I heard of Dean Radin a few years ago when I came across his book Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality. This week I got my IONS email update and there was this video of him talking about that they are studying how our minds can affect (or as he says, "push") matter. It's so exciting to me when I find researchers out there starting to looking into phenomena that Seth has been talking about for decades. When people look at me like I'm nuts when I quote Seth, I have science to back me up. There is hope!
You can listen to his short video here: http://vimeo.com/113981492
Information has got to come from someplace. And it has to be saturated within that which is alive or there could be no aliveness. Matter IS the mind because matter is rotating, pulsating and vibrating constantly. That is what makes it an illusion.
Everything everywhere is pulsating in the moment. At least one physicist said that everything is energy--as everybody knows. WELL, not everybody knows Mr. physicist. As children we are not taught that we are immersed in a sea of energy as energy immersions ourselves.
And when the Hesienberg Principle was created, observation upon these waves was noticed to be the motivator of solidity. Too magical though. Completely unbelievable. That is why we are not taught that we are magical in public schools ? We are observing ourselves into these pulsations we call lives. When did Hesienberg win a Nobel prize? Gosh, my memory is just not expansive enough.
So, at the point that people were not told they are observing themselves into these lives, is the point when somebody wanted to take control of us and turn us into slaves. I have found more information that there has been a huge concerted effort in this society to dum down people--- coming from the educational system. It is called Darwinism and Hitler believed and acted out what he thought was Darwinism.
Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on February 12, 2015, 12:57:19 PMAs children we are not taught that we are immersed in a sea of energy as energy immersions ourselves.
I don't think they knew that when we were kids. I remember all the models of molecules with protons, neutrons and electrons and thinking they were all solid objects. Then somewhere along the way they decided it was ALL energy. There is resistance to all new ideas. I never understood this, since there is no growth without new ideas.
Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on February 12, 2015, 12:57:19 PMAnd when the Hesienberg Principle was created, observation upon these waves was noticed to be the motivator of solidity. Too magical though. Completely unbelievable. That is why we are not taught that we are magical in public schools ?
Nikola Tesla: Imagination and the Man that Invented the 20th Century by Sean Patrick,
QuoteIn every field of human endeavor, the more visionary the work, the less likely it is to be quickly understood and embraced by lesser minds.
Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on February 12, 2015, 12:57:19 PMHitler believed and acted out what he thought was Darwinism.
Hitler was screwed up, Darwinism was the least of his problems. There have been many people throughout history that have created their own brand of genocide in the name of something they feel is the only "right" way to be. Coming from a Seth-perspective I can only hope that we have learned
something, as a species, from those disasters. Progress seems painfully slow to me. I just can't believe how many people are willing to jump on board.
Very interesting. The first time I heard of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle was when I was in college studying chemistry back in 1970. It had been around for quite some time but wasn't taught in my high school science classes. And then in another chem class I heard how Kekule discovered the structure of Benzene - spunked on from a dream, no less. For me, learning about those things was both fascinating and mind blowing. I thought, Wow!
Since then, but before reading the Seth books, I found that an astonishing amount of great ideas have either come directly from dreams or had dreams as an impetus. Way cool!!! All of that was probably what got me interested in my own dream.
I think even Seth says that we problem solve when we sleep. But not in the conventional way a psychologist would think. We actually, consciously and with others, solve problems. I can't tell you HOW many times I wake up, unfortunately around 3 am, with a solution to something. I also very often wake up with a song playing in my head, which will usually foretell the kind of day I'm going to have. I've actually had intuitions come to me by way of music in my head. At least I'm not hearing voices, lol.
Ah, waking up to the sounds of music must be kind of cool - maybe not at 3am though. But, hey, that's okay. Getting some of your intuitions through or with music - you must be a musically oriented girl. Sometimes I get a tune that runs through my head, like a lot of people experience, but it usually just makes me happy.
It's amazing how problem solving works for each of us. When I get a solution from dreamwork, it's like an instantaneous awareness upon awakening and I write it down before it escapes. It's always right, too.
Ha, so you don't think you'd like hearing voices, huh? lol