QuoteYou and your reincarnated selves, or personalities, are not imprisoned in time.
There is a constant interchange going on between what you think of as your present self,
and your past and future selves. If this were not the case, then I would not be speaking here,
for I am not Rubert's past self. Each personality is free. Time has open ends in all directions
or such a thing as probabilities would not exist. Therefore, actions that you make now
can help a so-called past personality;
and a so-called future personality may step in and help you along your weary way.
Also, your actions now can affect the future personality as well as the past one.
You must try and stretch your imagination and feel these realities,
because the intellect alone cannot comprehend them.
Psychological time is your best method for perceiving these actualities.
Seth Speaks, Appendix, ESP Class Session, 01/05/71
Joe Dispenza did an amazing job at the Advanced Workshop in Tacoma in February explaining what time is and why it's not really "real." His explanation totally made sense to me. But I didn't write it down and I can't remember the whole thing, just bits of the concept.
Time is a result of movement through space, Dr Joe Dispenza explains:
The basic idea: Underneath this camouflage reality, everything is energy (or space). All is connected, everything is one. There is no separation, therefore no distance.
We are in a particle-based, material (collapsed energy wave) reality. With the solidification of energy into objects, there appears to be separation and space between things. To get from place to place or thing to thing through that space, we experience the illusion of time. In a non-material, wave or quantum state, there is no separation. Space is collapsed. Time collapses along with it.
I was searching the Internet, hoping Joe had either a video or written version out there of what he explained in February. What I came up with is this a blog post "Dr. Joe Dispenza Advanced Workshop Review: A Journey Through Time-Space and Space-Time (http://www.mattbelair.com/drjoedispenza/)." A workshop review by an amazing young man who happened to be my "table buddy" the first day of the workshop. What are the chances of him turning up? Apparently really high. I'm still shaking my head in wonder.
I left a comment on his blog post, asking for help with Joe's explanation since he was taking copious notes. If he responds, I'll hopefully be able to update my explanation.
BTW I bought the sweatshirt he's wearing in the photo. I had to, "Neurological State," who could pass that up?
Simultaneous time means that everything is happening right now. There is certainly movement. Nothing is set in time. Everything is ongoing and changing and developing.
I have thought of a few analogies involving simultaneously time. Perhaps one of them will work for you.
1. (Simultaneous incarnations existing at the same time) Think of a cloth or rag floating in water. The bulk of the rag may be underwater. But little clumps of the rag may rise above the water in various spots--forming little "islands" of cloth, if you will. Each little island is connected to the bulk of the cloth that is underwater--but yet they appear as little islands of cloth popping out of the water.
Each clump or "island" of rag sticking out of the water--is a linear life-time time period. One of those "clumps" would be someone's 2016 lifeline. So, imagine a person living on one "island" of rag that sticks out of the water. This is has ongoing linear lifetime physical environment planet. He is so small that he can't see any other clump. He can't see any other incarnations living any other lifetimes on other clumps of the rag that stick out elsewhere in the same body of water. He can't see the whole island of rag either, for all he can see is his little section of the island, his part of the world.
Each of these "islands" has its own person living on it--each who is another incarnation of the same Oversoul. Each can't see any other island (time period incarnation), who can't see the whole island he is on. He has no idea that there are other islands, and that all these islands are one & connected underneath the water--because they are all part of the same rag. The part of the rag that connects all the clumps of rag sticking out of the water is the Oversoul. Each clump of rag sticking out of the water is another incarnation "sticking out" into linear time from the spacious present (water).
So, each person on each island is another incarnation in another time period; and they are connected via their subconscious minds which "leads" to the Oversoul that they "share" or are. From the Oversoul's point of view, each island is a "focus" in another time period.
To use another analogy for the term "focus"--each focus is like a different role you take on in this life. You are Deb--and you are, let's say, a parent, a shopper, a lawyer, and a lover. These are different focuses of Deb. They are separate, yet they are connected. One does not swallow up the other. You have not "sent" them forth, either. The Parent Deb IS the parent Deb--and is also the shopper Deb, etc; as well as the Whole Deb or OverDeb--who are all these things at once.
