Hi there!
Happy to be back! :D
I am having trouble evaluating if I am in denial or I am just seeing things differently from the popular view. Before I explain - I'm not even sure where to start because everything is interconnected, anybody else struggles or struggled with the difference? Any Seth quotes on that matter?
If you're on this forum then it's safe to say you're definitely thinking differently. But you still may be in denial. What do you feel you're denying?
I know Seth often says to not deny ourselves. Even anger and fear. Don't let any emotion bottle up or it will explode. But I don't think we need Seth to tell us that. Feel it, sit in the experience, follow it through to the belief that fuels it.
But if you're questioning your different thinking. It might be a confidence issue. I don't think many Sethies fit into the norms. We often keep our thoughts to ourselves, and have empathy for those around us who blame everything on objective forces. One of the hardest things seems to be breaking away from what everyone else thinks.
I know Seth is very strong on grasping our own individual power. Our uniquness in the universe. Our creative potency that is fueled by eternal and undepletable resources.
Hope this helps.
Quote from: Bumblebee on April 01, 2016, 06:17:11 PMHappy to be back!
Bumblebee, welcome back! I missed you!
Can you give us more information? Not sure where to start with this, but I think most of us are in denial in one way or another.
Thanks for the fast replies! It always helps to feel heard and understood. :) Ok, here I go Deb. Here's an example:
Lately I've been trying to create different poles of ideas-since ideas attract similar ideas. I do not deny the existence of old beliefs; I create new ones that I feed regularly. When an old non positive belief pops up, I try to acknowledge it by finding the need behind it and then switching to the new one I've created that will also fill that need. This isn't easy to do, and I am not sure if I am identifying things right, but lately things are pretty much falling into place in my life so I must be at least succeeding at this partially.
Although sometimes I just can't figure out what I cannot see. For example, I've been reading The Way Towards Health lately and I've been concentrating on the idea that my body is healthy and will naturally return to health when unbalanced and that things can improve. I am pretty healthy I'd say 99% of the time, so I decided to concentrate on my vision, since I can't see accurately neither far or near (that's new), although I function very well without glasses. I've been repeating and visualizing that "I can trust my vision ,both mental and physical, and indeed my goals will come into clear focus". I do not believe that it is "normal" to lose eye sight because of age. Yet people all around me keep saying:" Why, aren't you wearing glasses? It is normal at your age." This has been going on for maybe a year or so. And I've been working on my beliefs in this area every day. I now strongly believe that my eye sight can improve without glasses,yet the contrary seems to be happening. Lately I can't see so well nearsighted. I started putting things farther in order to be able to read. This worries me. If I follow my present beliefs, this means that I might be ommitting the existence of limiting beliefs. Or should I accept this as being part of a undeniable truth? Everybody looks at me like I'm crazy whenever I say that my eyesight will improve and it does get to me. They think I am in denial. I do not really know what to think anymore.
OK, perfect, for me this example is an easy one because it's a hot topic for me and something I want to work on for myself. Eyesight has been a long-time issue for me, from getting my first glasses as a kid for distance vision, suffering years of the evolution of contact lenses and then finally lasik about 10 years ago when I couldn't handle wearing contacts for distance plus glasses for reading. After several years of freedom, I'm back to reading glasses once again. My doctor told me that would happen(!). I want to change that (belief).
From NOPR, 623:
You have at your disposal the means to insure your health. My friend Joseph (as Seth calls me) brought up a point concerning this before our session. He wanted to know why so many people in this country wore glasses. He wondered if people unacquainted with glasses and suddenly introduced to them would develop a need for them; and they would.
Many individuals are given glasses to correct an eye difficulty at an early age. Left alone, in many cases, the eyes would correct themselves. The glasses can impede any such self-correction by providing a crutch that further weakens eye muscles, for example, and instead fixes the condition. When you believe that only glasses will correct poor vision, then only glasses will.
Instead you must discover the reason for the belief behind the physical poor function or nonfunction, and if this is done the condition will automatically clear up. Now for most people it is easier to get glasses.
I do know someone personally who corrected their own eyesight without glasses. He was doing eye exercises, but the question is, did the exercises correct his vision, or was it his belief in the exercises? I had a next-door neighbor years ago when I was living in Denver who was the sweetest 95 year old woman you could ever imagine. While she had shingles and had been through breast cancer, she was otherwise extremely healthy, mentally sharp, a pleasure to know. She NEVER needed glasses, to the day she died, when her sister intervened, made her leave her home and move to a nursing home.
While Seth said that any physical difficulty is a sign of the self trying to solve a particular problem (I've put up a quote from Ivan Kelly from FB today (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=617)), it also has to do, first, with our beliefs.
