~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Deb on June 24, 2016, 11:20:05 AM

Title: Inspiration: Where does it come from?
Post by: Deb on June 24, 2016, 11:20:05 AM
Quote from: voidypaul (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6204#msg6204)inspiration is directly from the inner self + does not origionate in the ego or phys' cons' personality , which is why it seems so alien or from another source because it does not have the stamp of the phys' brain or personal cons' upon it as it comes from beyond the ego + phys' reality.

@voidypaul, related to this idea, Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat Pray Love, tells a true and fantastic story about inspiration in her new book Big Magic. But in her story, the inspiration comes not specifically from her inner self—but maybe from a collective inner self, oversoul, whatever. She was inspired to write a new book, but kept resisting the process and kept the book idea to herself. One day she met author Ann Patchett and out of the blue was compelled to grab her by the arm and say "Ann, I realize we've only just met, but I have to tell you— you're extraordinary and I love you!"

Elizabeth was horrified at her own lack of self control. But Ann responded by cupping her face in her hands and kissing Elizabeth. Then she pronounced, "And I love you, Liz Gilbert." They became fast friends and corresponded for years through writing letters. It happened to come out at some point that Ann became inspired to write a novel set in the Amazon jungle (details in spoiler below). The same exact book Elizabeth wanted to write, but never did.

They both attribute the "passing off" of the book that wanted to be written as having occurred during their impulsive first meeting: "...we think the idea might have been officially transmitted on the day we met. In fact, we think it was exchanged in the kiss. And that, my friends, is Big Magic."

I've added more information below, just click on the + symbols to open the boxes. The second one on guided consciousness is especially interesting to me--catching inspiration by the tail.

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Title: Re: Inspiration: Where does it come from?
Post by: voidypaul on June 28, 2016, 03:49:35 PM

  Hi Deb ,
           this is for Barrie too as he has misunderstood this concept .

  Vol 8 ; sess 408 ,

                      S2 is spkg ,

         Inspiration always springs from beyond your system + not within it .

   paul ;       just about says it all does'nt it .

Seth ;

Such an art is impossible to describe in words. The concept has no verbal equivalent.
These creators, however, are also involved in inspiring those in all levels of reality available to them. For example, inspiration in your system is often the work of such

         So , Barrie , are quotes from S2 good enough for you or do you still think your own interpretations would be more appropriate + more meaningful ?

         Its time you pulled your finger out me old fruit + read the mat' for what it is + stop putting your own interpretations on it , which is so missleading to people on these forums + can give them ideas that will lead away from the essence + essential mat' into realms of fantasy that have little to do with what Seth has said , OK .


From S Spks ;

          As mentioned, there is the same kind of connection between that personality and
myself as the one that exists between Ruburt and myself. But in your terms, Seth Two is far further divorced from my reality than I am from Ruburt's. You can imagine Seth
Two as a future portion of me if you prefer, and yet far more is involved.

I am myself using simple terms here to try and make these ideas clearer. In a trance state, Ruburt can contact me. In a state in some ways similar to a trance, I can contact Seth Two.

Still, my experience enriches Seth Two, and his experiences enrich me to the extent
that I am able to perceive and translate them for my own use. In the same way, Ruburt's personality is expanded through relationship with me, and I also gain through
the experience

Seth Two is familiar with an entirely different set of symbols and meanings, so that,
in this case, two translations are being given - one by me and one by Ruburt.

Hopefully, certain concepts will be delivered in this way that could not be delivered
otherwise. These minglings of reality and experience, these messages from one system
to another, occur in various ways continually, emerging in your world in one guise or
another - as inspiration of many kinds. You are being helped, in other words.

paul ;    so inspiration is quite clearly not from within this system of reality Barrie + obviously Seth is S2's mouthpiece so to spk .


This is not to say that other realities do not exist. I have been conscious before your
earth was formed. To write this book - and in most of my communications with Ruburt
- I adopt from my own bank of past personalities those characteristics that seem

In other words, I may teach the same lesson in many different ways, according to the
abilities and assumptions that are inherent in any given system in which I must
operate. I use one portion of myself from many personalities that are available to my
identity in these communications, and in this book. In other systems of reality, this
particular Seth personality that I, the larger Seth identity adopt here, would not be
under stood.

The problems vary according to the system in which my pupil has his or her
existence. In your system, for example, and in connection with the woman through
whom I now write this book, initial contact on my part was made long before our
sessions began.

The personality was never consciously aware of the initial meeting. She simply
experienced sudden new thoughts, and since she is a poet, these appeared as poetic inspirations.

Words are used to tell of an experience, but they obviously are not the experience that they attempt to describe. Your physical subjective experience is so involved with
word thinking, however, that it is almost impossible for you to conceive of an experience
that is not thought-word oriented.

paul ; this also shows that direct or initial experience is not or has not anything to do with thoughts or words or forms of any kind Barrie (like void states) +  has to be translated for us to be able to exp' it .  This also occurs in the deeply protected areas of sleep as you should know Barrie , or do you ?

   peace , paul
Title: Re: Inspiration: Where does it come from?
Post by: Deb on September 21, 2016, 10:44:45 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6248#msg6248)They both attribute the "passing off" of the book that wanted to be written as having occurred during their impulsive first meeting: "...we think the idea might have been officially transmitted on the day we met. In fact, we think it was exchanged in the kiss. And that, my friends, is Big Magic."
Quote from: voidypaul (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6298#msg6298)S2 is spkg ,

         Inspiration always springs from beyond your system + not within it .

"Information does not exist by itself. Connected with it is the consciousness of all those who understand it, perceive it or originate it. So there are not records in terms of objective, forever-available banks of information into which you tune. Instead, the consciousness that held, or holds, or will hold the information attracts it like a magnet ... The information itself wants to move toward consciousness. It is not dead or inert. It is not something you grab for, it is also something that wants to be grabbed, and so it gravitates to those who seek it."
NoPR, Session 618

Cool.  :)