So, getting back to the original analogy, each person living on the "island" of rag sticking out of the water is like a different incarnation--each connected to the whole submerged rag he can't see (his subconscious mind and/or Oversoul). Each island exists in another time period. Yet they are all connected simultaneously to the same submerged rag--and they can't see the underwater connections; nor can the see each other.
So, let's say there are 5 islands of rag simultaneously sticking out of the water, all connected to the same rag that is floating in the water. You have 5 simultaneous incarnations in 5 separate time periods all connected to the same Oversoul which exists outside of their linear time period (which exists only on the surface of the water--where the rag "islands" appear). The occupants on each island can't see each other because they are too small to see anywhere else but where they are. Yet, they are still connected via the underwater whole rag they can't see.
Also, each clump of rag sticking out of the water may be thought of as one time period existing simultaneously as other time periods exist. So, one clump may be 1810, another clump 2321, another clump 2016, another clump 1744, and so on. Each time period simultaneously exists as all these other time periods exist; AND each incarnation living in its time period exists simultaneously as those incarnations living in their time periods.
2. (changing the past, "blinking" in and out): First, here is one short Seth quote on blinking (Feb. 20, 1974) "At no time, as a rule, is your body not here to you. Your experience seems centered within it, with the rest of the world safely outside. However, the particular selectivity of your kind of consciousness rides over lapses that you do not recognize. In a manner of speaking, your bodies blink off and on like lights. Their reality fluctuates, from your standpoint. For that matter, so does the physical universe."
In other words, we are physically blinking in and out reality so quickly that it looks like we are always "here" and physical. Yet, the analogous truth is that we are always "there" and nonphysical at the same time as we are always "here" and physical. In other words, we are simultaneously physical and nonphysical beings.
The physical part of us is constantly visiting or focusing on the nonphysical part--but these "visits" happen so quickly that we don't notice we were ever "gone." So, while we are physically sitting at a physical table eating a physical slice of pizza--we are simultaneous focused within the nonphysical realm and performing all of our nonphysical tasks.
These "tasks" include making the telepathic communications which are needed for us to co-create our physical reality & shared events, as well as viewing probable realities to aid us in our physical decision-making process.
While focused in the nonphysical, you are in a nonlinear realm. Meanwhile, you are sitting at the table eating pizza--bite after slow bite, with chewing, and talking to your friend who is eating her slice of pizza--doing her chewing and talking. There are other people in the pizza place, but you don't personally know them. And ten people have walked by outside who you didn't even notice, but they saw you talking out of the corner of their eye.
Each of these people in this little scenario--have all telepathically agreed to share this "eating pizza moment." They are all agreed, for their own reasons, to share their angle of the experience. Telepathically, you all have met and continued to meet each moment, all outside of the linear time of the physical event.
When you met in the nonphysical realm, you telepathically agreed what the pizza place should look like; what each of your bodies should look like, what the furniture should look like, where it should be located, and so forth--so that would be a continuity to your shared physical reality.
In order for all this to occur, remember, each of you are blinking in and out of physical reality so quickly, it looks like you are always physical and never blinked anywhere at all. And, remember, too, that ALL of physical reality is blinking in and out, equally rapidly appearing and disappearing, but appearing like it hasn't blinked at all.
Therefore, from the physical perspective of yourself & each person--no one has ever left, nothing has disappeared, and the physical scene is just moving right along in its tick-tock, cause & effect fashion. The slice of pizza you are eating keeps getting smaller because you have bitten into it a number of times. You are having an ongoing conversation about how you both hate anchovies. And a person has moved past the store's window front because he took step after step until he was gone. And the whole scenario of other people eating and sitting & talking, and walking by outside is similarly occurring without any blinkings at all.
While blinked "out" of physical reality, which means while focused in the nonphysical realm--you are outside of linear time--and have access to all your dream experiences, all your probable experiences, all your past & future incarnations & all THEIR dream & probable experiences; as well as with ALL the past and probable future "yous" of this incarnation--and all their dream experiences & probable realities.
These all can be explored with no time passing in the physical realm. In other words, within one blink out of physical reality, you can explore centuries and infinite probable realities--all outside of linear time--and with no linear time occurring from the point of view of the physically-focused self moving the pizza to her mouth for her 5th bite.
