Have you been experiencing energy surges? Brain tickle? People around you dealing with Trust/Truth issues?
There has been some chatter out there about this past week being the Annual Opening of the Lion's Gate. Cause I got too much going on I haven't really gotten into this. But...this has been a crazy week.
The energy waves have been intense. Base of the skull. DejaVu. Head rushes with a bit of nausea. I'm coming out of it feeling uncomfortably detached.
Yes, it has been kind of crazy. I have felt a lot of fluctuations in the energies - not negatively though. Ha, it just got capped off with my experience with the Monroe Explorer series. Not for me even though quite interesting. I've got to shake it off! lol
I had a couple of days in the middle of this week where I just seemed to be in a 'blank' meditative state - like I was cruising or floating in reality.
Then I had a one day temporary work assignment, which was basically being a friendly voice on the phone/face at reception. I think I greeted about 4-5 people and answered the phone as many times in 7.5 hours. So I kind of zoned out there as well, although I had a philosophy magazine to read.
Today, I'm still going through the blankety-blank mental states. It's like anything that doesn't contribute to a 'higher' good, just isn't important enough to do and all the background mental chatter is gone, so I'm left with impulses - such as, visit the library and do some study, get the laundry done, eat this, watch that, and mostly feel somewhat blissed out, relaxed and happy about the 'future' being abundantly fruitful and positive.
Quote from: BethAnne (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6705#msg6705)Have you been experiencing energy surges?
I can't say I've noticed anything myself, only because I've been extremely distracted with company (a family of 4 from Austria, our first meeting) for the past week. But right before MY trip to Europe, a soothsayer said this to me:
"This energy is really coming for people. So what's going to happen is all of a sudden, this is August 18... we have eclipse seasons every spring and every fall, and the first eclipse will open the window and the second eclipse will close it. Happens every spring and every fall. They're called the bringers of change, and they bring change, no joke. I heard another astrologer like flat-out describe this moon coming on Saturday saying "and all of a sudden a new life will begin. All of a sudden. And you'll be like, WOW, Okay! out of nowhere. A lot of people are panicking right now and I'm suddenly packed with readings, booked solid. Everybody's flipping out, you're the only one that I'm like "you're doing it perfectly, this is awesome!" So you might get to know yourself like you've never known yourself before. You might be cracked open. Yeah, you've earned it. At this point you've earned it. You're not here to be someone you're not. You're here to be set free and exalted. Period. This is deeply compassionate, deeply empathetic, finding your place in the world that feels holy, it feels divinely driven, where you belong in the world. Your rising is Taurus, that wants you to have the very best of being alive on earth. It's saying 'I'm worthy, I was born that way,' it's at the pisces degree, that you're going to end up where ever you belong. I mean where "from above" says where you belong."
So, I guess my first reaction here is, "batten down the hatches."
Good for you, Monica, I'm glad all is good with you!!!
Wow, Deb. So to lots of us you're saying get ready to duck. Interesting!
Quote from: JimK (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6715#msg6715)So to lots of us you're saying get ready to duck.
Great to see you back on the forum
@JimK ! I sense a catalyst in you, please don't ever hold back. Methinks you have a lot to contribute.
Yes, duck, maybe. Or gung-ho. Even better, Geronimo, shouted enthusiastically by me and a couple of girlfriends on Black's Beach in San Diego many years ago. Nothing to lose. Everything to gain...?
I overheard somebody saying it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. ::)
Business as usual for me.
Cheryl, my massage gal, is a good indicator of what's going on. She agreed that a lot of her clients are having a wacky week too. LOTS of emotional issues.
"Truth" is in everyone's face around me.
So, the meteor shower has passed. I missed it...drat! Fortunately I did get to see some of it (local) on youtube and it was pretty spectacular. And now I feel like everything has smoothed out for the time being. Good!
It does feel as if things are calm now. But a need to "sweep up the dust" left behind.
I thought everything had cooled out too. Went out optimistic this morning to help my mother in law buy a new dryer at Sears. I couldn't believe it. It turned into the worst sales experience I've ever seen. It was like the salesperson was trying to nickel/dime us to death. Ended up she got what she wanted, probably a good product. During the whole thing I'd been ready to tell the salesperson where to put it. Later my mother in law said she'd been just about ready to walk out. Not a good experience.
Quote from: JimK (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=6767#msg6767)Not a good experience.
I still feel like there's more to come for me. Not sure if it's related to the meteor shower, or the eclipse I was told is coming on Aug 18.
I have to say I tried to catch the meteor shower countless times. It's been uncharacteristically cloudy here at night. Tried to view it around 10 pm, midnight, 3 am one morning, 5 am (it's still going on, from what I've heard, just had its peak on the 12th, I think). Apparently I'm not meant to see it this time.
