March 26, 2016, 05:59:08 PM
Abundance is relative.  :)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36m1o-tM05g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36m1o-tM05g)