"Your conscious mind tells you where you are in time and space, and directs your activity in a world of human action.That world has its own kind of rich complication, that is as unknown to animals as is much of their acute realization unlnown to you. Because you have a conscious mind, then, other portions of your being rely upon it to give them an adequate picture of your situation, and to give the conscious orders for action. These orders will then be carried out. To do this, you must use that mind as completly as possible.The picture of reality in time and space that you give to your cells must be accurate. They must act on a minute-to-minute, second-to-second, microsecond-to-microsecond basis, even though their own orientation is not familiar with your time concept."
Kindle version of "Unknown Reality volume 1" 53% location 2648 of 5090 session 691...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JQm5aSjX6g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JQm5aSjX6g)
"Recently Bashar advised us that the music cords played in the first 3 minutes of Beethoven's Symphony #7, 2nd Movement, are exactly and precisely what will tap into the idea, of healing and our letting go of the past, sorrow, grief, regret, and the forgiving of ourselves. This clip includes the entire Beethoven Symphony #7 2nd Movement."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzhu4gBxxnM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzhu4gBxxnM)
BethAnne, thanks for drawing our attention to the Beethoven clip. I'll certainly give it a try.
I thank you beth for reminding me of that beethoven song...I knew about it but forgot about it.
Quote from: BethAnne (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=5754#msg5754)"Recently Bashar advised us that the music cords played in the first 3 minutes of Beethoven's Symphony #7
You know, I read that a while back when someone first introduced Bashar to the forum and so I did capture the music for my iTunes. Can't say it did anything for me but it's still in my iTunes, I should give it another shot.
I've always loved this piece of music and felt energized after hearing it, tho I can't say to what degree it helped anything. Sometimes we don't see how things affect us till later. For awhile I was listening to a binaural beat music that was supposed to activate the pineal and didn't account for how powerful it was until I realized how spaced out I was for a few days! ;D
I've mentioned before about dating a younger guy. My point is, I started resonating with him and I look much younger for a variety of reasons. ;D Just dealing with him changed my mind set. At first it had the opposite reaction. I was becoming obsessed with my age. Then I decided just to not care and enjoy the moment and I started syncing into his energy which rejuvenated me at a cellular level. The less I care what anyone else thinks the more youthful I became.
As I'm writing this I remembered something I read and I think it might have been Seth where in ancient times they would put a child with a sick person for the same reason. I've also noticed how people who have older parents have a different energy than those who have young parents. I have a friend whose parents were almost 50 when they had her and she is a bit stodgy. My mother was 17 and my programming says that adulthood should look like teenagers. ;D