It is this "inner" nonlinear exploration that routinely and continually aids you in your decision making process when physical. Thus, any decision you make while physical is based on having the probable knowledge beforehand of what will probably happen if you make that decision. Turn right and find $20, turn left and get hit by a car; go straight and just go home. So, if you chose to turn left, you "find" yourself getting into an accident. But, in "deeper" nonphysical, nonlinear reality, there has been no accident. There has only been the appearance of an accident from the F1 or perspective of the waking, conscious self.
Actually, all of these probabilities were "seen beforehand" while you are blinked into the nonphysical realm, and you chose which probability you wanted to physicalize; and this physicalization was all telepathically agreed to beforehand in this same "inner" nonlocality--by all those who witnessed the accident, were involved in it, and/or just knew people who were involved in it.
Now, remember that your physical reality appears as "one" ongoing, always-there, reality flowing in the now of its linear time with its rules of cause of effect and day turning to night, walking from here to there, and so forth. It seems like you turned left, walked in front of car which came around the bend and knocked you down.
But, remember, in this whole scenario above, you have been really blinking in and out of physical reality--altering the physical perceptions ever so slightly so that the appearance of the accident seemed to unfold by surprise.
To expand this a little bit more, physical reality itself is equally blinking in and out--and so physical reality is there and not there and then there again. Thus, the whole universe is born anew each instant. And the pizza place is born anew each instant. And each object in the pizza place is born anew each instant. And all of these new-births occur so quickly that it looks like the "old" physical reality has always been there but is just naturally changing as linear time passes.
So, from the F1, physical, camouflage perspective--you have bought your slice of pizza and have walked from the counter to your seat at an empty table. From the F2, nonphysical perspective--you have blinked in and out of physical reality countless times, recreating the physical scene each instant--placing yourself in what appears to be in a slightly different location--giving the physical senses their appearance of perceived movement and cause and effect etc. And the body completely "acts" out this movement, with all the rules of science and medicine and muscles, etc. For THAT is how these inner workers appear from THAT perspectiave.
To best understand this, think of the way a motion picture works. It looks like the people in the movie are actually moving. But, as you know, they are really in a series of still photographs, 30 per second (or something like that), that flash by so fast, that you can't physically see where one photo actually stops and the next one begins. Thus, it really looks like the person is walking in the movie. But in reality, the person is in a slightly different position in large number of still photographs--which are flashed by so quickly that it looks like the person is moving, but the person really is not moving in any one photograph.
To get back to our blinking, each flashed photograph of our motion pizza, er, picture, is an analogy of blinking back out into physical reality...but in a slightly altered position. Meanwhile, the continuity is there. It looks like one continuous and continual present. You have the memory of your ongoing conversation that is occurring based on what you physically perceive all the linear time.
And to your conscious mind, there is only ONE physical reality that is ongoing--because that is how it appears to your conscious mind.
It's like you "pop" or blink back into physical reality in a bubble. Each blink would be a bubble, or photo, and each bubble would include everything that was in the previous bubble, but slightly altered to give the appearance of one ongoing present reality.
Now, in the same way that the "new" present always appears ongoing in your "bubble"--you also bring "back" with you within each blink--a "new" past. This past also seems ongoing and continuous and continual--in the same manner that the present does. In each "bubble" you carry with you a "new" present and a "new" past--altho it all appears as continual to your waking, conscious self--based on the perception mechanisms of the physical body & the 5 senses. Many times the past doesn't seem to change as the present doesn't seem to change.
And, by the way, you bring "back" with you within each "bubble" and new probable future--that also seems to always be there and changing as you change in physical terms. Year after year, you are working to become a lawyer. That is your probable future you are focusing on. Each time you blink back into physical reality--you carry with you that same probable future but altered somewhat so that is appears to fit the flow of days or minutes of your physical life.
This may change one day, and suddenly you now suddenly wish to be a singer. This change would occur because of what has "first" occurred in the nonphysical, nonlinear realm. And you brought "back" this change of probable future in your "next" bubble--and then if may become the ongoing probable future you keep bringing back--or you may drop it.