Personally I think the only "denial" you're going through with this vision issue is your denial of the official line of consciousness and then maybe doubting yourself a little bit. My first impulse it to tell you to not let the turkeys get you down, you're on the right track. There
is no undeniable truth. There is only our beliefs. When people question us, it's because of their own insecurities or jealousy.
I hope to be able to get rid of my reading glasses at some point and also hope the lasik didn't mess up my body so much that it's unattainable. I'm thinking that since I had years of being eyeglass free, I can at least reverse myself back to that point.
BTW I have to say you inspired me last year with your travels—I'll email you or something at some point to explain in private.
Thanks Deb! I remembered reading that quote but couldn't remember where... I thought it was in the Way Towards Health, obviously I wasn't looking in the right place. ;)
What you wrote makes sense. I would add on to it by also saying that since I believe that what other people say that affects me is a reflection of at least one of my own beliefs, my reaction is a hint to uncover other limitating ones. While I work on attracting ideas to a new positive belief regarding my body, I might have an old undermining one laying around that couterfits this. At this point my beliefs are still a ball of whool waiting to be untaggled!
Now I'm going to the vet with my dog this week to get her annnual shots. I don't really believe this is necessary but since I'll be traveling with her this spring, I have no choice. Now the vet wants to do all these diagnostic tests before I even get there. I do not agree. I don't understand why I have to do tests for a virus my dog has not been exposed to yet !?! They also want to do a test for lyme disease. I know that if they detect it, they have no cure. My dog is as healthy as an ox. I just don't want to go through with this. Yet in this area of the globe, everybody is so scared of any kind of disease that they over do it all the time. The vets in my town do not trust natural treatments, or at least I haven't found one yet, and they look at me like I am crazy when I tell them that I treat her with natural remedies and I never give her antibiotics. I feel it is a battle to trust health sometimes here. :) I guess I just discovered another one of my limiting beliefs... jeeezz, they are everywhere! LOL
Ah, I understand the vet stuff. And all the diagnostics.
As humans, we can refuse all the unnecessary testing. But traveling with pets, we are captive audiences. There are hoops we have to jump through, or our wings are clipped. It's crazy.
I have to agree about the battle to trust health. The trust seems to be focused on disease.
I love the echinacea image you chose for yourself.
I was walking the dog tonight and it dawned on me the meaning of some of my dreams lately:
I was dreaming that lions and bears were attacking people. Real aggressive attacks. I was worried and partly fled with the people, warning people to be careful and find shelter, but I also realized that the lions and the bears were never charging me. I would get scared as I saw a huge grizzly heading full speed towards me only to realize and would continue passed me. I even hid in a room only to realize I was leaning on a huge sleeping male lion. It woke up and looked at me, sleepy eyed, but with no aggressiveness. A young man was next to me and the lion roared at him and prepared for attack instantly.
Maybe these dreams were there to remind me other people's fears have nothing to do with my reality. Instead of just following blindly the crowd, I should observe the details of the situation and how it affects me directly. In this case the threat was very scary and real for others, but as scary as it seemed, it didn't concern me at all. I don't know if this makes any sense, but while walking the dog I made a parallel with what the vet told me on the phone. I was just about to cave in, thinking I would give my dogs prevention treatments, and now I realize I don't need to... I need to follow my gut feeling and my beliefs.
PS. The picture was taken in my garden last summer. You can barely see it but there is a bee on it.:)
Nice dream.
You have (as we all do) a natural protection, if you feel like your being attacked by common, fear based beliefs.
Strong symbology. These animals you chose to see are the masters of their domain. Perhaps it's showing you to find that strength in yourself, and as you said, don't let the objective part of your focus (others fears) take hold within.
they look at me like I am crazy when I tell them that I treat her with natural remedies and I never give her antibiotics. I feel it is a battle to trust health sometimes here. (https://speakingofseth.com/Smileys/default/smiley.gif) I guess I just discovered another one of my limiting beliefs... jeeezz, they are everywhere! LOL
Hello Bumblebee! Nice to know of another Traveler!
My kids have a very hard time trying not to over medicate/vaccinate their kids.
Was thinking about your wanting to improve your eyesight on my walk this morning. Sometimes it helps to give ourselves a small amount of time to work in say 3 days. If I've got too big of a project to work on having an open ended cure is too over whelming. But I can focus on 3 days at a time and that is enough time also to see results.
I work with the eyesight thing myself. I can read without cheaters but if I do use them I get a headache.
I was lucky to grow up watching my CS Practioner Grandmother as she did healing so I had no resistant programming....except....she was in excellent health and walked her talk, except she needed glasses, so my subconscious excludes my eyes as being able to be healed unless I really work with it.