~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth Concepts Validated by Science => Topic started by: Deb on March 16, 2016, 07:55:45 PM

Title: The mystery of time
Post by: Deb on March 16, 2016, 07:55:45 PM
Someone not long ago mentioned to me that physicists are now saying that we are not moving towards our future, our future is actually moving towards us. I tried to find more information about that on the internet. I haven't had any luck with that particular theory at this point, but I did turn up all of these articles (and many more that I haven't copied) about time, the future, traveling backwards in time, the future affecting the present, probable realities. It all sounds a lot like Seth to me. :) Hopefully I'll have time to read all of these! They are not in any particular order.

USA Today: Future holds key to quantum physics (some good basics here)

Scientists May Have Just Figured Out Why Time Moves Forward, Not Backwards

Does the future already exist? If so, which one?

Can the future affect the past?

Time: Is the Future Already Written?

Is your future already decided? New theory of time suggests that the past, present AND future co-exist in the universe

Arthur Eddington's Arrow of Time
Title: Re: The mystery of time
Post by: LenKop on March 16, 2016, 08:57:07 PM
They're still wrestling with 'Time'...lol

I'm finding my interest in time is moving from an objective one to a subjective one. Not that I disagree with Time being objective, but is it totally objective?

We create our reality. So don't we create our perception of time too. There are many examples of how time affects us personally. Two people may experience the same drama, but one will say that 'time flew by' during the experience, while for the other ' time dragged'.

There are so many examples where time is 'felt' within us that I'm wondering whether time is part of each of our entities. And it might just be another belief that we have in order to manipulate our creations.

It also interests me regarding our DNA. Might our perceptions of time influence our aging? Or healing speed?

I don't know. But after studying philosophy, and questioning time for a long time (pun intended  :)), my intuition is telling me that a 'personal time' is as valid as a universal time.

Title: Re: The mystery of time
Post by: John Sorensen on March 16, 2016, 11:20:18 PM
I have no time for time.

It's running joke in my family that I'm the one that doesn't know what day of the week it is, forget my own birthday and sometimes I don't know what year it is.
If not a for watch, clock or calendar and going to work and that sort of thing, I pay no real attention to this sort of linear time.

I follow the inner rhythms of my body, and the day night cycle, and the stream of waking / sleeping / dreaming which to me is an unbroken cycle, rather than any clear distinction between one state and another.
a friend I know has amazing dream recall, both while dreaming and after - but for me I sometimes remember dreams in the morning, but more often  I remember them in the middle of the way, wide awake while doing some sort of manual labor task, and I'll dip back into while I'm moving around, sometimes even losing my vision for a minute or two as my focus moves away from the physical outer world to the inner psychic one.

Not following time makes me good at writing and inner work stuff, not so good at other things.
I always use an alarm for work otherwise I would never turn up on time.
Often I have trouble communicating with people because my reasoning is from intuition and logic, rather than logic alone. And that is a deliberate habit, where now I trust my intuition over pretty much anything else.

I've even turned up to work on Saturdays before when I was working a M-F job. The supervisor had a good laugh at that one.
Title: Re: The mystery of time
Post by: BethAnne on May 12, 2016, 05:36:47 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvTEVM7GgXc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvTEVM7GgXc)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb1u9zOPwiQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb1u9zOPwiQ)