In the dream state, you stay focused in the nonphysical realm for longer periods of physical time. And in the dream state you also meet the same incarnations, probable and dream selves, etc., that you meet in each "blink" while you are awake.
And during any one of these meetings, you may meet with your past self from this incarnation--and affect her.
Remember, each of your incarnations are similarly blinking in and out of their physical reality, as you are in yours--and you all blink simultaneously into the same nonphysical, nonlinear realm--BUT you each blink back out into your particular physical, "ongoing" linear time period.
So, as I said, during any one of these "inner" meetings, you, Deb, may meet with 10-year-old Deb. Each instant, both 2016-Deb & Deb-10 are blinking in and out of their physical time period. But from the physical perspective of each one--they are only and regularly in their one physical time period which is flowing one moment to the next with no interruption.
And, from the nonphysical perspective--both 2016-Deb and Deb-10--are ALWAYS in the nonphysical realm with no interruption. Simultaneously, you are both physical in your time period, and nonphysical outside of linear time--and in potential communication in this nonphysical realm with ALL living beings who ever existed and ALL of their dream & probable selves & all of the dream & probable selves' dreams & probable selves, and so on and so on into an every blossoming infinity of dream & probable realities (which I believe to be the nonphysical explanation for the physical appearance of an expanding universe).
Anyway, let's say that in this ongoing, nonphysical communication outside of linear time, you decide to meet and then make a great impression on Flo-10 about the wonders of the violin. Why? Because Big Deb in 2016 just saw a TV show on violins that moved her tremendously on an emotional level. So, you meet up with and tell this to Little Deb, and you thus also move her tremendously.
Now, in her constant blinks back out into her physical time period, she chooses to find her way past a music shop in order to see a violin in the window in order to ask her parents to buy it for her. This then happens in Little Deb's time period; and on her 11th birthday, Little Deb gets a violin for her birthday.
From the perspective of Big Deb in 2016: She has altered her past by watching the TV show on violins and communicating her emotional response so powerfully to Little Deb. Before that TV show in 2016, Little Deb never received a violin on her 11th birthday in 1961. But because of the TV show, Little Deb has now taken actions that have resulted in her now receiving the violin on her 11th birthday.
This would then become a "new" probable reality that Big Deb chose to physicalize in 2016.
This "new" past event of 1961--bleeds thru to the waking, conscious Big Deb in 2016 as a sudden memory. And Big Deb, while eating pizza with a friend, says to the friend, "You know, I just remember that when I was 11 years old I got a violin from my parents for my birthday."
What has happened, from the blinking analogy, is that 2016-Deb has blinked back into physical reality--and in the "bubble" of past, present, future--which had usually appeared as continual--there has been a change. This change in the past of the "new" bubble--appears as a sudden memory, or something "I hadn't thought about for a real long time." Then, in all the bubbles to come, he may include this "new" memory as part of an ongoing past memories.
End of analogies.
I hope this explains my view of the concepts a little better, and how they can exist. Please remember that we are still using linear words to convey nonlinear concepts & experiences. Invariably (or is it, inevitably), there still may appear gray areas of linear confusion in some corners as we continue to try to figure out how it all works. Maybe some of this has helped you.
Be well & HAPPY,
Quote from: barrie on March 25, 2016, 11:27:01 PM(Simultaneous incarnations existing at the same time) Think of a cloth or rag floating in water. The bulk of the rag may be underwater. But little clumps of the rag may rise above the water in various spots--forming little "islands" of cloth, if you will. Each little island is connected to the bulk of the cloth that is underwater--but yet they appear as little islands of cloth popping out of the water.
Very clear, very visual. Thank you for this. Great analogy.
Quote from: barrie on March 25, 2016, 11:27:01 PMYou are Deb--and you are, let's say, a parent, a shopper, a lawyer, and a lover. These are different focuses of Deb. They are separate, yet they are connected. One does not swallow up the other. You have not "sent" them forth, either.