I did see it a few years ago while attending a healer-training workshop in Sandia, NM. I wasn't aware it was going on at the time, I just stumbled on it. My favorite way to experience life. That same weekend I'd done a fire-walk: walking on hot coals. It was a magical weekend.
So... maybe we have a few more days of wacky before things settle down?
The weather forecaster on tv, talking about the heat we've been having, referred to it as the dog days of summer. Got the picture. Dogs have their favorite places to go. I think the word Don Juan used in the Castaneda books was sitio.
Trying not to confuse "just life" with Wacky!
I'm feeling much clearer but having wacky "accidents". Caught a Brown Recluse Spider in a jar...which just creeps me out. If you have never heard of them, google BR Spider bite. Then next day slipped on wood and ended up with two 1inch splinters in my foot that looked like fangs. Think I did a hairline fracture in my wrist. Then a bunch of missteps.
Normally I never deal with physical hurts.
I kept "getting" it had to do with detoxing KarmaDramaTrauma.
The neighbor, who does NOT belief this shit, had the same energy buzz and base of the skull pressure. So who knows.
I feel extremely hopeful and increased energy....clear thoughts. Less connected with past. "Remembering" memories that I know are not of my old timeline but my "new self". Very weird.
LOTS of dejavu. Daily. Dreams/Day merging.
And here we are a couple of weeks later and things are still feeling wacky. I've been noticing what could be called a buildup in tension related feelings in myself and others - aches, pains, emotional whip-outs, etc. And I noticed on FB that Sept 1st we're having a solar eclipse. Interesting.
I'm feeling it.
In today's email (https://thepowerpath.com/moon-updates/new-moonpartial-solar-eclipse-9-1-16/):
"New Moon/Eclipse Thurs Sept 1. A New Moon is always good time to reset and refine intentions and when it is accompanied by an eclipse is carries even more power. We are moving into a time of consolidating and collecting our energies for what's to come and this New Moon is a great time to review where you have been and where you wish to go.
The most important thing is to know what you want. If you don't know what you want, at least tell the truth about what you don't want. Eliminate what does not work, what no longer fits, and open the possibilities for something new to become clear and begin to emerge.
The first few days of September will be a great time to go within and to make some inner decisions and personal commitments that will put certain things into action for you in the future. It is a time to set things up in the right way, realign your goals to match your heart's desires, get the support you need, and make a plan."
@Deb thanks for the post. It does provide some good insight into what's going on. I'm looking forward to a reset.
Yes, I'm feeling it too.
Since I last posted in the thread, I've had my first experience of sleepwalking, more disturbing/psychic/nested/half-lucid dreams than in the whole year to date, and a huge push internally towards focussing on my intents.
Positive is the sense of 'knowing' I create my own reality. I've always wanted to 'know' it and have certainly intellectually believed it and had experiences of it and emotional realisations of the reality of intentional creativity. But, I've not so certainly felt that knowing as a bedrock without fear, doubt or anxiety.
My 2 c. :P
@Monica Great post. I'm really happy for you. And now you have "the knowing"...and no fear, no doubt and no anxiety. That's a perfect combination!!! ;D
Quote from: JimK (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7036#msg7036)
@Monica Great post. I'm really happy for you. And now you have "the knowing"...and no fear, no doubt and no anxiety. That's a perfect combination!!! ;D
Thank you!
It doesn't stop any antsy "gotta get x done" nervous impulses however! I've learned those are the impulses that keep me on-track for the life I prefer, by being so powerfully guiding. I'm working on practising my new-and-improved sense of reality-creation. :)
Yesterday was one of the strangest ones I've ever had, but for maybe the first time I took a mental step backwards and watched the circus happening around me. Part of my thought was that I had created it all, I was putting a show on for myself, and I liked that. I watched in wonder.
Today was a great day, like the fever broke. I thought I'd share Susan Grace's comments from FB about the 9/1 eclipse. She always has something interesting to say.
"9 hours away from the 9 Virgo Eclipse
Downloads are coming in very fucking fast.
You're okay.
You're not going crazy.
Radical Presence -
Let yourself be found.
xoxo - SG"
Today is the latest "big date" people are talking about. There's going to be a lunar eclipse of tonight's harvest moon, which supposedly will cause changes/energy shifts. I'm kind of a "wait-and-see" person, rather than someone who gets all het up about predictions, but my dreaming has been very active lately with some interesting symbolism. So...we'll see... ;D
Edit: I should have checked before I posted. The lunar eclipse actually occurred earlier today. It was during the morning for the U.S. West Coast, so it wasn't visible.
Yesterday was really pretty good - really nice, in fact. For me, life is kind of like surfing the flow, among other things but I'm hoping that we've finally hit the"reset" button and that we'll have some easy balance for awhile. :) C'est la vie, it just keeps changing but I really do love it!