Again, very clear and struck a personal chord for me. I was taking a (women's) workshop a few years ago. At one point we were asked to stand in two lines, about 3' apart, facing each other. One by one, each woman was to move to the head of the lines and tell the rest "who" she is. I was listening to all of these women say, "I'm a mother of two girls," "I'm a wife," "I'm an artist," etc. and by maybe the 3rd or 4th woman I was struck with the point behind the exercise. At any point in our lives, we can say "I am a..." but that is temporary and always changing. Or one day I may be the mother of a newborn and then (seemingly the next week) be the mother of a college student (I know, it happened to me :) ). Those are roles we play or, as you say, our "focus." At a time. They are not the true, core "us." The "us" is the Whole being, the Soul or OverSoul. The eternal spark of consciousness, our essence. Our feeling tone? Frequency? Getting carried away here...
Quote from: barrie on March 25, 2016, 11:27:01 PM(changing the past, "blinking" in and out)
This gave me chills, as yesterday afternoon I was working on a new topic which has not gone up yet. It focuses on fluctuation or this blinking in and out of both matter and consciousness, which I'm thrilled has been explored by modern physicists. Honestly, the past couple of days has been a series of synchronicities revolving around Seth. I love that, can't get enough of it. Must be some of those tasks you mention, making telepathic communications, huh?
QuoteFor every moment of time that you seem to exist in this universe, you do not exist in it. The atoms and molecules have a pulsating nature that you do not usually perceive, so what seems to you to be a continuous atom or molecule is, instead, a series of pulsations that you cannot keep track of.
Physical matter is not permanent. You only perceive it as continuous; your perceptive mechanisms are not equipped to detect the pulsations....
Your consciousness fluctuates the same way. It is here and then it is not here, but the physical self focuses upon only those moments of physical reality. Because consciousness fluctuates however, other portions of your self have memory of those times when it is not focused in "physical reality" and this is also a portion of your entire existence.
Seth Speaks, Appendix, ESP Class Session, 01/05/71
Quote from: Deb on March 25, 2016, 05:38:21 PMThe physical part of us is constantly visiting or focusing on the nonphysical part--but these "visits" happen so quickly that we don't notice we were ever "gone."
I sure as hell wish I could remember or be conscious of those visits into the field. Maybe some day I'll get to that point.
Quote from: barrie on March 25, 2016, 11:27:01 PMTo best understand this, think of the way a motion picture works. It looks like the people in the movie are actually moving. But, as you know, they are really in a series of still photographs,
Yes, my mind was going in that direction, another great analogy.
Quote from: barrie on March 25, 2016, 11:27:01 PMAnd to your conscious mind, there is only ONE physical reality that is ongoing--because that is how it appears to your conscious mind.
Yes, we are so limited by our perceptions, our senses, in this realm. Not to mention the mental blinders we wear.
Quote from: barrie on March 25, 2016, 11:27:01 PMSo, as I said, during any one of these "inner" meetings, you, Deb, may meet with 10-year-old Deb. Each instant, both 2016-Deb & Deb-10 are blinking in and out of their physical time period.
I wonder if this is what happened to my friend who saw a "ghost" in her living room, late at night. She was walking to the kitchen, a man was walking in the opposite direction. He was just as shocked to see her as she was to see him. So... maybe a bit of overlap of incarnations in her case? I wonder how many times we overlap with our various selves and don't even realize it. Like the couple in the bar for Jane and Rob...
Quote from: barrie on March 25, 2016, 11:27:01 PMFrom the perspective of Big Deb in 2016: She has altered her past by watching the TV show on violins and communicating her emotional response so powerfully to Little Deb. Before that TV show in 2016, Little Deb never received a violin on her 11th birthday in 1961. But because of the TV show, Little Deb has now taken actions that have resulted in her now receiving the violin on her 11th birthday.
This would then become a "new" probable reality that Big Deb chose to physicalize in 2016.
This "new" past event of 1961--bleeds thru to the waking, conscious Big Deb in 2016 as a sudden memory. And Big Deb, while eating pizza with a friend, says to the friend, "You know, I just remember that when I was 11 years old I got a violin from my parents for my birthday."
What has happened, from the blinking analogy, is that 2016-Deb has blinked back into physical reality--and in the "bubble" of past, present, future--which had usually appeared as continual--there has been a change. This change in the past of the "new" bubble--appears as a sudden memory, or something "I hadn't thought about for a real long time." Then, in all the bubbles to come, he may include this "new" memory as part of an ongoing past memories.
OK, so that is mind blowing. And clever. It also answers my question of, if we do manage to change our past, will we remember doing so since the "old" past has been rewritten, at least in the present probable self.
Quote from: barrie on March 25, 2016, 11:27:01 PMPlease remember that we are still using linear words to convey nonlinear concepts & experiences. Invariably (or is it, inevitably), there still may appear gray areas of linear confusion in some corners as we continue to try to figure out how it all works. Maybe some of this has helped you.
Kind of like trying to explain a 3D existence to a 2D being? Absolutely fascinating, clarifying, totally appreciated. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain all of this. I actually have printed out your post so I can read it at my leisure a few more times.
Any time you want to link to some of your epic posts on Facebook, please feel free. It's all intensely invaluable information, as far as I'm concerned, and to me just as good as coming from Seth/Jane's mouth. Maybe better actually: You can ask a book questions but rarely get an in-depth and personal answer. That is, unless you're tuned into that inner guidance system and infinite knowledge that some people can consciously access. For me it's rare packets of information that suddenly appear in my mind and I think, "wow, that didn't come from me." Your posts fill in the blanks and read between the lines of Seth's books. Thank you.
Thanks Barrie, for putting the 'time' into that post. Very nicely said.
Like most of these deeper topics, our limited abilities in three dimensions will always struggle to explain things beyond them. But by trying we at least can open intiitive pathways within us that go beyond this framework to help us personally realise deeper truths.
It is quite mind boggling. When one starts to think of all the probable selves atm, multiplied by future and past selves, then add all the probability involved on both sides of the contiuum. Then add all the dream events involved. On top of which add the mass co creation, and all probabilities involved, again, going back and forth in time. And all of that only through this one system if reality. It seems like a lot of work just for a slice of pizza...lol. But the real beauty is how effortlessly it all takes place.
Some might see the depth of the creative process as belittling, and feel they are just a tiny spark in the greater scheme of things. But for me it's very empowering when I realise that I am an integral part in this process that is so grand that I can't fathom it entirely.
I guess my mind always goes back to Seth's quote 'The point of power is in the present'.
Deb, I'm not sure which FB posts to even try to link. So, you can feel free to link to any posts of mine you want to, or cut & paste them on this site as new threads or fitting into older threads. Be well & happy, Barrie
Thanks, Len. It is all pretty amazing--and the nice little bow on top of it all is that the present is the point of power, as you recognize. Be well & happy, Barrie
Quote from: barrie on March 27, 2016, 03:38:37 AMfeel free to link to any posts of mine you want to, or cut & paste them on this site as new threads or fitting into older threads
Thanks Barrie, I think I could have better worded what I was trying to say. "Any time you want to link/share any of your posts from here over to Facebook..."
I will do so myself and also link your FB posts over to here. Anything coming from FB to here will have a link back to its origins and a credit to you.
Wow, this was definitely one trip well worth taking. Very interesting and exciting to get a deeper view of this. It's opened a whole new avenue of things to think about and get better insights into.
Barrie, that was very helpful, your use of imagery. Thank you. Seth is still blowing my mind but I'm one step nearer understanding some of what he says.
Because of my Christian Science background and growing up in the 50's without such intense media programming....plus the drugs as a kid certainly helped! ;D I feel I have a less ridged grasp of reality. When I found Seth I was excited because these were concepts I could expand on and it made me aware of all the probable outcomes I could work with.
What kept me boxed in for many years was my responsibility to my kids. I could see where I could go off in different directions but they were not budging. They are grown now with their own families and feel more comfortable with their "Normal In-Laws" and have recently accepted their Mom for who she is which frees me up. I wonder if I could have done this any other way??
I am totally aware that their is another Beth out there that stayed married, went to basketball games to watch her grandkids play, baked cookies and had everyone over for Sunday dinner. That Beth is soul dead but happy living through her families contentment and ignores her husbands affairs.
There is another Beth that went on to be a Career Gal in Chicago and never got married.
My recent Little Drama has EXPLODED the box and is connecting with expanded probabilities and is giving past lives a wake up call. It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out.
I'm renewing my Passport.
I would say that there were infinite Beths out there.